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Polish Pizza !! The best in the world?

MarcinK  - | 36
3 Oct 2009   #61
In the United States I've eaten pizza at various chains Mr. Gatti's, Cici's, Dominoes, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, Little Caesar's, Pizza Inn and none of them come close to pizza's I've eaten at various Polish bars or from Miejsce Piastowe, which by the way some Italians said was better than the pizza's they've had in Italy. I'd have to take their word for it, since they live there. But all in all Polish pizza is pretty damn good, also there are a lot of varieties to choose from. Just wish you could get some barbecue in Poland though.
sledz  23 | 2247
3 Oct 2009   #62
In the United States I've eaten pizza at various chains Mr. Gatti's, Cici's, Dominoes, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, Little Caesar's, Pizza Inn and none of them come close to pizza's I've eaten

Why didnt you try an Italian pizzeria?
All those pizza chains suck everybody knows that, where did you go to Kentucky??
scrappleton  - | 829
3 Oct 2009   #63
some Italians said was better than the pizza's they've had in Italy.

That's nothing to brag about really. I've had Italian pizza in Venice. Man, it sucked. Bland, with little cheese and the sause was horrible.

Pizza chains in the States are actually better than "real" Italian pizza and a lot less greasy.


Hey what's up? Are you in mourning you didn't get the Olympics? Lol. At least Oprah / Obama have to eat some crow.
MarcinK  - | 36
3 Oct 2009   #64
Why didnt you try an Italian pizzeria?

Couldn't find one, didn't try looking so hard because I was happy with what Krosno could produce.

All those pizza chains suck everybody knows that, where did you go to Kentucky?

Doesn't really matter what state, those sorry chains and their pizzas are probably the same the world over. Everyone says that if you want a good pizza in the States, Chicago is the only place worth looking.
BLS  65 | 188
3 Oct 2009   #65
I am from America and will readily admit that pizza was not invented there, but I do believe it was perfected in Chicago. I have been to many pizza joints in Italy - not one of them could hold a candle to Lou Malnati's!!!
krysia  23 | 3058
3 Oct 2009   #66
Lou Malnati's

Yes, my favorite pizza. They ship it everywhere too.
Seanus  15 | 19666
3 Oct 2009   #67
I've just ordered a 50cm pizza. I hope my fiancee helps me out with it as it'll make for 2 meals tomorrow. 39PLN with extra cheese. Good value for a gigantic pizza.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
3 Oct 2009   #68
If you taste italian pizza you never get back.It is the real thing.

I thought Pizza was invented in New York. Brooklyn or someplace like that :/
krysia  23 | 3058
3 Oct 2009   #69
And French Fries were invented in France
Seanus  15 | 19666
3 Oct 2009   #70
Yeah, the good old Belgians there :) That Polish pizza has made me ill. It was a good pizza but I wasn't as hungry as I thought.
krysia  23 | 3058
3 Oct 2009   #71
That Polish pizza has made me ill.

Was it the ketchup or the corn that did it?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
3 Oct 2009   #72
It ain't Polish pizza unless it has mushrooms; in fact it isn't good pizza unless it has mushrooms (and spinach).
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
3 Oct 2009   #73
I think it's cool you can do so many different things with the Pizza concept :)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
3 Oct 2009   #74
Actually pizza is an American invention, what you find in Italy is tomatoe bread they don't use any meats it's a big difference from pizza.

Nonsense. Pizza used to be the food of the poor workman in Italy. The Pizza as we know it was invented by a guy from Naples in the 19th century, to celebrate the visit of the Italian Queen Margarita. The first pizza ever was the Pizza Margarita, which had the colors of the Italian flag, Red White and Green. The pizza is certainly an Italian invention. And yes, they have meats (salami, etc) on their pizzas. If you ever have been to Italy, you would know that. The pictures of the Polish pizzas, earlier in this thread look disgusting, by the way.

Edit: sorry, didn't see the reactions to this silly remark :S

M-G (not going out tonight)
sledz  23 | 2247
4 Oct 2009   #75
Couldn't find one, didn't try looking so hard because I was happy with what Krosno could produce

Sry , I thought you were over here

Chicago is the only place worth looking

We have the best pizza, I dont care what ppl in NYC say:)

Chicago is famous for the best pizza, Deep dish, Stuffed or Thin crust. There are plenty of pizzerias to choose from.

not one of them could hold a candle to Lou Malnati's

Lous probably has the best deep dish or Suparossa

Im a pizzaholic how about Mama Lunas thin crust??

Was it the ketchup or the corn that did it?

I dont know why they do it but Ive seen it many

I think it's cool you can do so many different things with the Pizza concept :)

Have you ever had an Hawaiian pizza with pineapples on it?
MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 Oct 2009   #76
Have you ever had an Hawaiian pizza with pineapples on it?

In Holland a while ago you had pizzas with shoarma (a kind of kebab) on it and instead of the usual tomato sauce, they had garlic sauce on it. Also a Mexican variation with taco meat, vegetables and chilisauce. They were called Pza's. Don't know if they have them still. Didn't see them the last time I was there, didn't look for them either.

M-G (remembers that they tasted pretty good, though)
sledz  23 | 2247
4 Oct 2009   #77
Also a Mexican variation with taco meat,

We have Mexican pizza here, not a big fan but I like the jalapenos on it

In Holland a while ago you had pizzas with shoarma (a kind of kebab) on it and instead of the usual tomato sauce, they had garlic sauce on it.

When you guys reffer to Kabobs is that like gyro meat?

I seen a gyro pizza it looked pretty funky with that tatazki (sp) sauce
MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 Oct 2009   #78
When you guys reffer to Kabobs is that like gyro meat?

Kebab, Shoarma, Gyros, it nearly all tastes the same. The difference is mainly in the country where it's originating (Kebab = Turkey, Shoarma = Israel, Gyros = Greece). And all of it is either lamb or pork or beef or chicken rubbed in a certain melange of spices. So yes, it's like Gyros meat, differences are minimal; depends on how well it has been prepared. My Jewish grandmother made excellent dishes with shoarma. I inherited that talent :)

I seen a gyro pizza it looked pretty funky with that tatazki (sp) sauce

Have to say that I liked the Mexican variation better than the shoarma variation. But I am not so fond of garlic anyway.

M-G (is actually a vampire and vampires are not that fond of garlic as you may know)
sledz  23 | 2247
4 Oct 2009   #79
Kebab, Shoarma, Gyros, it nearly all tastes the same. The difference is mainly in the country where it's originating (Kebab = Turkey, Shoarma = Israel, Gyros = Greece

This greek restaurant has them, Ill get one once in awhile and youre right about the garlic they bring it on heavy.
I wouldnt advise eating one before a date, it tends to last a long

is actually a vampire and vampires are not that fond of garlic as you may know)

so I take it youre not a beach person:)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 Oct 2009   #80
I wouldnt advise eating one before a date, it tends to last a long

It's terrible. I once had a business appointment of a few hours with somebody who ate quite a lot of garlic upfront...The smell was sickening!

so I take it youre not a beach person:)

Eh no, the Sun and I are not the best of friends, no. But the beach is also beautiful at nighttime, you know. Especially when the moon is shining :)


M-G (the nighttime is the right time)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
4 Oct 2009   #81
Nonsense. Pizza used to be the food of the poor workman in Italy. The Pizza as we know it was invented by a guy from Naples in the 19th century, to celebrate the visit of the Italian Queen Margarita

What kind of Pizza are we talking about? That kind of Pizza isn't the same as the Americano Pizza first made in the 1950's, which is the type we see today...flat bread crust, some kind of sauce and other...stuff on the bread, and then baked.
Seanus  15 | 19666
4 Oct 2009   #82
Krysia, I put neither on. It was the extra cheese that was too heavy. I hadn't eaten a pizza for a while and it took its toll :(
krysia  23 | 3058
5 Oct 2009   #83
I had a pizza in Sweden, thought Muslinger was mushrooms.
Didn't eat that mussel pizza.....
markpol  4 | 21
5 Oct 2009   #84
Poles can't make good pizza. The best pizza are New York style, and theyre even better than traditional italian.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
5 Oct 2009   #85
Bought a Polish pizza in a Polish shop here in Dublin yesterday. Baked it, ate it. It's the same as Dutch pizza. But that goes for Polish sausage as well and other stuff. I mostly buy Polish food because it's about the same as Dutch food and I can't get Dutch food anywhere here in Dubs. So nothing to sing halleluyah about.

M-G (grumpy)
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Oct 2009   #86
Some of it is pretty special. The non-chains tend to be better. There are 5 pizza shops within 10 minutes of where I live and 2 of them are local businesses. I have to say that the level is very high, especially if they get the crust right. I've tried pizza in different countries and Poland is right up there. You have to imagine that Italy and America are 1 and 2, though. Just!
MareGaea  29 | 2751
5 Oct 2009   #87

The deep-freeze pizza (no, not the Dr Oetker, it was a Polish brand, made in PL, I specially asked about this in the shop), tasted really exactly the same as the Dutch ones. But there is in all not such a big difference between Polish, German and Dutch food anyway in my opinion and experience.

M-G (gets hungry now)
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Oct 2009   #88
I might try Kaufland pizzas. I think it was the member 'frd' that told me they were good. I like Dr Oetker pizzas but tend to avoid them as they are overly calorific. The Poles would be good at DIY pizzas. They are very resourceful people and you can see that with soups. I thought the Scots were wizards but Poles really excel.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
5 Oct 2009   #89
The Scots wizard in the kitchen? Hm, although I like you, Seanus, I seriously have to doubt that...How about deep fried Mars-bars, served with a little ketchup on the side? Granted, it's very resourceful, but also gross (to me at least). And how about haggis?

M-G (was offered a haggis once in Edinburgh. Was the first time he kindly refused.)
grzybami  4 | 27
5 Oct 2009   #90 pizza....

Chicago pizza is awesome (I've never had New York pizza, which I've heard is a close second). By far the best I've ever had.

I agree Lou Malnati's is the best deep-dish style, but I prefer thin-crust; I'd say Home Run Inn is the best you can get, followed closely by Falco's, then Danny's.

Home / Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world?
BoldItalic [quote]
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