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Is Społem popular in Poland

amiga500  5 | 1544
18 Nov 2020   #1
I must admit I have never seen a Społem grocery store when I have visited Poland, but this article piqued my interest. Great description of the history of food co-operatives. I wonder if the pioneers of this were Marxist or Christian in the late 19th Century? Anyone shop there?

However counterintuitive it may seem, we should start tracing the history of Społem by going to Rochdale, near Manchester, where the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers was founded in the year 1844. It is generally agreed to be the first consumer co-operative in the world, and the rules established by its members serve as a foundation for many contemporary co-operatives, including Społem.
cms neuf  2 | 1958
18 Nov 2020   #2
Oh they were just great and we really miss them - convenient opening hours, the best products served fresh, excellent service from pretty smiling young girls. They always seemed to have exactly what you needed
Lenka  5 | 3548
18 Nov 2020   #4
In my hometown we still have a few including one in the square.

-usually good/great localized
-local produce 99%. I even once saw.a farmer just delivering some leeks,lettuce etc in a small hand held wagon
-usually pretty good selection of goods considering space.

-awful, and I mean AWFUL customer service. That takes like first 10 places
-no promotions etc. Flat, not so low, prices.
-outdated, not nice interior. unaesthetic
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Nov 2020   #5
-outdated, not nice interior. unaesthetic

This sounds like an excellent opportunity to start a thriving business venture.

- convenient opening hours, the best products served fresh, excellent service from pretty smiling young girls.

And clean, nothing worse then having rotten produce under a table or rats running around.
I was wondering what I would do to keep me busy when I retired in Poland.
Thank you for the great idea Lenka.
OP amiga500  5 | 1544
19 Nov 2020   #6
what I would do to keep me busy when I retired in Poland.

Great if you run a Społem or Korepatywa will gladly volunteer when i visit polska :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Nov 2020   #7
Społem grocery store

You have to be careful with them, because some of them are now for-profit businesses with similar branding to other ones.

For what it's worth, I don't really value them. They're overpriced compared to other supermarkets, the service is usually lousy, the products are pretty bland... meh, pass. I rather prefer the eko-shops that have opened up everywhere in the last few years.
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Feb 2021   #8
food co-operatives.

I never quite figured out how (or even if) you could join Społem. No information in store at all.

-awful, and I mean AWFUL customer service.

I noticed that; it was actively bad.

Having food that's fresh and local is a big plus over Żabka or Carrefour Express though.

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