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Polish Pizza !! The best in the world?

Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Oct 2009   #91
M-G, I was talking specifically about soups. Go to the Baxters of Speyside website as an example. Generally, I don't rate Scottish food so highly (fish and soup being the exception).

As for pizza, we have some great places too. Piccolo, Snappy's and PHD are really worth going to.
scottie1113  6 | 896
9 Oct 2009   #92
Pizza in Poland is pathetic, period.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346
9 Oct 2009   #93
Pizza is a platform, No right or wrong way to fix one.
My personal fave is saurkraut, pineapple, and Canadian bacon crumbles. The simplicity of a plain cheese (provalone) with a sweet marinara sauce is sublime. Crust should be thin and salty. Thick doughy crust is blasphemy! Chicago style pizza is as corrupt as its politicians!
krysia  23 | 3058
9 Oct 2009   #94
I had a saurkraut pizza, called Bavarian Pizza.
Had Taco Pizza, BBQ Pizza, Chinese Pizza, Hawaiian Pizza, whatever you want pizza. But hold the ketchup :(
mbiernat  3 | 107
9 Oct 2009   #95
Pizza is good in PL but again it depends. I think if you get someone who knows how to cook you ca not find better anywhere in the world as the soil makes such rich vegetables.
scottie1113  6 | 896
10 Oct 2009   #96
The "anywhere in the world" part made me laugh. As for vegetables, all I can say is you obviously have never been to a market in California. Vegetables in Poland are few and far between, and can't hold a candle to I used to eat there.

The title of this thread should have been: Polish pizza-the worst in the world.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
10 Oct 2009   #97
I'm going to go on record and say Polish Pizza is closer to bad than good. I don't know what it is specifically or how it can be messed up so consistently but let's just say I'd rather eat the traditional food here which is fantastic.

Pizza in Poland is pathetic, period.

quoted for correctness
sledz  23 | 2247
10 Oct 2009   #98
I'm going to go on record and say Polish Pizza is closer to bad than good

Thats probably why they drowned them in ketchup:):)
Tymoteusz  2 | 346
10 Oct 2009   #99
Let me see if I understand this, Polish pizza doesn't have tomato sauce on it?! That would certainly account for the ketchup fetish. Someone please help me understand this issue better.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
10 Oct 2009   #100
Let me see if I understand this, Polish pizza doesn't have tomato sauce on it?!

it does have sauce. but poles put ketchup on everything. it's just a bad habit... or maybe it's to spruce up a bad pizza.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346
10 Oct 2009   #101
Thanks! I thought I had stumbled upon a solution to Polands dietary ills......... Back to the Lab.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
10 Oct 2009   #102
ketchup on everything. it's just a bad habit

I'm not sure if I agree with you on that one, Wroclaw...Ketchup is actually very healthy! Surprising as it may be, but tomato products are actually healther than the fruit itself...Has to do with the difficulties our body has with absorping fresh tomatoes. Plus tomatoes is the only fruit that doesn't lose its healthy stuff when being processed. Two tablespoons of Tomato puree or 5 of ketchup a day removes little wrinkles in time and makes you look younger, reduces your change to certain types of cancer (notable prostate cancer is reduced to 0%) substantially, makes your liver come clean and reduces the risk of a coronial disease with 50%...So I wouldn't exactly say it's a bad habit to eat a lot of ketchup :)


M-G (consumes large portions of ketchup and tomato puree and looks 10 years younger)
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Oct 2009   #103
It is 'different' to put ketchup on pizza. It's good with margherita for example. On pizzas with many toppings, much less so.

I'm sure Hellmans and Heinz are happy. My fiancee had fried cheese on toasted bread earlier, having applied a huuuuuge dollop of ketchup. I felt like asking her if she wanted any cheese with her ketchup ;)
Cardno85  31 | 971
2 Nov 2009   #104
M-G, I was talking specifically about soups. Go to the Baxters of Speyside website as an example. Generally, I don't rate Scottish food so highly (fish and soup being the exception).

In the way you were meaning it, we are wizards at making something out of nothing. Stovies, Tattie Scones, Haggis, Mealy Pudding, Black Pudding...the list goes on of food basically made from leftovers and non-prime cuts. And M-G, you were missing out by not trying haggis, it's delicious (and deep fried mars bars are a running joke to most people in Scotland).

But back to Pizza. I love pizza! I love Italian style pizza, cooked in no time at all with a thin crust and a wee bit of fresh mozarella, garlic and oregano. I love polish pizza with the sweeter tomato sauce and mountains of toppings. I love my deep fried pizza out the chippy. I love my cheap spicy chicken and sweetcorn pizza out the late night pizza shop that is only half cooked and so delicious. I love chain pizzas, greasy pizzas, doughy pizzas, thin pizzas...

...are we getting the point?

Personally my favourite pizzas are the traditional Italian pizzas with minimal toppings. However I would love to go to Chicago and get a full on deep dish bad boy. To follow on from an earlier post...let's arrange a world pizza and beer THAT would be awesome.
Seanus  15 | 19666
3 Nov 2009   #105
Yeah, we can certainly russle up some quality fare quite easily.
scottie1113  6 | 896
16 Jan 2010   #106
I have finally eaten very good pizza in Gdansk! Da Grasso opened here recently and they make very good pizza, almost as good as what I was used to in California. Try it, you'll like it. And they deliver.
polkamaniac  1 | 482
17 Jan 2010   #107
Pizza was born in the U.S.No one makes better --or---- more varieties than us ,North Americans !!!
king polkakamon  - | 542
17 Jan 2010   #108
Pizza was born in the U.S.N

Now,is this a joke?Face it,italian pizza rules.Get to Italy sometime and see if I am wrong.I saw recently a newly done pizza in New York by some Italians which made huge success and it is not even close just a bit.When you get the real stuff you will get blown away.

But you prefer the americanized food,the more heavy and spiced.
polkamaniac  1 | 482
17 Jan 2010   #109
It is believed by almost every person in the world that pizza was invented by the Italians,making it an Italian recepie---well----Guess what !!!!!!! However, one can trace the origin of the snack back to the ancient times. As per the earlier records, Babylonians, Israelites, Egyptians and other ancient Middle Eastern people used to eat a flat, un-leaven bread, which was cooked in mud ovens and had an appearance somewhat similar to the pizzas we eat today

By the turn of this century, Italians had begun to open their own bakeries and were selling groceries as well as pizza. Gennaro Lombardi opened the first true U.S. pizzeria in 1905 in New York City at 53 1/3 Spring Street (Lombardi's is reopened today at 32 Spring Street).

and I quote--"The best pizza still comes from Brooklyn Pizza Works and Italian Restaurant."

  • Pizza.jpg
lowfunk99  10 | 397
17 Jan 2010   #110
Da Grasso opened here recently and they make very good pizza

What I liked is they gave you pizza sauce instead of katchup.
Honest George  1 | 105
17 Jan 2010   #111
Polish pizza is soooooooooooo the best pizza in the world, the ones from glogow are the best ever !!!

Latest reports from Manchester, suggest that the men in white coats turned up and took danielle away, never to be seen or heard on PF again.

Thank God.
Ajb  6 | 231
17 Jan 2010   #112
Honest George

Well is wasn't anything to do with the pizza from Głogów!

Maybe she had a pizza is some dodgy kebab ally in some place!
Jazzboxx  - | 3
18 Jan 2010   #113
The only REAL Pizza is from Napoli. The EU has just given it real "Napoli Pizza" status. Any shop that claims to sell Napoli Pizza has to either do it to the standard or discontinue from using the work Napoli in their course of trade.

I have eaten Pizza everywhere and suggest that if you have not eaten Pizza in Napoli you don't really know what you are talking about. It was invented there and they developed makein it to a fine art with probably the best ingredients in the world. In fact, you can get real Napoli Pizza in most countries as there are chefs with passion and knowledge who use imported ingredients and identical processes to make it. There is some in the US, Canada, as well as the UK.

Anything else is just dough with stuff on it. Napoli Pizza is transcendent!

Just try it!

Polish Pizza? Is that an oxymoron?
RonWest  3 | 120
18 Jan 2010   #114
The "pizza" I've had in Poland is very good but I do not really consider it true pizza. The best pizza in the world comes from Ray's Pizza in New York city. Sorry, that's just the truth!
polkamaniac  1 | 482
18 Jan 2010   #115
Well---at least someone else acknowledges where the best pizza come from !!!!!!
1jola  14 | 1875
18 Jan 2010   #116
I'm sorry to say, but in Poland you can only get something that resembles pizza, and it is a grave sin to eat pizza with knife and fork, and should be confessed at the nearest opportunity.

Best pizza is in New York and Boston. One slice is all you need; they are the size of Rhode Island. Italians in Italy are experimenting, but have a long way to go.
Wroclaw Boy
18 Jan 2010   #117
I'm sorry to say, but in Poland you can only get something that resembles pizza

I actually have a really good Pizzaria near me, took a while to find i had to try all of them but i have the best now.

Italian Pizza thin crust with lots of tradional organic toppings is by far the best, deep pan (American Pizza) is mainly dough and most people over indulge on carbohydrates as it is.
1jola  14 | 1875
18 Jan 2010   #118
I actually have a really good Pizzaria near me

My post was a little tongue-in-cheeck, and it is matter of personal taste what is good. I don't know the name, but in Warsaw you can eat a decent pizza in Mokotów on Puławska, across ul. Dolna, next to the dive shop. Small pizzeria, and good indeed.
polkamaniac  1 | 482
18 Jan 2010   #119
No matter where you live ,there are good pizza places

  • sausage_and_pepper_p.jpg
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
18 Jan 2010   #120
Tell me is there naything that Poland does that isnt the best in the world?

They'll never admit it on some days....

To answer the OP: No. It is quite far from the best and should you have the inclination to rank it so then I strongly encourage you to keep experimenting until you learn how far off your assertions are. To be blunt, buying Polish Pizza is a waste of money.


Home / Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world?
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