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KETO DIET - is it known in Poland?

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
7 Jul 2020   #1
I started my KETO journey last year for weight loss/self improvement. Anyone with experience in it? Does anyone in Poland do it?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
7 Jul 2020   #2
I did it for about half a year, wanted to know too what all the fuss was about...couldn't stand it longer lose weight definitely, but you get a mean feeling in your mouth (for me the most disturbing thing)...if you don't watch your salt you get headaches and frankly all the time a quite similiar food get's boring...In time I missed my carbs and my fruits and what not horribly.

My personal it sometimes, do it even regularly but it's not for all the time or even a longer time.

PS: But you get out of it smarter, be it even because you learn the science behind good and bad fats...
johnny reb  49 | 7974
7 Jul 2020   #3
And my personal opinion is about the same as yours B.B.
The best diet is to avoid all the sugar that you can.
Difficult to do when it comes to drinks of any kind.
Stay away from pasta, potato's, breads and wheat.
FRESH fruits and vegetables and small portions of red lean meat, chicken and pork.

As far as the Keto diet goes ..................
The Keto weight loss diet has no fewer than SEVEN side-effects - and you are not gonna like them.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
7 Jul 2020   #4
The best diet is to avoid all the sugar that you can.


That's it! I fully agree....I cut down even my beloved bread and potatoes and it showed....fresh veggies and fruits are a good exchange!
Spike31  3 | 1485
7 Jul 2020   #5
@Mr Grunwald, I've tried it for a while and later on modified it for my needs to the point that it stopped being a KETO diet anymore :-)

My overall body fat is low (below 10%) and I workout hard on a regular basis so I need my carbs to keep me going, and also more proteins than a strick keto diet provide to rebuild my muscles.

BTW. KETO diet was popularized with Tim Ferris book "Tools of Titans".
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
7 Jul 2020   #6
what I found out was saltwater (preferably quality salwater/himalayan salt) makes you retain water as you are on KETO and my migraines have stopped thanks to KETO. Also the listed symptoms is of when you are in the transfer phase. I have never felt better, and Ove been on KETO/low carb like a year now. I have only felt bad when I tries playing soccer Once.

I still got like 26% body fat, and my aim is 10-12% body fat so I will keep on going! :)
Also I stopped eating/drinking refined sugers for a whole year before I started with KETO. I think it helped me a lot
johnny reb  49 | 7974
7 Jul 2020   #7
makes you retain water as you are on KETO and my migraines have stopped thanks to KETO.

Funny you say that Mr. G as that totally makes sense.
I had migraines for years and went to countless doctors to no avail besides getting some kick ass pain killers.
One day I stumbled onto an excellent Nutritionist some years ago and she ask me how much water I was drinking a day.
When I told her none she was horrified and said at least three twelve ounce glasses per day.
I am proud to say I haven't had a migraine since.
So it sounds like you are very educated on diet and nutrition Mr. Grunwald.
Keep up the good work as without your health you have nothing.
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
7 Jul 2020   #8
Johnny reb, I am just researching it privately as much as I can. I never knew about ketones and how they work, I was positively surpised how my body works in that area. Was never good in biology, now I am just working up lost years in school
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
7 Jul 2020   #9
I never knew about ketones

Does it give you dogs breath (meat only) or fart'y (Vegetarian) smell, or something worse.

When I was dating all the girls that I came across on a diet smelled badly in one place or another , quite amazing what diet can do when you think about it.
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
7 Jul 2020   #10
First phase of the KETO lifestyle is bad breath, it gets gone after a while (like? 6 months? Ish?) so I have no problems with bad breath anymore. One just has to stick to it
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
7 Jul 2020   #11
I don't mean bad breath, I mean a horrible feeling inside your mouth and that perpetual dryness, I felt the need to sip something all the time...that put me so off and that never ended.
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
7 Jul 2020   #12
@Bratwurst Boy
Did you drink something except water with seasalt in it?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
7 Jul 2020   #13
Coffee, lots of coffee...I don't have blood in my veins but coffee! :)
johnny reb  49 | 7974
7 Jul 2020   #14
If you would have read the article I posted in post #3 it tells you that one of the side effects is bad breath.
If you drink large amounts of coffee......try quit drinking it for a few days and watch the headache you will experience from the withdrawals from the caffeine.

Doesn't seem like people in Poland are that interested in nutrition.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
7 Jul 2020   #15
bad breath, it gets gone after a while (like? 6 months? Ish?)

Jesus why didn't anyone tell me earlier in life, I have dumped some very beautiful intelligent women because I couldn't deal with their dog breath not knowing it might be temporary. I tried everything including suggesting that they start smoking (Cover it up) .

Have any of the wenches had this problem with blokes .
pawian  224 | 27236
11 Jul 2020   #16
I tried everything including suggesting that they start smoking (Cover it up)

Do you tolerate garlic? That would work better than smoking. And much healthier, plus it`s an aphrodisiac.
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
23 Jul 2020   #17
Bad luck @dolnoslask

You can just Google symptoms+KETO and you can useally find answers in English as it's quite popular in America now from what I understand
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
27 Aug 2021   #18

Then I recommend KETO, OMAD/Intermittent fasting. It has done wonders for me personally boosting and improving my health to such levels that I am now rarely sick and generally feel safe without having to worry about COVID even.

Used to catch the cold like 3-4 times a year, now it's 0 or once a year. Used to have 116 kg (mostly fat) then I shrunk to 78 kg within a 1,5 years. Now I weight 83 kg with muscles building up. Doing pull ups push-ups without a sweat.

I sincerely recommend it, hope for Vincent to live long and prosper. Don't want the forum to go away
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Aug 2021   #19
KETO diet is great for younger people but us old farts have to be very careful on it.
It is definitely the ticket to shed kilos if you are serious about it.
When I was on it I was only allowed 40 carbs (sugar) a day
Give that a try....Yikes !
That equals ONE CAN of coca-cola total for your carbs for a day !
Since there is no sugar in your body for your ketos to burn your ketos turn to burning your fat.
And sugar is what causes inflammation that lowers your immune system and causes most aliments.
In fact cancer can not live without a sugar source.

I sincerely recommend it,

As do I BUT you have to be very serious about it.
I started out on only 20 carbs a day for my first week and about starved to death eating tuna, berries and nuts.
Novichok  4 | 8748
27 Aug 2021   #20
Used to have 116 kg (mostly fat) then I shrunk to 78 kg within a 1,5 years.

That is beyond remarkable as it required a daily deficit of 540 calories - every day - while the body screams and your wife asks if you would like another serving of what she spent hours preparing. That is why I like eating out. I eat what's in front of me and that's it. "No more bullets...".

So, instead of starving, I eliminated all sugar, including alcohol. The worst part of that is feeling dizzy.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
27 Aug 2021   #21
@johnny reb
Which is why good quality salt with water is good to avoid anything bad, it prevents headaches or generally feeling bad. On KETO the body just flushes out nutrients cause there is no sugar to hold on the water.

Your spot on with the sugar causing inflammation, pausing body's focus on other areas until it's "done"

High fat intake should help with the hunger when you eat.

That is a problem but, with high fat amount. You get enough calories to not go hungry. I don't know what to recommend for people above 40 y.o age group tho as I haven't checked it myself.

What wife has to say... That's none of my business and too much of a minefield for me to recommend anything!

If it's dizziness it's most likely lack of electrolytes, I would google it I were you and add quality salt to some water while drinking (very small doses, your taste buds should guide you)

Himalayan salt or sea salt should work
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Aug 2021   #22
I were you and add quality salt to some water while drinking (very small doses, your taste buds should guide you)

"Quality" is the key word there.
My nutritionist advised sitting in a bath tub of water with epsom salt (a whole box of it added) to let your body absorb the magnesium that has been lost.

I could go on and on about the Keto diet but anyone can google most of it.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
27 Aug 2021   #23
@johnny reb
I take magnesium (pills?)Tabletki
But, if I had a bathtub I would for sure do your method as the body absorbs it better that way. So I have heard.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Aug 2021   #24
And what now amazes me is when I go into a grocery store and see fat peoples carts full of Bread, Pasta, Processed Meats, Potatoes, Processed frozen foods, canned soups, potato chips, ice cream, Pepsi and they wonder why they can't lose weight. :-/

You ask them where the fresh green vegetables are and they say, "oh, I don't like vegetables" as they waddle away.
If you ate the right foods you would not need vitamin pills and like you said, you would seldom get sick.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
27 Aug 2021   #25
@johnny reb
I love vegtebables! Only need to spice it and add some fat to it (non-heated olive oil or butter)
Honestly people don't know what they are missing out
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Aug 2021   #26
We have been conditioned here in the U.S. for fast and easy foods.
Sugar and high carb foods
The big pharmaceutical companies lobby for government officials to promote poor foods that poison our bodies in America.
Have you had your Covid vaccine yet ?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
27 Aug 2021   #27
@johnny reb
Why bother? I have a strong immune system now, I worry more about side effects then building up resistance as I am healthy
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Aug 2021   #28
I never believed in diet as a weight loss solution,for me work out is a permanent gets quick results but always brings back the fat and you suffer too much changing diets.It is very hard to change eating habits.I eat junk food but make sure I burn 500 and more calories just in cardio everyday,and over 500 between swimming,weights and machines lol and not to mention socializing for 3/5 hours every morning in the club.LOL and 4/5 shots of vodka every evening.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
28 Aug 2021   #29
@Cargo pants
Working out is important, it's a smaller part of your health tho. Doesn't help if your building up good muscles and burn energy if your organs are getting worse.

The yo-yo effect you speak of comes out of the calories in-calories out mentality which is wrong.

The less you eat (calories wise) the less you will burn internally over time. If you eat little calories and stop exercising you are gonna become a land whale very quickly.

I would suggest eating as many calories as possible, and fewest possible meals per day.
Having your body used to burning a lot while digesting food, leads to burn a lot of stored energy when not eating. You need more then 15 hours to START burning your storage fat, otherwise your body will scream for carbs all the time.

Your eating habits are important (if you want to eat mostly fats, avoid bacon and low quality fats. Fats from quality meat, like cows or oxen that haven't been added hormones etc)

Research has shown that athletes tend to have high performance but, very bad health. Check it out yourself, do a scan of your internal organs to see if your healthy.

With that lifestyle you mention I highly doubt it
@Cargo pants
12 Mar 2022   #30

Keto , low carb no sugar food rin poland

ill be next month at poland and i would like to know if there any any places to find Keto , low carb no sugar food stores in poland ?

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