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Polish Pizza !! The best in the world?

Sebastian  6 | 108
8 Apr 2011   #151
Damn Pennboy, thats one delicious looking pizza!
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
6 Jun 2011   #152
Personally if there is one food I am not keen on in Poland it is pizza. They should stick to traditional Polish food over there as it is quite delicious.
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2011   #153
Crow, yes, you are right. It sounds very similar to drink (picia). I thought sb was offering me sth for a vagina when they were just offering me sth to drink.

Anyway, Polish pizza is pretty good. I'm a fan of it but the Italians and Americans will always do it a little better. I can't eat much pizza due to summer quickly approaching.

What are Polish known brands? I tend to find that, as is the case with many Polish producers, that they are produced by some obscure, local maker.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
6 Jun 2011   #154
I live in New York & I am sure the best Pizza place is just a 200 foot walk away from my house LOL

I never had Polish pizza.

I know when I go to other parts of the U.S I hate the pizza,.

In the Western parts of the U.S they ruin the whole Pizza putting Pineapple & Other fruity non sense on it.

I hate people from Western parts of the U.S a bunch of Fruity, Weak Liberal Pansies.

I also hate people from Western parts of Europe also a bunch of Fruity, Weak Liberal Pansies.

The East is where it is at.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Jun 2011   #155
I never had Polish pizza.

Can't be Polish if you've never eaten Polish pizza.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
6 Jun 2011   #156
I live in New York & I am sure the best Pizza place is just a 200 foot walk away from my house LOL

You must live in Manhattan and be talking about Lombardi's. Those nationwide chains like Papa John's or Domino's, Pizza Hut that's crap. Local, little neighborhood pizza parlors is real pizza.

I'm a fan of it but the Italians and Americans will always do it a little better.

You tried American pizza Seanus?
isthatu2  4 | 2692
7 Jun 2011   #157
The East is where it is at.

You do realise you are over 3 thousand miles WEST of europe dont you you plum?

Euro pizza, gotta be Dutch, mind,maybe,TBH,most food tastes great during a long weekend in Amsterdam..;)
PennBoy  76 | 2429
7 Jun 2011   #158
Anything tastes great with a Grolsch ;)
isthatu2  4 | 2692
7 Jun 2011   #159
MMMmmm Grolsch,even the name was designed to be slurred drunkenly :)
Palivec  - | 379
7 Jun 2011   #160
Polish pizza is soooooooooooo the best pizza in the world, the ones from glogow are the best ever !!!

Wasn't Pizza invented in Poland? I've heard it was originally called Picszta? Same as Sushi, which the Poles invented as Szsusczi.
discoverpolska  2 | 5
7 Jun 2011   #161
Yeah... polish pizza with mashrooms... not always what you see is what you get :-)

This the reason why Poles do the pizza by themselves.
scottie1113  6 | 896
12 Jul 2011   #162
I had Dominium pizza on a trip to Jastarnia a few days ago. It was great! Unfortunately, they're not in Gdansk yet. Fot locations in Poland, check out
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Jul 2011   #163
Penn, I haven't yet, no, but it sure looks good :) I have to say that, on the rare occasion when I allow myself, I enjoy the pizza here but I've enjoyed pizza in different countries, e.g Scotland, Japan, Thailand and Serbia, and I can say that they were all good in their own way. This best in the world stuff gets dry. Each has their own flavour and we should enjoy the differences :)
sascha  1 | 824
12 Jul 2011   #164
Polish Pizza !! The best in the world?

no offense, but for that kind of food, the further to the south in europe, the better it gets. closer to the original and keeps its characteristics known for. ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Jul 2011   #165
I don't think it's as black+white as that, sascha. Besides, do we really know who the maker was? In Scotland, I imagine that some Italians passed on their know-how as some outlets are really good. The same here in Poland. One of the local shops here has really got it down to a fine art.
sascha  1 | 824
12 Jul 2011   #166
i was just giving my personal travel experience. no offense or else. locals anyway for junk food seem to be the best address
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Jul 2011   #167
Fair enough :) :) Pizza has become big business here in Poland. Even in a smallish city like Gliwice, you can find Dominium, Da Grasso, Telepizza, Bombola, Fantastico, Capri SC and more. For sth a little better, Sorrento offer up quality pizzas but they are a little pricey. More for those who aren't that hungry but want taste in every bite.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
12 Jul 2011   #168
Those pizzas are just so addictive.
sascha  1 | 824
12 Jul 2011   #169
yes, to the hips. ;)
gumishu  15 | 6228
27 Aug 2011   #170
Polish pizza: The best in the world!

you are just ignorant - Polish pizza is even better than Japanese sushi and much better than the whole idea of Oktoberfest :P - why drink German beer when you can have Polish pizza (did I mention that it is the best pizzza in the world)
sascha  1 | 824
27 Aug 2011   #171
why drink German beer

because es schmeckt gut ;)

Polish pizza

never tried it but i assume its good. during my travels i focused more on domestic fast food :)
gumishu  15 | 6228
27 Aug 2011   #172
why drink German beer

because es schmeckt gut ;)

Oh my, sascha - staying that long in Germany and with Germans really affected your sens of humour/irony :P

btw I know German beer schmeckt gut - and that the variety is much wider - would rather have some German beer anyday over any Polish beer I tasted
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431
14 Sep 2011   #173
Any recommandation of a good Pizzeria /pizza restaurant in Krakow ?

Local Businesses only please no Chains because I had some stuff they dare to call Pizza at a place in Kazimierz Pizza Pizzy or something like that and it was horrible :seemed like some frozen low quality food they defrost)

Grazie Mille!
Teffle  22 | 1318
14 Sep 2011   #174
I've had pizza in about 7 or 8 countries - including the obvious for this thread, Poland & Italy.

For me New York pizza was easily the best. IMO Italian wasn't any better than Polish as it happens.
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Sep 2011   #175
I like the pizza here though I seldom eat it. A good pizza with extra cheese, yummy :)
Teffle  22 | 1318
14 Sep 2011   #176
As long as some muppet doesn't put ketchup on it...
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Sep 2011   #177
Yeah, my wife tends to have ketchup with pizza. I should refuse to pay for it.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
14 Sep 2011   #178
Brazilians also eat their pizza with ketchup. People from uptight countries just don't understand the practice.
Teffle  22 | 1318
14 Sep 2011   #179
It's a wierd one though.


It's tomato based anyway. I don't get it. It's like adding garlic sauce to a chicken kiev or something.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
14 Sep 2011   #180

For the tanginess the vinegar in the ketchup provides.

Home / Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world?
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