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Best hypermarket to shop for foods in Poland?

QRT  3 | 3
20 Sep 2010   #1
Which one do you prefer to shop at? Here is what I found out...

Carrefour - good onion bread
Auchan - looks like a food warehouse
LeClerc - cheap, good meat selection, onion bread...ok
Real - good candy selection, can be overpriced
Tesco - open 24/7 :) soft bread
Bomi - overpriced but nice international selection
Alma - same as Bomi
Lidl - same as Aldi
Biedronka - good deal on shrimp, only has candy and moldy fruit, overpriced same as Lidl
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Sep 2010   #2
onion bread

onion bread...ok

soft bread

you like bread, huh? especially the onion one...

Which one do you prefer to shop at?

i don't know... it has to be open, close to home and cheap, but good quality... is it too much to ask for?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
20 Sep 2010   #3
Real - good candy selection, can be overpriced

Real can be overpriced, but sometimes has very good offers. Heinz beans were about 3zl a can a few weeks ago.

Biedronka - good deal on shrimp, only has candy and moldy fruit, overpriced same as Lidl

biedronka is dirt cheap. i managed a meal for seven today for less than 20zl.
Dont gag me yo  7 | 155
3 Mar 2013   #4
Merged: Czerwona torebka in Poland - platform for retail trade

Anyone here has any experience with them,or have any information about them?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
3 Mar 2013   #5
for those who don't know:
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 May 2013   #7
Anyone here has any experience with them,or have any information about them?

Look at who is behind them and you've got your answer.

Now would certainly be a wise time to buy shares.
18 May 2013   #8
8.5% netto is not a good deal?
Alien  26 | 6527
20 Sep 2022   #9
Real, Tesco, Alma...they are all out. What is with Bomi?
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Sep 2022   #10
What is with Bomi?

I haven't seen one for years.

Leclerc and Carrefour are still here. Piotr i Paweł became Spar (the Dutch version rather than the original British). There's Lidl, a few branches of Aldi too. The Coop (as in Społem) have several biggish shops in Warsaw, there are smaller local chains like Lewiatan however the biggest chain by far is Bedronka.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
20 Sep 2022   #11
Bomi closed in about 2008 - so did the other luxury concept, Alma. Both overexpanded into smaller towns.

By number of stores Dino is now just behind Biedronka, but way behind in total sales.

Netto is still developing after buying the last few Tesco stores.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Sep 2022   #12

Doesn't ring any bells; is it a regional one?

Tesco stores

Those cheaper Tesco shops used to be Lider Price which belonged to Grant. Not bad for basic stuff.

There's also the Dealz food section which is very hit and miss, especially since brexit. Good for a few products though.

Do you remember Villa and Robert? Both were useless. I think Robert was bought out by Carrefour and I'm not sure what happened to Billa.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
20 Sep 2022   #13
You need to get out of Warsaw :) Dino is massive in the Polish countryside. The owner is I think in the top 5 richest Poles now. Shops are not very nice but they have a presence even in villages of 1000-2000 people.

Billa was bought by Leclerc - long time ago, maybe 2010
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Sep 2022   #14
You need to get out of Warsaw :)

Smoke starts coming out of my ears if I go more than a few miles from the end of the metro.

Seriously, I'll look out for Dino.

It's biedronka that have the market in Warsaw, that and Carrefour Express. A nice alternative is the coop. They've got big stores in Żoliborz, Marymont and Bielany.

Spar are quite posh. They bought Piotr i Paweł.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Sep 2022   #15
Netto is still developing

I like it, there is one not far from our village. It has one product which I can`t buy anywhere else: a tin of fried winter sprats. Delicious! I can eat the content with a spoon straight from the can like Nutella.
Alien  26 | 6527
24 Sep 2022   #16
Which Netto do you mean? There are 2 of them, German and Danish. Danish has a doggy in the logo.
mafketis  38 | 11260
24 Sep 2022   #17
German and Danish.

I don't think the German one is in Poland... is it... nicer than it used to be? It used to be a bit depressing (worse than biedronka when it was bad) they didn't even try to look like a big box with a bunch of cheap crap piled in....
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Sep 2022   #18
Danish has a doggy in the logo.

Yes, this one. I like black interior decor of Danish Netto stores coz it is pleasant and unassuming. German Lidl black interior decor feels depressive and oppressive. I don`t know why and how Danes do it. Lighting? The secret power of hygge???
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Sep 2022   #19
like black interior decor of Danish Netto stores

  • 12.jpg

  • 2.jpg
Alien  26 | 6527
25 Sep 2022   #20
The Netto in the picture is so nice, completely different to the Danish Netto in Germany that is chaotic.
mafketis  38 | 11260
25 Sep 2022   #21
Danish Netto in Germany that is chaotic.

they used to look pretty bad in Poland too, it felt like going to a ghetto (which is why I haven't been in one in many years) I should probably try again....
8 Nov 2024   #22
Which one is 100% Polish-owned?
jon357  72 | 23654
8 Nov 2024   #23
There always Spolem.

It's supposed to be a co-op though I've never figured out how to join and there aren't any posters in the shops about it. I once asked someone how to join and just got a blank look.
8 Nov 2024   #24
Makes me wonder if PEWEX was actually Polish-owned. Still, whoever lived in Poland during those times can confirm Pewex was a breeze of the West for Polish people.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Nov 2024   #25
100% Polish-owned

Dino, which has been expanding rapidly lately. Over 2000 outlets.

if PEWEX was actually Polish-owned.

Yes, in communist times it was owned by the state coz communists needed hard currency.
mafketis  38 | 11260
8 Nov 2024   #26
Pewex was a breeze of the West for Polish people.

All the Iron Curtain countries had equivalents of Pewex, but AFAIK only Poland let local people go there freely. I remember seeing one in Budapest and trying to go in and not being allowed, even after showing an American passport. Apparently it was only for foreigners resident in the country...
Alien  26 | 6527
8 Nov 2024   #27
In Pewex, when Poland was already free, I bought Yardley's men's perfumes. I have never found a similar scent anywhere else since.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
8 Nov 2024   #28
I bought Yardley's men's perfumes.

Really? Men's perfumes??? Since when did men need perfumes??
Alien  26 | 6527
9 Nov 2024   #29
Since when did men need perfumes??

Since I started shaving, to soothe my skin.
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Nov 2024   #30
Since when did men need perfumes??

Since some of them like you started going out of the sewer and attended public places. Simple.

Home / Food / Best hypermarket to shop for foods in Poland?
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