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Polish mustards

johnny reb  46 | 7426
15 Jul 2024 #121
What do you do with mustard which remains at the bottom of the plastic bottle and refuses to be squeezed out???

Put a splash of very hot water in it and swirl it around and walla, more Polish mustard.
Let the small children use it up on their hotdogs as they won't know the difference.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
15 Jul 2024 #122
I like this jalapeno mustard with a tang to it.

OP pawian  220 | 24841
23 Jul 2024 #123
Put a splash of very hot water in it

Sorry, I dilute paint with some thinner in this manner you advise but doing it to mustard would be sacrilege. Forget it.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
23 Jul 2024 #124
Kids and drunks don't know the difference.
OP pawian  220 | 24841
23 Jul 2024 #125
I am neither so I can`t use your advice. In my family I am the only one who devours mustard for the taste benefit. .
johnny reb  46 | 7426
25 Jul 2024 #126
The lifespan of mustard differs from one variety to another, and some will only last for a few months while others can last for more than two years.
jon357  73 | 22634
25 Jul 2024 #127
All ready made mustard has a relatively short lifespan. The 'kick' (and the flavour) goes very quickly. That's one reason (perhaps the main one) that people in Britain tend to favour making it freshly as in the photo in post 35.

Sorry, I dilute paint with some thinner in this manner you advise but doing it to mustard would be sacrilege

Not so much sacrilege as normal. Mustard is essentially a type of flour and hot water makes the grains swell, You can also use (mild) vinegar.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
25 Jul 2024 #128
All ready made mustard has a relatively short lifespan.

while others can last for more than two years.

I wouldn't call two years a short life span.
I will agree that fresh homemade mustard has the best flavor.
jon357  73 | 22634
25 Jul 2024 #129
I'd guess that after a few months or even weeks it's not as fresh as when the jar was first opened. And it probably contains preservatives which fresh mustard doesn't.
OP pawian  220 | 24841
25 Jul 2024 #130
Not so much sacrilege as normal

For a mustard lover it is.

Put a splash of very hot water in it and swirl it around

No. I asked my wife and she reminded me of a traditional Polish way of scraping food from the bottom of containers. What, namely?
With Polish bread, of course.
OP pawian  220 | 24841
25 Jul 2024 #131
my wife

Yesterday, seeing me happily scooping Jerusalem mustard from the jar with my finger, she reminded me of chilli mustard remaining unattended in the fridge for a long time. Yes, I tried it a few months ago and left on the shelf for better times.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
26 Jul 2024 #132
I'd guess that after a few months or even weeks it's not as fresh as when the jar was first opened.

I would guess that it would stay fresher than most things once opened because of the ingredients.
And it probably contains preservatives which fresh mustard doesn't.

Well probably it doesn't contain any preservatives beside natural ones.
Mustard ingredients are: Distilled vinegar, water, #1 grade mustard seed, salt, turmeric, paprika, spice and garlic powder.
Alien  22 | 5456
26 Jul 2024 #133
Jerusalem mustard from the jar with my finger,

You should get your ass kicked for this. Don't have a spoon?
johnny reb  46 | 7426
26 Jul 2024 #134
Pawian can get away with it as he is a self admitted man child.
Now for you Europeans that want all the answers about mustard, I found you a ten minute read that should answer all your questions.

Everything You Wanted To Know About Mustard But Were Too Afraid To Ask

This would be a good learning tool for your students at school, Pawian.

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