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Name of this particular Polish sausage

melbel  2 | 4
28 May 2009   #1
I live in Northwest Indiana, a large Polish community and in stores they sell this sausage simply called "Polish sausage." It looks like Bratwurst and has a similar texture, but tastes way better (In my opinion.) It contains various spices and seasoning including garlic.

Anyway, my dad travels a lot and says he can't find Polish sausage anywhere else he goes. When he visits his sister he has to bring some down with him in a cooler because she misses it so much. It is even sold in the chain grocery stores around here like Kroger, but isn't sold in Krogers in other areas.

I know that the term kielbasa is a really vague term meaning really just any kind of Polish sausage, so I want the specific name of this particular type of sausage. Anyone know?

I've included a picture. This is what it looks like cooked. It is a pale color when it is uncooked... like a brat, actually.

  • Polish Sausage
gumishu  15 | 6228
28 May 2009   #2
Bratwuerste I know are quite pale (they are not smoked) and the only Polish kielbasa I know to look similar is 'biala kielbasa' "white sausage" - but as far as I can tell they don't add garlic to white sausage (at least where I live)

what you got here on picture is to my guess a batch of fried smoked sausage - there are numerous types - but most do contain and taste strongly of garlic
pawian  226 | 27558
28 May 2009   #3
I am afraid you won`t get a good explanation. There are various kinds of sausage made from different recipes. Each producer names its kind like they want. It is impossible to guess the name just looking at the sausage.

It is the same with beer. Show someone a glass of beer and ask them to guess its name.

I am sorry, I can`t help you.

But I can show you the sausage called wiejska -( country), or swojska- home made.
Switezianka  - | 463
28 May 2009   #4
have you got a pic of that sausage, but not grilled? The one you posted is grilled and it's really hard to say.
plk123  8 | 4119
29 May 2009   #5
it's just polska kielbasa... is it kowalski's from MI?

the length isn't really "polish" per se..
atrida  - | 7
30 May 2009   #6
it's just polska kielbasa

No, my friend... Not "just" a kiełbasa. It's ZWYCZAJNA! :)
Did you know that kaszanka is a sausage?
plk123  8 | 4119
30 May 2009   #7


and yes, kiszka comes in a sausage form.. sometimes..
Specjalista  3 | 43
23 Apr 2012   #8
Merged: Sausages!


I was talking to my girlfriend who is a yorkshire pudding lover and telling her I'd make her toad in the hole... but then I remembered that Polish sausage and English sausage aren't exactly the same. Is there a type of sausage I could buy in Poland which would be good for this?

Thanks in advance!

p.s. here's toad in the hole for those who have no idea what I'm on about!



No sausage jokes! We've heard them all before! ;)
jon357  72 | 23496
23 Apr 2012   #9
n I remembered that Polish sausage and English sausage aren't exactly the same. Is there a type of sausage I could buy in Poland which would be good for this?

Not exactly, but it works with kielbasa biala better than any other.
beckski  12 | 1609
23 Apr 2012   #10
here's toad in the hole for those who have no idea what I'm on about!

The sausage in the pic almost resembles Bratwurst. I say, take your pick of many of the delicious types of kielbasa available.
Specjalista  3 | 43
23 Apr 2012   #11
It's definitely not Bratwurst! It's a standard English pork sausage!
jon357  72 | 23496
23 Apr 2012   #12
. I say, take your pick of many of the delicious types of kielbasa available.

It's traditional British sausage which has a much lower meat content and much more cereal to absorb the fat and give a lighter texture. When using a Polish sausage, the important thing is that it isn't hard or too fatty. It wouldn't work with Krakowska, Jalowcowa or even Wiejska. You could do it with Kaszanka, however it would have to be chilled when it went in the pan and the taste would be very different to the authentic Toad in the Hole. I've found that Biala is the least inauthentic.
Specjalista  3 | 43
23 Apr 2012   #13
I'll try that then! Thanks for your help everyone!
23 Apr 2012   #14
english sausages are very different, closest i can think of are bialy sausages. for toad in the hole, you dont need sausages with lots of herbs, garlic etc. make sure when you pour the batter over the sausages, the oil is very hot. do not open oven door or your yorkshires will sink.hope your girlfriend enjoys.btw, you will need to make gravy as well. toad in the hole with no gravy masakre!!
jon357  72 | 23496
24 Apr 2012   #15
I'll try that then! Thanks for your help everyone!

Try adding some chopped onions (to the very hot roasting tin) a few minutes before pouring in the batter. Yorkshire style, and always goes down well in Poland. It also helps offset the dense texture of the kielbasa! BTW, don't be tempted to use those sausauges they sell in packs for barbecues. I tried that once and they are just too thick.
puttwill  - | 1
26 Dec 2015   #16
Merged: Where to find this kind of Polish sausage?

We use to go to "Markowycz's European Sausage" in Detroit to get our Christmas and Easter sausage. They closed down and now we can't find a replacement. All the ones we have tried are way to greasy and have a bad odor to them i can't describe. Markowycz's sausage always had a fresh smell and smooth taste. We always got the chunky style. If any know what this type is called and where to get it(even if it has to be shipped in) I would love it. Here is a picture of what i'm talking about. Note how the color is not brown at all like most Polish sausage i've seen.

  • this kind.
pawian  226 | 27558
18 Feb 2020   #17
My fav types of sausage are the ones which are well smoked, called Wiejska - Rural/Country sausage here:

  • kielbasaswojskajod.jpg
Lenka  5 | 3539
18 Feb 2020   #18
It is good but I like garlicky Wilenska. Yummy :)
pawian  226 | 27558
10 Nov 2024   #19
Poles/Polesses are extremely fond of their Polish sausage which is unique in the world.
In communist times, troubled with shortages, sausages were sometimes stolen from public diners.
See below what incredible commotion it always caused. People felt infuriated being deprived of their fave staple.
With Eng subs:

pawian  226 | 27558
21 Dec 2024   #20
There are lot of homo sovieticuses in Poland who complain that the old good times are gone for ever and provide the example of Polish sausage which according to them tastes completely different than in their youth aka much much worse.
Of course it it not true coz they talk about sausage available for 20 PLN oer kilo, which is made with the cheapest ingredients and technology.
While true Polish sausage still exists but its price must be over 50 PLN!!!
Alien  25 | 6430
21 Dec 2024   #21
While true Polish sausage still exists

During the communist era, sausage was sold so quickly that it couldn't get old and lose its flavor. It was also made from fresh meat, not from meat stored in cold stores for months.
pawian  226 | 27558
21 Dec 2024   #22
It was also made from fresh meat,

Still possible with the sausage which costs over 50 PLN.
pawian  226 | 27558
22 Dec 2024   #23
It was also made from fresh meat, not from meat stored in cold stores for months.

It seems that other Poles/Polesses living in Germany share this view of yours.

Our interviewee from northern Germany complains the most about German food. After all these years, he still can't get used to it.

"It's just not good," he says. "Maybe I'm exaggerating, but nothing here tastes good to me. I once tried to make traditional bigos. My dad, when he was still alive, used to say that real bigos should consist of twenty-nine ingredients. That's how I remember it, and he cooked it deliciously. I didn't write down the recipe, though. I found it on the Internet. The taste wasn't the same, though. Polish bigos, made of Polish ingredients, is a real masterpiece compared to German bigos. Ours is delicious."

Alien  25 | 6430
22 Dec 2024   #24
compared to German bigos.

There is no such thing.
pawian  226 | 27558
22 Dec 2024   #25
How come does the The Guide of Culinary Art which I have read tens of times suggest that the name bigos is of old German origin??
Alien  25 | 6430
22 Dec 2024   #26
name bigos is of old German origin??

Perhaps, historically "bigos" comes from German, but there is no German dish called bigos. Although there is a similar dish called Szeged goulash. It tastes almost like Polish bigos.
pawian  226 | 27558
27 Dec 2024   #27
My fave style to cook sausage: fried with onion plus corn and raw veg. Yummy!

  • DSCN6246Kopiowanie.jpg
Alien  25 | 6430
27 Dec 2024   #28
fried with onion plus corn and raw veg. Y

Missing mustard.
pawian  226 | 27558
27 Dec 2024   #29
Mam musztardę.
pawian  226 | 27558
31 Jan 2025   #30
Quality Polish sausage must cost minimum 50 PLN for a kilo. Anything cheaper is either a nice discount or sth of bad quality.

Yesterday I spotted cheap sausage which reminded me of communist times. It is called Mortadela which suggests Italian origin and has frankfurter sausage texture but is much bigger/ wider.
It costs about 25 PLN per kilo.

I liked it as a boy coz it didn`t sport any visible fat which I hated in other kinds of ham or bacon. Amasing how taste preferences can change. Today I choose the fattest sausages and eat the fat first before meat.

  • Mortadela

Home / Food / Name of this particular Polish sausage

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