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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Dec 2011   #181
pawian,FLAKI IS NOT MEAT!! it is tripe...

Come on, intestines/bowels/guts are made of muscle tissue, they work all the time, shrink and expand, have to be of meat nature. :):):):)

jestes pewien ze robilesz scrambled brains?

Yes! Scrambled brain with two eggs, mushrooms, onion, a lot of spices, all fried. I love fried stuff, you know. I eat anything on condition it is crispy. Unluckily, this brain wasn`t. It was too fatty, resembled scrambled eggs.

all i can say is i dont fancy dinner at yours...:)

Hey, I am not some fekking Hanibal Lecter! No need to be scared. :):):):):)
9 Dec 2011   #182
Hey, I am not some fekking Hanibal Lecter! No need to be scared. :):):):):)

hahaha!! before i read quote first thing i thought of was THAT film, the last one which was crap.zartujesz? czy powiedzales poprawnie? please tell me you didnt eat this stuff. only slightly worried but HAVE seen people eat this type of food....and i was just looking forward to :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Dec 2011   #183
czy powiedzales poprawnie? please tell me you didnt eat this stuff. only slightly worried but HAVE seen people eat this type of food....

Yes, I have eaten half of it, and the leftovers are waiting for work Saturday. I took pics too, so one day you will see what it looks like. Nothing special - like scrambled eggs with spices and mushrooms.
9 Dec 2011   #184
dont think i really want to see what it looks like...but im sure you will upload pic..uggh. am just going to take a break for supper. i am going to have a salami and polish cheese toasted sandwich..yum yum! please dont tell me you have eaten chickens feet as well...still have nightmares from listening to my mate tomek crunching on them...:)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Dec 2011   #185
please dont tell me you have eaten chickens feet as well...

They are not for eating - you only make broth with them. I have never. Yet.
10 Dec 2011   #186
i believe you without a doubt. but i saw a friend crunching on them and when i asked him why he was eating them, he said it was for vitamins. he didnt have much money at the time and is now back in poland.:(
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2011   #187
When in US, I once bought two pig ears for a nice tasty bite. I tried to fry them crisp but the result was disastrous - as tough as soles.

Funny, but I have never come across pig ears in Poland. Must be typical American stuff.
10 Dec 2011   #188
Funny, but I have never come across pig ears in Poland

you can get them in england, but i wouldnt want to try them...pigs feet ( aka trotters ) are popular here, with older people, but dont want to try them either. just finished toastie and was lush... but polatsy dont like everything. i made steak and kidney (nerga?) pie and my lokator looked horrified when i asked him if he wanted to try some. same expresssion on face as mine at thought of eating flacki lol :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2011   #189
i made steak and kidney (nerga?) pie

I bought kidneys with that brain, too.

I checked the nutritious value of tripes: They contain less fat than chicken!,p-101.html

Flaki Calories 84 Protein 16 Fat 2.2 Carboh. 0,p-104.html

Strange, but brain isn`t so fatty despite its appearance:

Mózg wieprzowy 135 10.8 10.3 0

I am just having brain toasts. I said crispy is a must!
10 Dec 2011   #190
I checked the nutritious value of tripes: They contain less fat than chicken!
Flaki Calories 84 Protein 16 Fat 2.2 Carboh. 0
Strange, but brain isn`t so fatty despite its appearance:

Mózg wieprzowy 135 10.8 10.3 0

I am just having brain toasts. I said crispy is a must!

hmmm, thinks you are very good wind up merchant. no-one eats this stuff! i hate anything with the word crispy....crispy implies burnt beyond recognition, and i hate burnt food. have just treated myself to chinese take away, all NORMAL ingredients.:)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2011   #191
crispy implies burnt beyond recognition,

Yes, that is my style. Whenever I grill Polish sausage over a Polish campfire on vacation in Poland, I try to achieve this:

Yummy and crispy!
10 Dec 2011   #192
Yummy and crispy!

pawian, this doesnt look yummy or crispy,IT IS BURNT FOOD lol! have serious doubts as to your culinary capabilities...your frying pan/bbq/toaster seems to only function on napalm setting. deffo will not be at yours for lunch. please dont tell me (am sure you will) that at other end of food scale you enjoy eating veal etc...:)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
10 Dec 2011   #193

the sausage is fine. Have you never eaten at a bbq?

that at other end of food scale you enjoy eating veal etc...:)

Why not? Is it better to just kill the animal and dump it? If it has been cared for properly then it is no different to eating lamb.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
10 Dec 2011   #194
this doesnt look yummy or crispy,IT IS BURNT FOOD lol!

I bet you would like that meat on the Asda advert which is going around advert - it looks lovely until he cuts into it and the blood pours out!

eeeuuuggghhh!!! That's UNCOOKED FOOD lol! ;)
10 Dec 2011   #195
the sausage is fine. Have you never eaten at a bbq

i have enjoyed many bbqs, but i end up scraping all burnt bits off. you might as well be eating charcoal otherwise, just tastes horrible. as regards veal, i only object to the way its kept and slaughtered, nothing more. am by no means a fussy eater, like most things foodwise. certainly not about to start thread on animal welfare! i love my meat...just wont eat veal on principle :)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
10 Dec 2011   #196
i love my meat...just wont eat veal on principle :)

I would suggest you should :). Well in the UK now anyway. In the past there were some shocking stories but nowadays it's great meat and the animals are treated just as well as any other. Even more so since they tend to have shorter lives. Many animals are killed at the point of birth, chickens being the greatest proportion and these days everyone should be doing their best not to waste food.

but i end up scraping all burnt bits off. you might as well be eating charcoal otherwise

You could say that. And to be honest it's not about "the food" that makes the whole bbq experience. Also most folk who host bbqs tend not to know how to cook on them. Key is to have different elevations from the heat source. That way you CAN cook the meat properly without burning anything.
10 Dec 2011   #197
I bet you would like that meat on the Asda advert which is going around advert - it looks lovely until he cuts into it and the blood pours out!

i would absolutely love it. if you order steak in a restaurant in uk, you will be asked how you like it cooked. normal range is rare ( bit of blood ), medium or well done. i ALWAYS order mine blue. this is not the colour blue. it means 30 seconds each side. basically the cow is still mooing! lovely! not all of my friends agree though...:)
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
11 Dec 2011   #198
I once took my wife (now ex) to one of these places once - she threw up as soon as we left!

We Poles grew up on overcooked food - so if it's not well done, it's not done ;) lol

Mind you... I love sushi/sashimi, and I always get annoyed when they only have "cooked fish" sushi left. I probably have some east Asian genes. Explains my kung-fu obsession too. haha :)
11 Dec 2011   #199
Also most folk who host bbqs tend not to know how to cook on them. Key is to have different elevations from the heat source. That way you CAN cook the meat properly without burning anything.

this is true, have been to nightmare bbqs with undercooked meat on inside and charcoal on outside, probably why im a bit wary...

We Poles grew up on overcooked food - so if it's not well done, it's not done ;) lol

guess you wont be coming to mine for lunch anytime soon that a cow i can hear mooing? lol :) just dont call me hannibal!
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
11 Dec 2011   #200
guess you wont be coming to mine for lunch anytime soon that a cow i can hear mooing? lol :) just dont call me hannibal!

Haha. Laugh?? I nearly turned veggie! :)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
11 Dec 2011   #201
guess you wont be coming to mine for lunch anytime soon that a cow i can hear mooing? lol :) just dont call me hannibal!

You wont eat veal but u like ur meat mooing...... there is a joke in that somewhere!
11 Dec 2011   #202
Haha. Laugh?? I nearly turned veggie! :)

plese dont! have a veggie sister. always a nightmare cooking for her...
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Dec 2011   #203
Pam is probably a fan of Quorn products. I'm not saying that's good or bad, just sayin
11 Dec 2011   #204
You wont eat veal but u like ur meat mooing...... there is a joke in that somewhere!

i am sure there is! doesnt make much sense does it..:)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
11 Dec 2011   #205
Pam is probably a fan of Quorn products. I'm not saying that's good or bad, just sayin

I dont think she is, she is open to ideas and I bet if you were to show her exactly how veal is raised she would be happy to eat it. Plus I doubt really that she is that snobby about food. We all have our personal likes ;)
11 Dec 2011   #206
Pam is probably a fan of Quorn products. I'm not saying that's good or bad, just sayin

seanus, my sister is veggie not me. quorn...yuk its disgusting. only tried it when i cooked spag bol for my sister. it looks horrible,and its really bland. you have to put loads of herbs into a dish containing quorn. even then its still pretty tasteless. frankly i would feed it to my rabbit ( if i had one ). now this does make me sound like a fussy eater and im not! :)

Could you at least have a look at the title of this thread?
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Dec 2011   #207
Probably! I don't intend to second guess anyone here. As for Polish food, well, there are a few things which could catch out the undiscerning sampler but life is all about choice, right? Unsure? Don't go there unless you are willing to take the consequences ;)

As I said, pam, I don't want to speak for others as they will undoubtedly do that for themselves.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
11 Dec 2011   #208
plese dont! have a veggie sister. always a nightmare cooking for her...

I won't ;) Tried it once, substituted the meat for cheese and cakes, and piled on the pounds! lol. Never again :)


That always reminds me of an ancient rock band who only know three chords :D

I dont think she is, she is open to ideas

Anyone who is mad enough to want to learn our crazy language must have something going for them :D
11 Dec 2011   #209
I dont think she is, she is open to ideas and I bet if you were to show her exactly how veal is raised she would be happy to eat it. Plus I doubt really that she is that snobby about food. We all have our personal likes

me? snobby about food ? no way! love food from just about everywhere! just dont want apoor little calf kept in dark so flesh stays white, and then said calf having its throat cut. only veal i dont like thought of eating. game, rabbits, anything else ok. even ate guinea pig in peru...well it is their national dish as such :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Dec 2011   #210
Sid, not so ancient and, well, not rock ;) You are Polish, right Sid? It's hard to go far wrong with Polish food. Meatballs are manageable for most. Dumplings too. Only tripe stands out. I haven't encountered problems with much else. Tripe was fine for me. Not 'gads'.

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