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Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums?

Bluzeki  - | 30
17 Dec 2017   #211
I was referring to the OP's title of the thread
"Americans of Polish decent"
We have foreign trolls responding instead.
kaprys  3 | 2076
17 Dec 2017   #212
Come on, why would a leftie care what the Pope thinks or any other religious leader?
As for Catholics and Poles not giving a damn about him, check the numbers at Światowe Dni Młodzieży last year.
So could you please explain why you think he's for lefties?
Joker  2 | 2390
17 Dec 2017   #213
It's 'priests' like Rydzyk and his helicopter/maybach

So, its true. Ive heard that Rydzyk flies around Poland in his own helicopter.

He took advantage of this elderly Polish couple that used to own a little deli/store here in Chicago.

Rydzyk doesn't bless anything for free! It cost them a Rolex, besides a first class ticket and a swanky hotel room.

His blessing didn't work either. 3 months later they closed down the business.
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Dec 2017   #214
Come on, why would a leftie care what the Pope thinks or any other religious leader?

They don't! They frequently make lame attempts to tell Catholics how THEY would like THEM to vote or what choices to make in politicks. Using as their props ups words of religious figures, and if the pope as this case might be is very vague and ambiguous in the way he expresses himself they just jump on those phrases and opinions with renewed vigor.

As for Catholics and Poles not giving a damn about him,

Geez, the pope have no say in anything else but religious dogmas while speaking officially ex-cathedra. Interviews, speeches, his opinions so on can be very well skipped and are skipped by the most people. If kids want to see the pope they are there mostly to see a symbol a head of their religion, it would not matter if somebody else was in his stead.

There are only few issues in todays politics that can be and are influenced by religious beliefs - most of them are not.

His blessing didn't work either. 3 months later they closed down the business.

Seems they are loaded regardless so might be that closed business was good for the salvation of their souls.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
18 Dec 2017   #215
So what a man of God can't enjoy the finer things on this earth lol the owner of the tallest residential building in eu (skytower) is a bishops son..

Poles don't care about the new pope...not like jp2 anyway
Polski15  - | 1
14 Nov 2021   #216
Do you or your cousins in Chicago know the Topps family? I'm sure they do, I'm just interested in finding out more of my family. In the Topps family

Home / Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums?

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