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What Polish foods and brands do you miss when you go to other countries?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
8 Jul 2019   #91
Yeah I noticed fruits (except for apples) can be a bit pricey in the supermarket. Thankfully the babcia always provides food so I'll never go hungry. But if I don't want to hear about not being married yet and other complaints I'll have to dole out the cash to eat out or buy food.

Most of the fruit and probably vegetables in the USA is imported from Mexico. Some things are grown locally but the market seems to dictate that importing much fruit and vegetables is more efficient
cms neuf  2 | 1944
8 Jul 2019   #92
Prices of lots of fruit and veg are going up sharply - a dry summer but also high fuel costs, closed sundays, the proposed retail taxes and higher wages both for fruit pickers and supermarket staff.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
8 Jul 2019   #93
if I don't want to hear about not being married yet and other complaints I'll have to eat out or buy food


Stary Babcia's.....don't you just love them!!!!

mike larry  - | 3
17 Jul 2019   #94
If you still have them ( babcia's) love them and respect them, not much time left. I wish my grandparents or parents still live....
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jul 2019   #95
Especially that one day we will be grandpas and grandmas and what we give today, we shall get tomorrow.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jul 2019   #96
I am a grandpa but it didn't work out that way for me.
I gave and gave and gave helping out when I was younger and now in my old age I get nothing but a palm up hand and a thanks, see ya next Christmas.

Back on topic however.
I miss my sauerkraut and kielbasa as I have that on my regular diet at least once a week.
Cleans me out naturally.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
17 Jul 2019   #97
Yeah I noticed fruits (except for apples) can be a bit pricey in the supermarket.

Jesus man! You were banging on about how food prices in Poland are so low compared with the rest of Europe. Make your bloody mind up!

Note to Mods. This is NOT abuse. The above is jokey British English banter, and our language came first:)

my sauerkraut and kielbasa

Excellent johnny. I'm sure the Krauts stole pickled cabbage from the Poles. On the other hand, Polish sausage is now officially total rubbish (unfortunately I still eat it because it's a vice)

I'm old enough to remember when Polish cold cuts were the best in the world, bar none. Those days are gone for ever, because money talks and curing time is no longer followed, even with the "premium" foods.

As for "parowka" - scientests have linked that to cancer. For God's sake people, avoid that rubbish.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jul 2019   #98
I'm sure the Krauts stole pickled cabbage from the Poles.

How silly Dougy.
You must not know that pickled cabbage originated in the north of China among the Mongols and was introduced in Europe by migrating tribes.
(we already have had that discussion here if you remember right)
When mixed with Polish kielbasa it becomes a Polish dish.
My Polish grandma said so which trumps an ex-pat Brit residing in Poland.
Before you try to belittle me next time do your homework.

Polish cold cuts were the best in the world, bar none.

Some of them still are here in the U.S.A. if you want to spend the extra money for those that are properly cured, "like in the old days in Poland". lol

delf laughed at me when I said that when I come to Poland I would like to get some of the old recipes in curing Polish sausage properly along with some of the secret spices and tricks used to make it so good.

One of my best friends owns a home butcher shop within a kilometer from my residence and we are always toying around with new recipes come deer season when there is an abundance of meat to experiment with making new kinds of sausages.

scientests have linked that to cancer

Along with bacon and 1001 other foods.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
17 Jul 2019   #99
I miss my sauerkraut and kielbasa

Mind you Polish sauerkraut is of cabbage.IWhen back home I miss Bar milecznas I eat here 70% of the time in or the govt offices canteens.Real authentic Polish food and the smell of and em Babcias with aprons serving them.
26 Aug 2020   #100
Kaszka manna, kaszanka, kefir, kapusta kiszona, kabnosy, kisiel, ziele angielskie (ha!), tropical fruits Lipton tea. I don't live close to any Polish shops and I can find substitutes to most foods in British shops, but if I manage to take a trip to one of them I usually pick up stuff from the list above.
Lenka  5 | 3548
26 Aug 2020   #101
Why buy ziele angielskie in Polish shop?

My list should have kielbasa and ser do sernika w wiaderku :)
26 Aug 2020   #102
Why buy ziele angielskie in Polish shop?

I've not been able to find ziele angielskie in English shops. I've seen allspice berries on Amazon but not in any of the big shops. I would love to know if I can buy them somewhere more accessible.

I agree with ser do sernika!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
29 Aug 2020   #103
You can buy allspice in most normal supermarkets in the herbs and spices section. Eg Tesco , Sainsbury etc. Can't imagine why you haven't seen it tbh.
mafketis  38 | 11263
29 Aug 2020   #104
You can buy allspice in most normal supermarkets

Ground or whole? In Poland people usually use the whole berry and wouldn't want the powder....
Spike31  3 | 1485
30 Aug 2020   #105
Kielbasa Mysliwska [Hunter's Sausage]. That's what I miss the most

  • mysliwska.JPG
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
31 Aug 2020   #106
OGINSKI Vodka,looters here want 70$ for 700ml btl,for which I paid 40PLN in Poland
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2020   #107
moved from

Polish soups are amazing - especially Zurek and chlodnik.

The last time I had chłodnik was when a small boy - a few decades ago. Why? I am conservative and think that soup should be hot when served.
OdrowazP  8 | 40
2 Sep 2020   #108

But chłodnik sounds so refreshing, especially during this blazing Summer.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2020   #109
Yes, exactly, it only sounds so. :)

Well, a true traditional refreshment on a hot day is cold fruit kompot - much better than cold soup.
I made kompot from mirabelle plums and all family were delighted drinking it.
kaprys  3 | 2076
2 Sep 2020   #110
Come on. Chłodnik is great when it's hot.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2020   #111
Then it ceases to be chłodnik! :)
6 Sep 2020   #112
In Poland people usually use the whole berry and wouldn't want the powder....

It's the opposite here. I had to buy ziele angielskie from a Polish shop as i have only found ground allspice in supermarkets etc. No demand for the whole berry presumably.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Sep 2020   #113
as i have only found ground allspice in supermarkets etc

Really? Allspice is only ground?? Strange.
6 Sep 2020   #114
It's not that commonly used to be honest. I cook/bake a lot and I've only used allspice in Polish dishes, not English.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Sep 2020   #115
Funny. It is like one day Poles will stop using dill to pickle cucumbers. :):)

Yesterday I prepared my beetroot juice for fermentation and apart from usual stuff, I added allspice for the first time, together with other spices, e.g., cloves.

Aaah, fermented beetroot juice! That is the thing I would miss in another country - certainly it is unavailable there in shops.
6 Sep 2020   #116
Poles will stop using dill to pickle cucumbers. :):)

Dill is not commonly used in this country either, in fact I've never used it, but I know Poles tend to put it in everything. I have herbs growing on my kitchen windowsill, basil, flat leaf parsley , thyme, rosemary and sage.

certainly it is unavailable there in shops.

I doubt you would find it here. I must have a go at making it, curious as to whether I would like it.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Sep 2020   #117
If you like fizzy and sour drinks, then yes.
6 Sep 2020   #118
Sour yes, not so keen on fizzy.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Sep 2020   #119
Not as fizzy as Coke, of course. 30% of it.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Sep 2020   #120
You can buy whole allspice in just about every tesco and sainsbury in the UK. I buy it for baking cakes and fir lamb shanks.

Home / Food / What Polish foods and brands do you miss when you go to other countries?

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