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What's your favorite Polish coffee?

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
18 Jul 2010   #31
Is Gold Blend a brand? If so, who produces it? Nestlé, Kraft Foods, somemone else?
Zed  - | 195
18 Jul 2010   #32
coffee press only, here!!! :-)
polishmeknob  5 | 154
18 Jul 2010   #33
It's 90% instant.
Of all the stuff I love about Poland, I think its coffee selection in stores sucks.
It's more of a tea culture.
polkamaniac  1 | 482
18 Jul 2010   #34
From what I read---Polish coffee beans comes from Arabia.In North America ,we get our coffee beans mostly from South America which is a much better tasting coffee than the harsh stuff that grown in Arabia.
18 Jul 2010   #35
From what I read---Polish coffee beans comes from Arabia.

Don't you mean Arabica? ;)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
18 Jul 2010   #36
Kronung;)- good German coffee, just returned from Poland and there is still no chance of getting a good cup of java there. Most people drink instant;(
king polkakamon  - | 542
18 Jul 2010   #37
In North America

I couldn't find a real strong coffee in the US comparable to what we have in Greece.The Americans seem to drink gallons.The same in CR and Poland.Very weak coffee,impossible to wake up.But then again the culture is different I as Balkan need to get explosive feeling,Czechs etc prefer smooth feeling by beer,US want to last long by drinking constantly amounts of coffee without getting exploded and then burnt out etc.
sobieski  106 | 2111
18 Jul 2010   #38
I am living here in Warsaw six years, coming to Poland since 1989....And I find Polish coffee genuinely horribly.
Or you get the German brands (half of them Unilever-owned) dumping (as it seems to me but I could be mistaken) their worst and third-choice products here (Tchibo, Jacobs) for a meagre price. Or you pay crazy over-inflated prices for Italian brands. Or Dutch DE pretending to be Italian and selling at the same idiot prices.

Every time I go home to Flanders - I stock up at my coffee for the next few months and I survive :)

By the way I tink the typical Polish way of making coffee of pouring boiling water on ground coffee in a glass might be a bit of the past. Nobody in my wife's family, nor in my social circle is doing that still. (They are using or a typical percolator or an expresso machine). But I remember that kind of coffee. It was or mind-boggling strong or just coloured water - depending on the host :)
king polkakamon  - | 542
18 Jul 2010   #39
of making coffee of pouring boiling water on ground coffee in a glass

This is called french coffee.It is the most usual,very weak and sometimes changes your mood(you might get sad etc,it causes feelings).

Then there is italian coffee espresso which is supposed to wake you up instantly by being vey strong(but its influence lasts only 1-2 hours then you want again) and cappucchino(which is bigger quantity,more flavoured like chocolate and less strong with some mood effects).

Then there is turkish or greek coffee as we call it here which is weaker than espresso but stronger than french.This coffee has the effect to make you talk too much,it is popular among women who visit each other to gossip around(and maybe then tell their fortunes by looking at the coffee remaints on the cup typical for this kind of coffee).

Then there is the king,the frappe the strongest coffee if done right but very few manage to make decent frappe(a lot depends on the analogy of water,the duration of shaking,the kind of coffee used etc).The frappe is ideal for fast work but it may make you look like frenzy or crazy if overdone.It is commonly used by students to stay awake at night studying before exams or during exams to be able to remember stuff.It is also the commonest drunk by youth in cafeterias because it provides excitement being able to stay and enjoy for hours(typical greek habit while the European-Italian drinks his espresso i minutes and leaves).

Relatively new trends are fredducino,freddo which taste awful in my experience and make you feel like sh1t.
Then there is ice coffee which makes you feel like sh1t(hammered) for half an hour but then causes a higher level of energy.I use it in clubs sometimes when I want to pick up girls and need higher energy levels and alert.For sure chronic drinking of ice coffee cannot be recommended it is the most likely to cause insomnia,stomach problems etc.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
18 Jul 2010   #40
you sure know a LOT about coffee for a straight person;)
king polkakamon  - | 542
18 Jul 2010   #41
Yes,espresso in Starbucks for example costs in the US 1.5$ which puts it in mass consume while in Greece it costs 2.7 euro(!) so it is considered luxury.In US they have pleasant flavours but not really strong coffee what you drink in Starbucks is not the italian espresso which makes you a missile after drinking it in some seconds.But generally Americans do not seem so strained and concentrated at work but they work longer hours so I think their coffee reflects this situation.
sobieski  106 | 2111
18 Jul 2010   #42
I only drink coffee in the morning (percolator) with milk and sugar....So enlighten me... what is "ice coffee"? How do you prepare that?

And Nescafe/Jacobs atr work until midday.

I am never going to Starbucks - epitome of Americanism in this world - but I have friends here in Warsaw who are seduced by their free WiFi.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
18 Jul 2010   #43
Sometimes one tolerates poor coffee because of other attractions.

I used to prefer the Coffee Heaven in Warsaw's Nowy Świat when it was still the "Nescafe Cafe". Back then, I went in dozens of times, simply because the atmosphere was better, even though the coffee was awful.
sobieski  106 | 2111
18 Jul 2010   #44
I guess it also depends on your way of life...
I am drinking coffee in the morning - running from the shower to the kitchen, brewing tea for my wife who is on "mummy mode" in the morning...

So it is a typical waking-up and get-to-work brew.
In the meantime taking care of our cats who do expect that :)
So the sound of the percolator processing coffee is most welcome :)

In the weekend I prefer to read my Wyborcza at home and drink coffee equally at home, sitting near my loved one...No Nowy Swiat can beat that.

Never understood people who can invest half a mortgage in an Italian espresso machine.
As I said, way of life :)
Kristina1948  3 | 10
23 Jul 2011   #45
We are travelling to Poland from Australia in August, I love my coffee, should I take my own with a plunger or do they have

this type of coffee in Poland, from reading some of the posts it sounds rather dire.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
24 Jul 2011   #46
what is "ice coffee"? How do you prepare that?

get plenty of instant coffee and some milk and sugar and cold water and.....put it in a plastic container with a screw top and shake violently (the coffee not you).....

pour it into a glass and add ice....stick in a straw...drink..
pip  10 | 1658
24 Jul 2011   #47
good grief. there is coffee here. You can get it at any grocery store. If you buy sh*t than you get sh*t. Who drinks instant? It is cardboard fake coffee.

LavaAzza is good. Personally, I don't eat anything from Kraft or Nestle- it is mass produced crap.
Polish people drink Turkish style coffee- this is why there are grounds in the bottom.
If you are just visiting- and you are staying in a hotel, they will have regular brewed coffee.
teflcat  5 | 1024
24 Jul 2011   #48
Pip quoted. LavaAzza is good

It certainly is but the price is insane. Kristine doesn't need to bring any equipment when she comes here; it's not that bad! Kronung is as good at it gets for a reasonable price.
pip  10 | 1658
24 Jul 2011   #49
Jacobs is Kraft. Stay away from it. There are so many better coffees than that. I think I am a coffee snob though. I would rather spend the money on good coffee.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Jul 2011   #50
I like to blend MK premium and Carrefour Espresso (in the green packet). That produces a nice bouquet and deep, dark robustness. Other than a stove-top aluminium espresso pot, for company I do a semi-Turkish procedure. Cold water and ground coffee is combined in saucrpan, brought to the boil and then strained through a strainer into a coffee pot. True Turkish uses ultra-find ground coffee but the stuff widely available in Poland is a bit too coarse so the strainer is needed. Then you only get maybe 2 or 3 little dregs at the bottom of the cup.
Palivec  - | 379
24 Jul 2011   #51
Well, some people buy only expensive whole beans and despise everything else, and some people drink American coffee and think Starbucks makes the best coffee in the world. If you are neither of those Jakobs Kroenung isn't a bad choice. I usually buy Dallmayr or Illy, but I'm not sure if you can get them in Poland.
gumishu  15 | 6228
24 Jul 2011   #52
I usually buy Dallmayr or Illy, but I'm not sure if you can get them in Poland.

there are coffee vending machines with the Dallmayr brandmark in bigger railway stations in Poland - packaged coffee of the brand is not popular though (and definitely not widely available)
pip  10 | 1658
24 Jul 2011   #53
I usually buy Dallmayr or Illy, but I'm not sure if you can get them in Poland.

yes they are here. Piotr i Pawel or Alma, even Bomi has them.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Jul 2011   #54
Snobbery of any kind is stupid because it means trying to show off and impress others with pricey brand-obsession. It's quite another thing to be a coffee lover. My guru is the late James Beard, an American culinary expert who advised people to 'buy the cheapest wine you find acceptable'. I extend that to other products including coffee. By and large, more expensive brands are better, but at times you can strike on something less pricey that is very good. MK premium is an upper-shelf brand in Poland (along with Tchibo Exquisite and Jacob's Kronung), whislt Carrefour Espresso is a cheaper supermarket own brand. Blended 50-50 they produce an aromatic brew with just the right body.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
24 Jul 2011   #55
Yes - and if one is (like me) a genuine coffee lover, who detests instant, it is worth paying a bit extra for something to cherish. After all, I don't own a television, a car, any gadgets and always buy cheap arabian cologne instead of expensive aftershave. Plus I use Ludwik as shower gel. When I buy Lavazza coffee it is a personal preference, and I always keep it in a sealed tin in the fridge anyway so guests don't see the label.

Polonius3: MK premium is an upper-shelf brand in Poland (along with Tchibo Exquisite and Jacob's Kronung

I avoid MK and buy Tchibo exclusive if I run out and have to get some from a sklep spozywczy that doesn't have anything better.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Jul 2011   #56
Lavazza Red or Black?
JonnyM  11 | 2607
24 Jul 2011   #57
In Poland the black is quite rare - it tends to be the expensive gold, with big supermarkets (that I don't go to generally) selling the red as well. By preference I'd buy the red over the gold. I always make it po Turecku with the grounds in the cup.

The nicest coffee I've ever seen was on Bradford market near my home in northern England, a downscale place if ever there was one. An old gentleman had a stall selling coffee for years - one of them was a blend of Blue Mountain and cheaper but complimentary coffees. It was wonderful and I always used to buy it, but he retired and nobody wanted to take the stall on.

This month I'm in doing some work in Africa in a country without supermarkets etc, but with plenty of ladies who sit by the side of the street in the shade serving blisteringly strong coffee (probably Ethiopian) with ginger, cinnamon and lots of sugar added. People sit around on very low stools and it's amazing to watch the ladies adding the spices and making the coffee in cans over charcoal. It costs about 2 PLN a cup. There are a few indoor cafes here, but they tend to serve Nescafe instant.

In fact since it's 5pm here and a bit cooler, I think I'll pop out for some!
pip  10 | 1658
24 Jul 2011   #58
Yes - and if one is (like me) a genuine coffee lover, who detests instant, it is worth paying a bit extra for something to cherish.

thanks for writing this- it is exactly how I feel. I am a coffee snob, so what. I don't think I am better for it- I enjoy my coffee and as a result I am willing to buy a more expensive brand.--to tell my friends, no, to brag to others, seriously, no. Like I wrote earlier, Kronung Jakobs is manufactured by Kraft. I don't buy Kraft products. I read my labels and I am conscious about the things I feed my family. It doesn't have anything to do with being a snob. I also take the coffee out of the bag and put it in a canister. Only I know what brand it is.

And I am not brand obsessed. None of my clothes have any label on it. I am anti label- which is rare in this country.
Nathan  18 | 1349
24 Jul 2011   #59
Either Maxwell House or, sometimes, Nescafe.

Polonius was asking about coffee, not black junk suspended in water. Don't dare to offend coffee by calling it by these hideous names, Wroclaw.
Seanus  15 | 19666
24 Jul 2011   #60
Polish coffee or coffee available in Poland? I tend to drink Jacobs Kronung (Kenco in the UK). Kraft produce some good stuff :)

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