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How to reply to a thread on this website?

Tripaloski  3 | 8
18 Oct 2017   #1
It's confusing, how to reply to a thread on this website?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 Oct 2017   #2
First, you should consider if the given message is worth replying at all. My guess is it is not and the techical system of the forum is able to detect this. Therefore it tends to be reluctant to give you a clue as to how to reply. You know, the system employed by the PF is extremely smart.
OP Tripaloski  3 | 8
18 Oct 2017   #3
PM me whatever you're smoking :)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 Oct 2017   #4
Wow, you've managed post a reply! This means my message was well worth replying, so the system did not object :-)
OP Tripaloski  3 | 8
18 Oct 2017   #5
If someone is having the same problem, try change the browser, Google chrome seem the only browser that run this problem.
Tlum  12 | 309
18 Oct 2017   #6
Posting from chrome and not smoking ;)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 Oct 2017   #7
Well, the system objects to her posting from Google Chrome for whatever reason. AI is at our doors ...
renier8  3 | 30
30 Dec 2017   #8
[Moved from]: Technical question - reply on forum

Hi everyone,
Sorry - not sure where to put this post.
I have made some threads, and some people have replied.
However - I don't seem to have the option to reply again. I have looked all over the page for a "reply" button.

Am I missing something ?
Thank you for your assistance.
DominicB  - | 2706
30 Dec 2017   #9
Type in the box under the words "Bold Italic Quote........

Then hit Post Message below the box.
renier8  3 | 30
30 Dec 2017   #10
Hello Dominic,
Thank you.
I didn't mean to make a fool out of myself :-) My Firefox and Chrome browser seems to be broken: screenshot.: no option to reply.

Anyways - I signed in on IE. Seems to be fine. I will reply to my other threads now.
Thank you again.
DominicB  - | 2706
30 Dec 2017   #11
If you are using NoScript, temporary allow all this site.
Becoming dad  3 | 28
11 Jan 2018   #12

How Do I Contribute/Write in An Existing Thread

I'm new here and writing in a thread by another member seems impossible. I'm not that stupid but I can't see anywhere it says write or reply. Press the F5 key on your keyboard to reload the cache - possibly an old script collides with the updated one.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
11 Jan 2018   #13
Don't know how things look on your computer but there should be a white box underneath the last reply [turns yellow when you click on it and start to type] with the words 'post message' below it.
gumishu  15 | 6228
22 May 2018   #14

question to Admin or moderators

why can't I add posts to threads - am I banned or what
Vincent  8 | 800
22 May 2018   #15
why can't I add posts to threads - am I banned or what

Hopefully you have managed to fix this issue. As someone has already said in a previous post it could be a browser fault, try a different one and also try a "hard refresh" to see if it makes any difference.
Crow  154 | 9556
22 May 2018   #16
It's confusing, how to reply to a thread on this website?

before reply put cross on yourself and send few prayers to Christ and Svetovid
jotunn  1 | 3
20 Jan 2019   #17

How do I reply on this forum?

Before logging in, there was a "reply" field, but when I clicked reply, it told me to log in.

And when I logged in, the "reply" field is gone - I can only keep creating new topics
mafketis  38 | 11199
20 Jan 2019   #18
press the button at the bottom left with the poster's name to respond.
jotunn  1 | 3
20 Jan 2019   #19
Chrome lets you post as long as you're not logged in, but you need to not be IP-banned from guestposting. And, I guess everyone is.
Paulina  17 | 4537
19 Mar 2022   #20

I can't access a thread

When I go to "Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2" I can't even read it. When I click on it it says: "You need to login to read this discussion." even though I'm logged in. Does anyone know what's going on? It has never happened to me before... Maybe logout/login again..
Paulina  17 | 4537
19 Mar 2022   #21
@Mod/Admin, I've tried logging out and loggin in again already... Maybe login in a private browser mode.
Paulina  17 | 4537
19 Mar 2022   #22
Thank you, it worked! It's weird though...
Paulina  17 | 4537
31 Mar 2022   #23
Now I can't access "Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2" on my phone even when I'm logged in to the forum in incognito mode... :(
Alien  25 | 6402
1 Apr 2022   #24
Paulina we invite you to "Koszałki opałki".
Vincent  8 | 800
1 Apr 2022   #25
Now I can't access "Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2" on my phone even when I'm logged in to the forum in incognito mode

My guess is, you have reached your maximum number of quotes for 2022, and Admin has sent an electronic pulse to your phone to zap you.

Seriously, though, do you close down all the pages in your browser very often?. I have found on my phone, that when I close my browser, pages can remain in memory or cache, and in turn slows down my internet, and makes some sites hard to navigate.
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 Apr 2022   #26
@Vincent, "Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2" is the only thread on PF that I can't open. What does it have to do with slow internet? GefreiterKania and Cojestdocholery wrote in one Polish thread that they can't get into that thread too. GefreiterKania can read it only on a computer at work.

And why do we have to be logged in to read "Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2" in the first place? The Polish section isn't in Off Topic, so what's the reason for that?

you have reached your maximum number of quotes for 2022, and Admin has sent an electronic pulse to your phone to zap you.

Don't be mean, it's enough that we have a border with Russia, life is tough enough as it is :/

Paulina we invite you to "Koszałki opałki".

But you guys are still writing in "Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2" and I can't read it :/

Or clear PF cookies in your browser.
Vincent  8 | 800
1 Apr 2022   #27
What does it have to do with slow internet?

Two things that you should try, first try a different browser to see if you get the same problem, and second, clear the cache on your phone to see if it makes a difference. The latter, you should do every couple of weeks anyway to make it run smoother.
Torq  8 | 1063
16 Dec 2023   #28
Wanted to start a new thread but the board won't let me. It says "Go back!" and asks me to select proper category; I tried "History" (most appropriate for the thread imo), "Life" and finally "Random" but each time I got the same message. :-/ Check your PM.

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