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British food products in Poland?

Joker  2 | 2449
24 Jan 2021   #241
Baked beans for breakfast is an abomination unto the Lord.

Scrambled eggs and beer is much worse! haha

Gyros is the Greek version of Shawarma (more or less kebab in Europe).

I think there pretty good but keep burping up that sauce for 2 days afterwards and its not so good for the breath either.

In Mexico the food differs strongly by region and is mostly unlike US Mexican food (originally from the border region).

TexMex is another version, but I dont like getting into all that crazy hot sauce and peppers. I like the authentic style Nachos that have the fried beans on them and melted cheese in the oven. I uusally get the Enchiladas for dine in and Burritos on the go.

Polish guy who has 4 REAL mexican cooks{I s

Thats who you need some vatos that can make good tortillas. I hope they dont open a taco bell in Poland!!

What about Tequilla?? Yikes!!
Lenka  5 | 3543
24 Jan 2021   #242
Scrambled eggs and beer


As to the beans- I don't eat English breakfast but on the past if my Mom made 'fasolka po bretońsku' I would eat it for every meal until it was gone.

Nachos that have the fried beans on them...Enchiladas...Burritos.

You make me hungry! But instead of tequila I will go for beer :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Jan 2021   #243
I think there pretty good

You might like souvlaki - - I was in Cyprus last year, and it was incredible stuff. I found one place in Nicosia where people were going in, handing over money and just getting one to go without any formality. The beauty was that everything was fresh - the meat was being cooked constantly, the salad was incredibly fresh, and the bread was being constantly prepared as well. All it needed was some lemon juice and job done.
jon357  72 | 23516
24 Jan 2021   #244
Scrambled eggs and beer

An ideal breakfast. Apart from the scrambled eggs.
jon357  72 | 23516
26 Jan 2021   #245
Off to Dealz in a minute, now godzina seniora's finished. The last few times I've been, they've had no malt vinegar and no HP. Is there anywhere else that sells them in Warsaw?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #246,vinegar
jon357  72 | 23516
26 Jan 2021   #247
I'm never keen on online shops, however it's tempting.

MiniEuropa used to have it at a price.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jan 2021   #248
Is there anywhere else that sells them in Warsaw?

Auchan sells HP sauce, or at least they used to.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #249
I'm never keen on online shops, however it's tempting.

They have a shop in Warsaw.

The British Shop stationary store is located in Warsaw at 12 Emilii Plater Street , it is the section between Wilcza and Hoża Streets (closer to Wilcza), on the right side towards the Marriott Hotel.
jon357  72 | 23516
26 Jan 2021   #250
They have a shop in Warsaw.

I know it.

They have some interesting things, however they're famous for being extravagantly expensive. I once did some shopping in there and worked out that it would have been cheaper to get a wizzair to Doncaster Airport and pay for the baggage coming back.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #251

Yeah HP sauce 16zl , but you got to admit its nice to have, cut down on the aftershave or something its worth it.
jon357  72 | 23516
26 Jan 2021   #252
I'm more interested in malt vinegar (there's still some HP left from when Dealz last had it). Nothing else is better on chips and useful for pickling too.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #253
Don't waste the good stuff on pickling, I use the white vinegar from tesco, I cant tell the difference, if its a choice between Sarsons malt vinegar and aftershave Sarsons wins hands down:)
jon357  72 | 23516
26 Jan 2021   #254
white vinegar

That's OK if you dilute it to pickle.

if its a choice between Sarsons malt vinegar and aftershave Sarsons wins hands down:)

The same. Mind you, in Poland aftershave is often cheaper than Sarson's...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #255
That's OK if you dilute it to pickle.

Use Brown sugar.....

The same. Mind you, in Poland aftershave is often cheaper than Sarson's...

HaHaHa Naughty but probably true.
jon357  72 | 23516
26 Jan 2021   #256
Use Brown sugar....

That does actually work a bit...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #257
Let me guess you pickle onions like me cos you can't buy them here.
jon357  72 | 23516
26 Jan 2021   #258
Mostly red cabbage or beetroot. I prefer the British type to the Polish. Sometimes we do onions, and also ogórki kiszone. Plickled chilli too, and my OH makes kimchi which I can't stand.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #259
Kimchi Yuk.

I pickle red peppers , they taste great chopped up as a pizza topping
jon357  72 | 23516
26 Jan 2021   #260
red peppers

We've made chilli sauce (tabasco style) a few times. Not too hard as long as everything's sterile.

To make pickled red cabbage (or beetroot), it needs mild vinegar, allspice and peppercorns. Those two work well with gherkins also.

I find the Polish red cabbage in jars to be mild; probably OK for heating up but no kick from being pickled. They're cut very finely as well. You can make them just about OK by pouring some of the liquid out of the jar and replacing with vinegar however you never get that crunch.

Definitely off to Dealz now. I meant to ages ago but sat around online instead.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jan 2021   #261
I pickle red peppers

How do you do it, Dolno?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #262
part of water to half of vinegar plus salt and sugar.

add cut peppers to pickling fluid and boil for 10 mins , put it all in jars job done.
jon357  72 | 23516
26 Jan 2021   #263
Do you sterilise the jars in the oven? I used to but gave up and haven't lost a jar yet.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #264
Do you sterilise the jars in the oven?

I do that with fruit preserves, but I don't when pickling , the sugar and vinegar kills most things, I use old pickle and bought beetroot jars sometimes I don't wash them if I recently used up the ingredients, not killed me yet.
jon357  72 | 23516
26 Jan 2021   #265
back from Dealz. They had Sweet Fanny Adams. Just confectionary (though there are reduced chocolate oranges), odd sauces, some of them German and breakfast cereals that I hadn't heard of.
Atch  22 | 4299
26 Jan 2021   #266
Do you sterilise the jars in the oven?

When I make jam, or mincemeat for Christmas, I just put the jars and lids in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes, then fish them out and let them dry off, put the lid on while the contents are still hot. Like you, I've never had anything go off.

back from Dealz. They had Sweet Fanny Adams.

Oh dear, that's not good.

Auchan sells HP sauce, or at least they used to.

They haven't had any for a while now. Brexit rears its ugly head again, methinks.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #267
I just put the jars and lids in a pot of boiling wate

Yep that's the proper way to sterilize jars and create a vacuum seal, in the old days a disc of wax paper would also be put on top.
jon357  72 | 23516
26 Jan 2021   #268
If they've come straight out of the dishwasher they're OK.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jan 2021   #269
job done

Thanks Dolno, I'd never thought about doing it, but having jars of mixed peppers would be incredibly helpful when cooking some things.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jan 2021   #270
but having jars of mixed peppers

Its not just like having peppers easily to hand , I find that peppers which have been pickled add something extra to some dishes and go beyond to just plain fresh bell peppers.

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