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Replace meat with bugs - new trend in Poland

pawian  226 | 27558
25 Feb 2023   #1
The trend was first concocted in Europe to save the earth. And Poland is expected to follow.

However, Polish PiS rightists are saying a big NO to bugs. They post selfies with giant steaks and proudly vow they won`t give them up. They also accuse the antiPiS opposition of secret plans to deprive Poles of their sacred right to their traditional piece of meat.

Proudly presenting rightist steaks:

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Alien  25 | 6430
25 Feb 2023   #2
Steak is better than an insect, even @pawian must know it.đŸ„©đŸȘČ
OP pawian  226 | 27558
25 Feb 2023   #3
Steak is better than an insect,

Not quite. It isn`t good for the planet. And not as crispy as a bug.
jon357  72 | 23506
25 Feb 2023   #4
We eat prawns which are just watery bugs, and sausages are made from intestines.

I don't fancy bugs myself, but they're probably no more gross than a lot of things we eat.
25 Feb 2023   #5
Bugs are commonly eaten in places like Thailand but can't say I'd be lining up to eat them myself :(
OP pawian  226 | 27558
25 Feb 2023   #6
sausages are made from intestines.

Actually, we have been eating bugs for decades, as natural carminic acid used to give red colouring to our food.

It is a red glucosidal hydroxyanthrapurin that occurs naturally in some scale insects, such as the cochineal, Armenian cochineal, and Polish cochineal. The insects produce the acid as a deterrent to predators.
Alien  25 | 6430
25 Feb 2023   #7
isn`t good for the planet

Du you think it would be better for our planet to replace chicken farms with locust farms?
OP pawian  226 | 27558
25 Feb 2023   #8
chicken farms

Steaks mentioned above don`t come from chicken farms. :):):)
Alien  25 | 6430
25 Feb 2023   #9
Oh sorry, from cattle farm.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
25 Feb 2023   #10
from cattle farm.

Read the text below.

Polish PiS rightists are saying a big NO to bugs. They post selfies with

To be honest, not all of them. PiS chairman`s niece, Marta KaczyƄska, encourages Poles to go for bug diet.

Marta KaczyƄska in her weekly column in the right wing weekly "Sieci" decided to refer to the law in force since January 1, which allows the sale of insects as food in Polish stores. As it turns out, the daughter of the deseased presidential couple considers it an excellent solution and enumerates the benefits of eating worms.

According to KaczyƄska, recognizing edible insects as a component of our menu is a "return to ancient traditions". In addition, their introduction to the market is "meeting the growing demand for food." She points out that although the human population is increasing, "there is not enough land for animal husbandry and plant cultivation". In contrast, " insects are food that does not require much space, food or water to grow. They do not pollute the environment or produce greenhouse gases, as is the case with traditionally farmed animals."

JarosƂaw KaczyƄski's niece enumerated the advantages of recognizing insects as food. These include:

- ease of breeding insects, because they adapt to life in different climatic conditions
- they have less ability to transmit diseases and are edible in 80%
- they are a valuable source of protein and minerals, as well as, for example, omega-3 fatty acids

KaczyƄska, listing various countries where insects are eaten, said: - In such a great variety of "dishes", many people can certainly find something not only healthy, but also tasty. The only barrier is our culture, which for centuries has accustomed us to treat insects as disgusting creatures (...). It is only a matter of time before our Polish palates get used to eating insects, etc. (...) .

Amasing woman!

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Alien  25 | 6430
25 Feb 2023   #11
Oh, I think, I'm falling in love with a dung beetle.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
25 Feb 2023   #12
Male or female???
Alien  25 | 6430
25 Feb 2023   #13
Aren't they bisex?, or at least homo.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
25 Feb 2023   #14
Alien, stop it. You are taking it too far. This thread is about dropping meat diet and adopting bug one.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
24 Oct 2023   #15
PiS gangsters proved big hypocrite azholes again.

In the spring, politicians of the United Right warned that the European Union "will order Poles to eat worms." For several weeks, they raised alarms, among others: large illustrations or videos of insects that they posted on social media. They suggested that they were the only ones defending the independence of the Polish plate. The goal was simple: to create a message that the European Union is losing itself in an irrational reality, and United Right politicians are the conservative anchor of Europe.advertisement

The problem is that the words from a few months ago were not followed by actions. Last week, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the European Protein Strategy . 307 parliamentarians were in favor of it, including the vast majority of PiS MEPs .

The document, which mostly refers to the use of protein from insects in the agricultural sector, reads, among others:"the processing of protein crops and grasslands generates by-products that can be used in ways that support the development of a circular economy, for example by using them for human consumption , renewable energy, fertilizers, animal feed or green chemicals","animal breeding can contribute to the production of protein in a highly digestible form for human nutrition","the growing potential of insect protein for human consumption , and especially for animal feed."There are more references in the resolution directly pointing to people eating "protein from insects".

OP pawian  226 | 27558
27 Mar 2024   #16
Korwin Mikke is running for the mayor of Warsaw. Support for him is at 2% but he isn`t giving up.
Here`s what he said and did with a cricket during today`s debate of all candidates:

-Later, during a discussion on health issues, he stated that "what harms people the most, I mean men, is the lack of meat." - Why do you check a pig to see if it's healthy and not a cricket? - he said, taking out a box from his pocket. - Or maybe cricket is unhealthy too. Let me check. This cricket may be sick - he said to RafaƂ Trzaskowski, throwing the contents of the box towards him, which probably contained the mentioned insect. However, the insect most likely failed to reach the mayor of Warsaw.

After the debate, Korwin-Mikke confirmed that he had thrown a cricket at the mayor of Warsaw. "Yes, I threw a cricket at RafaƂ Trzaskowski. If he wants to eat them, then please let him eat them!" - wrote on the website X.

That Mikke is a cruel azhole - he tortures animals!
Alien  25 | 6430
27 Mar 2024   #17
That Mikke is a cruel azhole - he tortures animals!

and Trzaskowski
jon357  72 | 23506
28 Mar 2024   #18
we have been eating bugs for decades, as natural carminic acid

That's cochineal. Not much used now domestically however it still exists.

Anyway, we probably ingest lots of tiny bugs every day, especially summer.

Korwin Mikke

That guy is not so much a big as a louse.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
28 Mar 2024   #19
however it still exists

Still exists and even thrives coz consumers prefer natural additives to synthetic ones.
jon357  72 | 23506
28 Mar 2024   #20
consumers prefer natura

Perhaps, however what you see in the shops in Poland and elsewhere tends to be synthetic now.

Cheaper to make food additives in a vat somewhere rather than wring out beetles.
Robin1988  10 | 68
28 Mar 2024   #21
is this an example of Aliens taking over.
mafketis  38 | 11168
28 Mar 2024   #22
The western elite push for the proles to start muching in bugs has not been met with enthusiasm (to put it mildly) and I don't predict any more success in Poland.

I will not live in a pod, I will not eat the bugs.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
28 Mar 2024   #23
tends to be synthetic now.

Yes,, tends but there are exceptions. Some fruit yoghurts contain ground bugs:,1152/n,bakoma-premium-jogurt-truskawkowy/stn,product

is this an example of Aliens taking over.

Yes, those Aliens are bugs. Did you see the film Starship Troopers from 1997???
jon357  72 | 23506
30 Mar 2024   #24
Some fruit yoghurts contain ground bugs:


The amount of sugar in the main brands of tougher in PL is even worse than the crushed beetles.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
30 Mar 2024   #25

Yuk but healthy! :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27558
10 Feb 2025   #26
We need more bugs in our diet.
Just look what this Polish citizen is buying - tons of pork. Sb will suffer terribly after consuming it all.

  • a
Alien  25 | 6430
10 Feb 2025   #27
Polish citizen

It's some Vietnamese.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
10 Feb 2025   #28
Exactly! A Vietnamese who turned into a Polish citizen. That`s what I said.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 566
10 Feb 2025   #29
and sausages are made from intestines.

What? New repulsive kind of English sausage? The civilized use of intestines is the containment of grounded meat.

Home / Food / Replace meat with bugs - new trend in Poland

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