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Polish Milk Soup

6 Mar 2009   #31
to guest, the milk soup you described milk, egg yolks, with egg whites added when milk and egg yolks are simmered sounds exactly like the milk soup that my Oma used to make for me when i was a little girl. was delicous. thank you so much. was looking for this recipe for ages.

13 Mar 2009   #32
My mom made a very delicious soup that we just called rice soup. It was white in color and I remember the pepper sprinkled on top. Now that mom is gone, I am wishing I had captured more of her daily recipes. Do you have the receipe your mom used? Ours was not fancy in any way and I don't believe it had an egg in it. Thanks.
31 Mar 2009   #33
I took care of two kids whose parents came from Poland and the mom used to make a sweetened cereal for breakfast. It was mostly milk, but I don't remember how she made it. Would this have been it?
7 Apr 2009   #34
For Easter, my Polish grandmother made milk soup. It was milk, heated in a large pot, but somewhat soured with vinegar. A stick of butter/margarine was melted into the soup. I don't know if she added flour, salt, sugar or eggs. After my grandmother passed, my parents just heated up milk and butter. At the table we each add traditional ingredients to the soup: cooked, cooled bacon bits; cooked, cooled polish sausage slices; hard boiled egg slices and my dad added horseradish. Not all Poles seem to have milk soup among their cooking traditions. Does anyone know where it originated? What town/s or region/s?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11992
7 Apr 2009   #35
Does anyone know where it originated? What town/s or region/s?

Interesting history

Milk soup was used in the first Kappeler war. There it was eaten in 1529 as a conciliation meal.
The reformed citizen of Zurich gave the bread and the catholic Swiss gave the milk.

gumishu  15 | 6227
7 Apr 2009   #36
Also have you heard of a recipe that has potato noodles, bacon and onions in it and it's kind of like a real thick soup?

I think you should look for zacierka recipe
Piorun  - | 655
7 Apr 2009   #37
For Easter, my Polish grandmother made milk soup.

You must have confused “Żurek wielkanocny” with milk soup. Żurek wielkanocny is a sour rye-meal soup and it's traditionally served for Easter, you do add all of the above; bacon bits, sausage slices, hard boiled egg slices and horseradish if you like. There's as many variation of this dish as villages in Poland I suppose. In Kraków region it's also served with mashed potatoes and bacon bits and cooked dried wild mushrooms water and all added to the soup for extra flavor.

It looks like this.

8 Apr 2009   #38
there is a polish page called "Potrawy regionalne" unfortunately it's in polish only, but if you have someone who could translate for you - it;s a gold mine of receips, traditions etc etc
today's home page featured all Easter cooking

Happy translation, happy cooking happy Easter
27 Oct 2009   #39
My grandmother was Lithuaian. She would make this soup many ,many, many years ago when I was sick. It took me a while but I finally found her recipe:

Grate peeled raw potatoes, drain off liquid. Add enough flour to potato pulp to hold form. Salt to taste. Form into small balls. Drop into boiling water. Boil 10 minutes and remove from water. In other pot scald milk, salt to taste and add a spoonful of butter. Then add potato balls and serve.

A couple of weeks ago I was sick and made this recipe - it was just as muy granny made it.

She had lots of interesting recipes that she brought over from the old country - Farina Pudding; Kugelis (a potatoe pudding); cottage cheese pancakes, cottage cheese squares, potatoe meat dumplings and a casserole made with noodles, bacon, onion, and cottage (or farmers) cheese.
1 Jan 2010   #40
I was thrilled to see Marti's Lithuanian grandmother's recipe for milk soup with potato balls. My grandmother was Polish and made the same soup so many times when I was little. This is the first time I have seen a recipe for it. Many, many thanks!
20 Feb 2010   #41
My grandma and mom made milk soup occasionally for family dinners, and it included little flour dumplings called "riebels" [ree-bulls]. She would float a little butter on top and add salt and pepper. The dish took a little getting used to, but the thing I disliked was a kind of 'skin' that would form on the top if you did not stir it. --Chris P, whose 19th-century ancestors came from Austria and Bavaria.
polkamaniac  1 | 482
20 Feb 2010   #42
We have a different variation if this soup and it is tasty------
3 potatoes sliced
1 onion sliced
1 sprig parsley
3 tablespoons butter
1 cup milk
2 stalks celery
2 carrots
2 quarts water
1 tablespoon flour
Add vegetables to water and cook until done. Force through a sieve. In pan, heat butter and stir in flour, blending well. Slowly add hot milk to mixture and let simmer until smooth. Add strained vegetables and simmer.
not Polish
24 Feb 2010   #43
wow this is amazing information
Arien  2 | 710
24 Feb 2010   #44
We have something similar in Holland. Suffice it to say that I'm not going to try your recipe..


Bah! Meh! Bleh!

I never liked it.

oh no!! my preschool nightmare... yuck...

Well, atleast there are two sane persons here..

24 Feb 2010   #45
one's likes are anothers dislikes.thats why we have thousands,maybe millions of recepies.It would be a pretty dull world if we only had one recepie ----and it was my favouriite. For me that would be great but what about you?????? I guess you would soon make up some kind of recepie to suit your taste and one that I most likely would not like.
polkamaniac  1 | 482
24 Feb 2010   #46
I guess we should respect the requests for recepies by the writers because no two people have the same likings for food, whether the recepies are good or bad.Living in different parts of the world is what gives us our tastes for the many varieties of foods.
Arien  2 | 710
24 Feb 2010   #47
I guess we should respect the requests for recepies by the writers because no two people have the same likings for food, whether the recepies are good or bad.

Sure! I'm allowed to speak my mind though. It's not like I'm insulting you or anyone else because I don't like milk soup. (And I'm definitely not the only one!) I mean, people here are allowed to say something about my favourite type of music too, so I guess you'll just have to deal with it.

dragonbabe9008  - | 1
11 Apr 2010   #48
Milk Soup was one of my favorite dishes growing up. My mom put in chopped onions, bay leaves and seasoned salt to taste. My mom would also substitute the flour for rice sometimes. She is great at making polish dishes. I hope to be as good as a cook as she is, with my own twists of course.

I live in the US and have never heard this on this side of th epond

If you go to Chicago, Il you will hear of a lot of polish dishes. That is where my great grand father on my mother's side settled from Poland.
30 Apr 2010   #49
I ate this great soup too growing up. The noodle was like a pasta knot as I can remember it looked like. Really good. She would roll out the dough in a long rope like shape and then either cut off or break off pieces and they then were dropped into the milk and cooked. I ate it with the milk and salt added. How we pronounced it was, Shteronka is about as well as I can remember, dont know that proper spelling but that is how it sounded in Polish.

I would love this recipe. It was a very white pasta knot, not yellow what so ever. Could it be pierogy dough ?

thanks so much.
Arien  2 | 710
30 Apr 2010   #50
Milk Soup again? (Barf!)
shush  1 | 209
30 Apr 2010   #51
The noodle was like a pasta knot as I can remember it looked like. Really good.

It's milk soup, in my family called kluski lane na mleku (can be done not with milk, with chicken broth etc), in others - zacierka.

I think many people here confuse milk soup with zurek/bialy barszcz. Just coz something is white it doesnt mean it's milk soup :P in polish cousine we add sort of cream (smietana) to whiten the soup, so tomato soup is not so red coz of the smietana etc. Bialy barszcz is also whitish coz of cream and not coz it has milk in it.
12 May 2010   #52
My mom used to make milk soup too. With butter in it and narrow egg noodles and then she would toast some bread and cube it and put the toasted cubes in it. MMMMM good. I am surprised to see so many people who also had it. I thought we were the only ones. My mom was German but my dad was Polish.
26 Oct 2010   #53
My Oma ( German for grandmother) here is a German tradition " milk soup" she made me as a young girl that today I still enjoy.

egg whites ( beat till frothy/foamy

Into a small pot or sauce pan - add about a cup or so of milk and simmer slowly adding in the sugar to taste,add vanilla to taste and add the beaten egg white into hot mixture.

drink hot.
31 Oct 2010   #54
Yes I remember eating it when I was growing up in South Texas. We had a Jersey cow that gave lots of rich milk so we always had lots of milk. My Mom would skim the cream off for butter and then she would make milk soup with the skim milk. She simmered the milk and then added small noodles made with egg, salt and flour. They were delicious. The milk was slightly sweetened with sugar and a small amout of nutmeg or allspice was added for flavor. I don't have accurate measurements. I guess you'll have to experiment. Hope this helps!
3 Nov 2010   #55
I grew up in the northeastern part of north most island of Japan, where most of my neighbours were dairy farmers or potato owers. We got tons of milk even raw directly from them. My mom cooked milk soup for breakfast or lunch at least a couple of times a week from left over old rice, and this was my favorite; And still make this once a month or so on my own.

One meal was made up of following ingredients(I was/am a big eater); two bowls of Rice, 2 eggs, small amount of onion & potato & parsely & corn(or one of them at least), one spoon butter, some salt & pepper as you like, and 1.5 litre milk, 0.1-0.2 litre water added. If you want more carb, add more rice.

I start with non-milk material with small amount of water and boil it, then add milk with low heat while keep mixing it so milk doesn't burn out and stick to the bottom of the pot. Or use microwave to preheat milk.
24 Nov 2010   #56
My mom made all the time,I hated it as a kid,looked like eeg snot floating in hot milk.

The recipe should be destroyed,It was like being tortured when I had to eat it as a kid.
9 Jan 2011   #57
My Grate-grandmother/Grandmother/Mother/and I make a version of milk soup with lumps in it. It's called Maroona (SP?). You heat milk to between 70 and 90 degrees C. You want it hot, but not boiling. Then you mix about 1 heaping cup of flour with an egg and enough milk to make a batter just a little thicker than pancake batter. You drop that, about a tablespoon at a time, into the hot milk and it makes a sort of dumpling. Continue cooking about 2 minutes after all the batter has been dropped, but never boil it. YUM!

Is anyone else familiar with this version? Does anyone know it by another name, or know the correct spelling?

Thanks for any info.
15 May 2011   #58
We grew up eating this soup it was a solid feed when we had very little to eat. My mother used to mix the flour with milk into a dough then drop clumps of dough into the milk, making dumplings. We ate it with suger sprinkled on it and our dad used to eat it with salt on it. My oh my how your discussion has brought back memories.
13 Sep 2011   #59
This is what my grandma calls 'milk soup' I also called it potato soup. I have some leftover celery, onion, potatoes and milk that needs to be used up. Sounds to me like its a milk soup kinda night. I never could get the 'oogles' (dumplings like objects right) now I am going to try thanks to all of you. Dinner is going to be yummy tonight.
6 Nov 2011   #60
My mom made Egg Noodle Soup

3-4 eggs beaten and added to warm milk
salt and pepper
cook egg noodles separately then add to milk mixture.

I still make this all the time and love it!

Adjust milk and eggs by amount you want to make. I just eyeball it all in a saucepan.

The egg is what actually thickens the soup - no flour is used.
If it gets too thick, add a little more milk.

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