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Where can I find halal butchery in Warsaw?

interfacemirror  3 | 26
25 Mar 2016   #1
Hi friends

Apologies for potential repeated post but I could not find something like this in the forum.

May I know where can I find halal butchery in Warswa? Good quality halal restaurant suggestions is also an added help. But primarily I am looking for butchery shop.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Mar 2016   #2
You mean you couldn't spend two seconds on Google?
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
25 Mar 2016   #3
There is a big mosque in warsaw you could go and pray, then ask some of the congregation as to where the best shops are
OP interfacemirror  3 | 26
25 Mar 2016   #4
Definitely I could and I did. But the reason I posted was to get first hand information from experts. And thank you for your response. It is invaluable.

Thank you so much for your suggestion. It is highly appreciated to have your time to post a reply.
25 Mar 2016   #5
There are two places on Jana Pawla just by the corner with Nowolipki. Give Ahmed in Muddina my regards, although the lads in Dubai probably serve better eat-there food.
OP interfacemirror  3 | 26
25 Mar 2016   #6
Hi Harry. Sure I will. Thank you for the information mate.
26 Mar 2016   #7
Thank you for the information mate.

No worries. I can often be found at the multi-tap bar just round the corner from Dubai. If I'm not there, ask at the bar, they can reach me via Facebook.

There are a number of halal butchers in Warsaw but some are what Poles call for 'friends of the teddy-bear'; just ask at Muddina or Dubai, they'll know if you're legit or a snitch.
11 Apr 2016   #8
Harry 25 Mar 2016 #6

There are two places on Jana Pawla just by the corner with Nowolipki. Give Ahmed in Muddina my regards, although the lads in Dubai probably serve better eat-there food.

Ok. Buddy. I went to see Ahmed at the Halal butchers store.

I say 'Harry sends his regards to Ahmed.'

Blank stare.

"I said Harry. He's a buddy of yours. A friend. He knows you and you know him. Lives in this neighborhood. He sends his regards. He says Hi.'

Blank and now confused look.

"The English Dude. Knows all about Halal. Harry. HARRY?'

He looked at his colleague and they looking more confused than ever, and starting to think I am a mad man. After seeing if maybe another Ahmed works in the same place. I make my excuses and leave.

Ok. Dubai next. More blanks stares, More confused looks. Never heard of a Harry.

So finally I go for a beer at the Multi Tap.

Once again no luck. No recognition.

Do you really live in Warsaw. These guys did't know **** all about you. Or do I need to take in a photo for them to know who you are. Cos I have news for you, they don't know you man. Not at all.

11 Apr 2016   #9
Ok. Buddy. I went to see Ahmed at the Halal butchers store.

Please try harder, troll, Muddina is a restaurant, not a halah butcher's.
11 Apr 2016   #10
I know that. But they use Halal Butchery = Halal meats in their foods.

edited - please behave yourself or you would get banned
Atch  21 | 4139
11 Apr 2016   #11
dumb ass.

You're a rude little creature aren't you.....

Halal butchers store.

A butcher's store is a shop and Muddina is a restaurant. If you'd really gone there you'd have said 'I went to Muddina and guess what dumb ass it ain't a butcher's store, it's a dumb ass mother f*ckin diner or some sh*t' or something to that effect in your own vernacular.

The English Dude

I don't believe Harry is English. He's a Wild Colonial Boy and bears a striking resemblance to Mick Jagger.
11 Apr 2016   #13
Ahmed does not know you. Neither do 'the boys in Dubai' nor the staff in Hopsters
Atch  21 | 4139
11 Apr 2016   #14
Ask them if 'Mick' has been in recently. You might have better luck. Perhaps they can't understand y'all's accent?? Or maybe they couldn't hear you properly shouting at them through the window......
11 Apr 2016   #15
Strange that Hopsters is mentioned when there is no reference to it in this thread. Although an American troll was asking about it in the bin a few days ago. Must be coincidence
11 Apr 2016   #16
I know that.

If you knew that Muddina is a restaurant, you wouldn't have have written about it as "the Halal butchers store". Please try harder, we're used to a much higher quality of troll round here.

nor the staff in Hopsters

That's a very odd claim to make, given that I was chatting to them at Polish Army stadium only the day before yesterday.

Or maybe they couldn't hear you properly shouting at them through the window......

If it was only a window, he might have a chance of making himself understood; however, the reality is that there's an ocean between him and every place in Poland which sells halal meat and there always will be.
jon357  72 | 22778
11 Apr 2016   #17
A butcher's store is a shop and Muddina is a restaurant.


Anyway, the largest halal butcher is just round the corner from the Warsaw Central Mosque in Wilanów - anyone looking to buy halal meat just needs to ask there.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Apr 2016   #18
I wonder, do they do lamb?

Bosnia (in the majority-Bosniak areas) is absolutely fantastic for lamb. My jaw dropped in a supermarket when I realised that you could get a kilo of excellent lamb for a mere 20zł there.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
11 Apr 2016   #19
nor the staff in Hopsters

When you were at Hopsters did you see the gold plated bar stool at the end of the bar that has the name "Cantankerous" etched in it ?

My jaw dropped in a supermarket when I realised that you could get a kilo of excellent lamb for a mere 20zł there.

Mine would have too since it usually costs at least twice that when it is on sale.
Maybe it was getting very old and they were selling it for dog food.
12 Apr 2016   #20

The market place in Hala Mirowski, number 110 is the place you want, its a kosher butcher, many Muslims buy their products.
15 Feb 2024   #21
@interfacemirror You can find a halal meat butcher called Bizim Sklep Miesny there google location

Probably the fresh Halal Meat Warsaw you can find....
jon357  72 | 22778
15 Feb 2024   #22
If you can do some Barnsley Chops (double lamb chop with the bone in the middle) I'm interested.

Poland doesn't have much lamb, doesn't have many butchers (a meat shop isn't the same) and they don't know their job.

If you can do some, I'll come and stock up my freezer.
Alien  22 | 5460
15 Feb 2024   #23
If you can do some, I'll come and stock up my freezer

Halal is not kosher. Could it be after all?
jon357  72 | 22778
15 Feb 2024   #24

Those rules are different although there are similarities.

The trouble is finding lamb in Poland, a country where the meat is generally of poor quality and where there are almost no butchers shops.
15 Feb 2024   #25
lamb in Poland

I don't know if it's that popular. The few times I've brought the subject up with friends the reaction has been almost as though I suggested they try eating donkey! Not keen at all.

Barnsley Chops

That's the first time I've seen what they look like. I wouldn't say no to one of those! I love lamb but it's expensive given the size of normal chops. A couple of bites and it's gone.
jon357  72 | 22778
15 Feb 2024   #26
I don't know if it's that popular

It's not popular at all. Years ago when I'd not long been in PL we went to dinner with someone who'd been on holiday in Greece. He made moussaka. Just before serving it he said "it's made with lamb but don't worry because I've cooked it for so long that you won't be able to taste anything"!

I've done shoulder of lamb (usually pot roasted with potatoes in the pot to soak up the fat) a few times for Poles and it's almost always gone down well. One person (a farmer from the countryside) refused to eat it in horror. The same person does eat raw pork though...

it's expensive given the size of normal chops

Barnsley chops are definitely for a rare treat for that reason but any decent lamb is so hard to come by that I'd buy a few and freeze them.
Alien  22 | 5460
15 Feb 2024   #27
It's not popular at all

Lamb fillets are available in Germany, e.g. at Netto. We baked them at the grill in the summer. They were very good.
15 Feb 2024   #28
he said "it's made with lamb but don't worry because I've cooked it for so long that you won't be able to taste anything"!

I think my face would have said it all! How disappointing!

What I've found quite strange is that a couple of Polish friends wouldn't eat it because of the smell. They said it smelt disgusting. Can't say I've noticed that lamb smells particularly strong personally.

I've done shoulder of lamb (usually pot roasted with potatoes in the pot to soak up the fat)

Sounds good :) Might sound odd but I use lamb shoulder steaks for making goulash. I'm not keen on pork so I substitute lamb instead.

What I really don't like about ordering lamb when eating out over here is that it's almost always served with mint gravy. Why oh why? So many times I've seen lamb on a menu only to be bitterly disappointed to find it flavoured in some way with mint. I'm not a fan of mint. :(

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