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Polish bacon doesn't fry up?

ender  5 | 394
9 Jul 2011   #31
that's your comeback? a mention of ONE random store in Warsaw?

Why not? Named ONE in Washington. The one where you've been personally.
pip  10 | 1658
9 Jul 2011   #32
big sweeping comments from people trying to generalize about the USA will always make you look like an idiot. especially people that claim to have "lived there for 6 months" and now claim to be an expert on the entire country. this is just one example of how little you know.

Do you smoke crack?
Why don't you do the research about meat in the US, or perhaps you eat less gmo because you shop at whole foods.
It is an accurate comment. I have never lived in the U.S. I am not Polish. I am not an expert on America and don't claim to be. And you have just managed to provide an outstanding example of why americans are thought of the way they are.

My comeback? How old are you, 12?
Ironside  50 | 12959
9 Jul 2011   #33
An 12 years old mind in a 34 years old body :D
9 Jul 2011   #34
ender wrote:

Why not? Named ONE in Washington. The one where you've been personally.

you've completely lost me.

pip wrote:

Why don't you do the research about meat in the US, or perhaps you eat less gmo because you shop at whole foods.

it's simple. you can either eat the gmo stuff or you can buy something else. it will be sitting right next to it. or in the store right next to you. it all comes down to a choice.

it's like in Poland. you walk up to a meat store and they have great pork or chicken products. you can walk in there, buy some fresh stuff, go home and cook yourself up a meal.....or, you can walk into the McD's or Wendy's or KFC and get yourself some meat there as well. it all comes down to choice. many people are lazy and do the fast food thing, some do not.
pip  10 | 1658
9 Jul 2011   #35
You are half right. In Poland, as of yet, there is no gmo in meat production, or fruit and veg for that matter. If I walk into Tesco I can get good chicken. There is not two sections gmo and no gmo. So a poorer family in Poland is still able to have the same standards of meat as the rest of the population.

Your American thinking is not the same in this part of the world. Many European countries rely and trust that their gov't is making the best decision for them with regards to food health and safety. Socialism is not a dirty word over here.

I know in the states many people feel as though the gov't has no business in food regulation, unfortunately because of this- the methods of farming has become sub standard and animal feeds have changed and over injection of hormones is the norm.

I stand by what I said.
Unless I was buying meat from an organic butcher or whole foods store, I wouldn't eat the meat in the states.
As for the meat in the states tasting better- I happen to agree with you, however, just because it tastes better- doesn't mean it is better.

After living in Warsaw for 7 years we have finally found an organic butcher with great steaks. Before this we never ate beef.
Wroclaw Boy
9 Jul 2011   #36
it's simple. poland doesn't have american bacon. been there, done that, searched and searched, they don't have it.

Poland has bocek or zeberka which is cut from the outside of the rib on a pig. In England we know this cut as bacon rashers in America it would be pork belly. Back bacon which is (real bacon) is none existant in Poland as the name suggests its cut from the back, in its pork chop form it is called Loin of pork in the UK or Schab in Poland.

Really dont know why Poland doenst have proper bacon, for a nation of pork lovers it would sell very well.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
9 Jul 2011   #37
for a nation of pork lovers it would sell very well.

only if they know what to do with it. Poles might find the idea of bacon and eggs odd.

it's the same with heinz beans. they don't know what to do with them.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
9 Jul 2011   #38
Really dont know why Poland doenst have proper bacon, for a nation of pork lovers it would sell very well.

I miss them when I am hungover.

Different country, different cuisine.
Ironside  50 | 12959
9 Jul 2011   #39
only if they know what to do with it. Poles might find the idea of bacon and eggs odd.

What about eggs and ham or eggs and boczek ?

it's the same with heinz beans. they don't know what to do with them.

Well, there is something better fasolka a la Brittany :)
wildrover  98 | 4430
9 Jul 2011   #40
it's the same with heinz beans. they don't know what to do with them.

Any Poles that have some Heinz beans and don,t know what to do with them can bring them to me for a demonstration...
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
9 Jul 2011   #41
i knew i shouldn't have mentioned them. we'd better get back to the original topic though
JonnyM  11 | 2607
9 Jul 2011   #42
Well, there is something better fasolka a la Brittany :)

Different. Served in a different way. And much better if you add fried bacon.

BTW, Piotr i Pawel at Blue City in Warsaw sometimes have bacon cut the British way.
Seanus  15 | 19666
9 Jul 2011   #43
I bought the smoked kind that PennBoy was talking about. I guess it'll be for sandwiches only :) :) Boczek likely doesn't fry up well but does bekon? I gather they are 2 different things.
pip  10 | 1658
9 Jul 2011   #44
I have never had a problem with the morliny. It fries up the same to me. the only issue is that the packs only come with about 9 small slices.
Seanus  15 | 19666
9 Jul 2011   #45
Morliny is a firm, right? Morliny and Krakus are more about quality than quantity.
Wroclaw Boy
9 Jul 2011   #46
I miss them when I am hungover.

Ive bean eating loads of bacon since ive been back as a substitute for the lack of ham variety in the UK. Question is though - sausages - I love the UK sausages, i never really got in with kilebasa at first but then started liking them.

But as BM mentioned nothing like a fry up to cure a hangover its just the best medicine coursing through your veins, one of those and the hangover just disappears, in Poland i used Rosoł to cure a hang over but its only chicken stock and pasta/macaron only works for about 20 minutes then you need either another one or a decent dinner. A full English sets you up for another 5 pints, no probs.
pip  10 | 1658
9 Jul 2011   #47
I think you guys need the best Canadian hangover cure. Poutine!!!
pawian  226 | 27585
10 Jul 2011   #48
I suppose the oly way to crispify it would be to use a teflon-coated pan.

I thought such pans are commonly used in Poland.
croggers  7 | 108
25 Nov 2011   #49
Merged: Back bacon in Poland?

Hi, was just wondering if it's possible to buy back bacon in Poland? Someone told me that it may be schab but I'd have to get it sliced. Can anybody confirm this?

Thanks in advance :)
db1874  7 | 227
25 Nov 2011   #50
if it's possible to buy back bacon in Poland?

you can buy it [] (Warsaw area)
croggers  7 | 108
25 Nov 2011   #51
thanks :)

Merged: I found back bacon in Poland!

For anyone who's interested, you can buy back bacon (British/Canadian/Danish style bacon) in Tesco. I found it in the Tesco in Chełm, Gdańsk and it's called "Boczek Klasyczny".

There is one problem though, it's paper thin! But has decent flavour to it. Just made myself a Bacon and cheddar cheese french bread baguette...............Drooooool.

Peace out
9 Dec 2014   #52
I am too a bacon-a-holic and love a nice BLT.

Moved to Poland for the 2nd time in 3 years and nothing comes close to Danish Smoked Bacon (streaky and back).

This may have been (subconsciously) the reason I moved back to the UK after the 1st time living here LOL
9 Dec 2014   #53
I am too a bacon-a-holic and love a nice BLT.

You can get frozen bacon at M&S now. It's exactly the same stuff which they sell in the UK.
pigsy  7 | 304
27 Jan 2015   #54
Merged: With polish bacon

freaking had BLT from subway tasted like smoked bacon anyone found/tasted it?fooling polaks with american food?even international franchises playing that game?

Please pay more attention to your thread titles. Note:10. Posters who constantly ignore message subject creation rules may be suspended for 24 hours or more.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
27 Jan 2015   #55
what are you even talking about?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
28 Jan 2015   #56
You can get frozen bacon at M&S now. It's exactly the same stuff which they sell in the UK.

What is this frozen bacon at M and S Harry? No evidence of it here in Sopot.

And Magda - borczek wedzony cut very thin (just less than 1 on the slicer) comes up a treat as passable fried bacon on my frying pan - eating some bacon sarnies with a morning beer right now - but it also piles on the weight, so don't do it. :)

And whoever eats Polish "bacon" raw - ie. half the population - is cutting their lifespan. It's a given.
pigsy  7 | 304
28 Jan 2015   #57
what are you even talking about?

try the blt at subway and check for yourself,its more like a smoked meat.
jon357  72 | 23528
28 Jan 2015   #58
Bacon often is a smoked meat. You can get smoked or cured.
28 Jan 2015   #59
What is this frozen bacon at M and S Harry? No evidence of it here in Sopot.

It's the same stuff that they sell in the UK: just smoked back rashers (thick-cut I think but plain smoked and basic pork, not named breed or outdoor bred). Is there a frozen foods section in the Sopot store? If there is, ask the staff to get some sent up for you. I think it's about 12zl for a pack of eight rashers (I've never bought it myself, so I can't tell you how many rashers there are or exactly what the price is, but I seem to remember seeing 12zl when I looked). Personally I bring a stack of bacon back from the UK each time I go there and it's enough to last me for a few months. When I get home from the UK I split up all the packs of bacon and sausages into freezer bags with three bits of bacon and two sausages in each bag and then freeze the lot.
6 Apr 2016   #60
I tried the polish bacon from my local polish deli raw and loved it, brought some home and my girl was able to fry some for blts, but raw has the best and most flavor.

Home / Food / Polish bacon doesn't fry up?

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