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Polish forums members - please stop being agressive and dishonest. What a waste of potential.

Ironside  50 | 12954
27 Sep 2020   #31
Good Morning Ironside

Top o' the mornin' to ya Vincent!
To be honest I haven't excepted any response to my post. It it a mighty nice of you to spare some time in your busy schedule to says few words to me.

It has been ten years I believe.
In case the screen will turn blank soon I would like to take that opportunity to thank you for your work. Good job!

Fair play, but don't come running to us if your screen goes blank ;)

I promise! You can count on me I'll keep that promise :)

You are not only an arsonist but a potential murderer,

Tsk tsk If I'm what you say I'm you are acting foolishly right here, do you believe Internet anonymity? lol!

Mr Arsonist.

Taunting people for no good reason tsk tsk as they say expect unexpected. lol!

Give yourself a warning Vincent

Actually Vincent is all right in my books. Just rules ever changing according to Adm. whim is what is wrong with PF.
johnny reb  49 | 7960
27 Sep 2020   #32
Vincent has always been fair with me also.
I would actually like to sit down with him and buy him a cold beer someday.
Unfortunately I can't say the same about the other immature Mod. that constantly taunts members that he doesn't like and thinks it is cute to post about sucking cock and masturbating.

I see that he has even deleted several of his post but ya'll know J.R. and his photo shots and archives.
The Admin. must be hard up for Mods is the only thing I can think of.
Maybe we should all vote on someone to replace this incompetent douche bag that is causing all the trouble here by taunting other members to the point of them threatening him with setting his duppy ass on fire even though it was more than obvious he was talking figuratively and not literally.

I nominate Rich so we can have an American Mod for this American forum about Poland.
pawian  226 | 27556
27 Sep 2020   #33
you are acting foolishly right here, do you believe Internet anonymity? lol!

More threats?? hahaha

expect unexpected.

hahaha Darling, I have expected the unexpected from your sort since the day I became a member here. I got used to it already. Your threats don`t work on me. Do you really believe you can intimidate me into silence? Even on the debris of the house you are going to burn down I will still post in the forum and tell the truth about fascists and others.

Taunting people

Calling an arsonist Mr Arsonist is not taunting - it is telling the truth, like I mentioned before.

I would actually like to sit down with him and buy him a cold beer someday.

Full of poison most probably. I would be careful, Vincent.
johnny reb  49 | 7960
28 Sep 2020   #34
I like Vincent most of the time BUT.....................

The thread got closed because some members decided they would just post off-topic comments,

Yeah, no sht Vincent and how many times in that thread did I ask people to get back on topic ? Many times is the correct answer.

I even posted in that thread that the thread was going to get closed if pawian, jon and mafhole kept it up and kept it up to get it closed.


You saw me asking them post after post to stay on topic yet you gave out no warnings to them, you did nothing to correct the off-topic posting, you did nothing as a Mod to stop or fix the problem because you wanted that thread closed just like all the rest of the LBGT threads that you have closed.

Color us stupid of WHO wants those Homo threads closed as a definite game plan and pattern has become way to obvious.
The only logical answer to your bias Moderating is that you are gay yourself.
Tell me I am wrong Vincent.

I have been suspected for a while I suspended for calling some moron - a moron.

And this is what the Politically Correct bedwetters claim was that you threatened them with. lmao

No way in hell would any court in America claim that was a threat Ironside.
You threatened no one !
All you did at the most was send some Politically Correct Socialist bedwetter to their safe room crying because you stood your ground.
This is an American forum and the Mods should respect the American laws and not the E.U. laws.
You deserve an immediate apology from the Mod that suspended you for no reason other than being Politically Incorrect calling a taunting moron a moron.
Ironside  50 | 12954
28 Sep 2020   #35
More threats?

As many as you need a-hole. Boo!
See another one here just go and ask for the police protection.

you wanted that thread closed just like all the rest of the LBGT

Not that he wanted it. I believe that is what Adm. wants him to do. Keep PF on google ranking list or something like that. I don't really care that much. You know what that means - PC. So, no point in berating Vincent, and no point in calling Adm. up as he will just ignore it or post some weaselly self-justification.

bedwetters claim was that you threatened them with.

Johnny who cares? I came not to expect much from morons, children and lefties. Look not only here on PF but in the reality how much time is wasted and attention diverted from real issues just because some dick claims this or that. Outrageous claims should be ignored and dismissed for BS that they really are.

Do you wait to dignify morons with a serous approach to their idiotic claims?
Vincent  8 | 800
28 Sep 2020   #36
You seem to have a fixation about gay threads and gay men lately johnny?

The only logical answer to your bias Moderating is that you are gay yourself.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not gay. Have a nice word with jon and ask if one of his single friends wants a pen friend.

you wanted that thread closed just like all the rest of the LBGT threads that you have closed.

The reason these sort of threads get closed, is because they always end up going off-topic with abuse, and derogatory language towards other members. It happens every time without fail. The forum may be based in the USA but there are rules laid out for members, read rule #3 in full.

This is an American forum and the Mods should respect the American laws and not the E.U. laws.

You claim to have freedom of speech, but do you? Try going up to one of those black guys who's burning down your cities every night, and say stop doing this you moron! Pick one of the biggest guys you can see. Let us know how you get on.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Sep 2020   #37
fixation about gay threads and gay men

That's Pawian.

Pick one of the biggest guys you can see. Let us know how you get on.

That's what concealed carry is all about, the other guy never knows what might happen next, that's why road rage is rare in the us , most people have a revolver in the glove box.

Yeah Americans do have freedom of speech, you just try saying anything that a lefty copper does not like in the UK and he will arrest you under section 5 law , which basically allows them to shut anything down.

I don't agree with allot that is said about gays, blacks, jews etc on this forum , but true freedom of speech has to allows this.

Threats of physical violence against others is another matter and there are laws to deal with this.
pawian  226 | 27556
28 Sep 2020   #38
That's Pawian.

hahaha Yes, Pawian is your obsession. Whenever there is sth new discussed in the forum, you mention Pawian. Why????
johnny reb  49 | 7960
28 Sep 2020   #39
The reason these sort of threads get closed, is because they always end up going off-topic with abuse, and derogatory language towards other members.

Yes, Vincent, we have already come to that conclusion so don't use it as a defense to hoodwink us so you can duck out of your responsibilities as a Mod.

And if I report such posts in my thread you will say to quit bothering you and get called a snitch by the bedwetters here.

Damned if I do and damned if I don't.

you did nothing to correct the off-topic posting, you did nothing as a Mod to stop or fix the problem

There's the problem !
You rather just close the thread for the google rankings instead of respecting our freedom of speech.
And as far as your analogy about my freedom of speech with a BIG BLACK GUY.....I still have the freedom to do as far as any laws go.

I do have the freedom to do it without being arrested by the authorities.

So, no point in berating Vincent,

I am not berating Vincent, I am just talking to him very candidly to fix this age old problem by nipping it in the bud before it even starts.

Isn't that what rules are for ?
I like Vincent and he allows us great latitude to the rules BUT closing threads or throwing posts in the bin to be deleted then uses the excuses above solves nothing here.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
28 Sep 2020   #40
Freedom of speech was made so that you can criticize the government without having to go to jail or get executed. Not for the sake of having a free card to behave however one wants to without being told back
johnny reb  49 | 7960
28 Sep 2020   #41
Being told back is freedom of speech.
Since this is a public forum owned privately, the owner gets to set the rules.
They are laid out pretty well in the rules section here.
Vincent tries to be as lenient as he can but there always those who keep pushing it and pushing it.
I just wish that he would private message those who push it, instead of posting it for everyone to see, that he has had enough.

That way they are not humiliated in front of everyone so the sissy provokers can't taunt said member to Bait them to retaliate.
This immature taunting to bait b.s. should not be allowed as these gamey p willy's are just as guilty.
4 Oct 2020   #42
they always end up going off-topic with abuse, and derogatory language towards other members. It happens every time without fail.

Exactly, and the members that repeatedly open up threads about LGBT, Jews, Muslims etc are doing it with one purpose only, so they can vomit their hatred. Doesn't matter what the title of the thread is, it will always degenerate into gays, Jews etc being the scum of the earth. Then they whine and bleat about threads being closed when it's perfectly obvious why they have been.

Not for the sake of having a free card to behave however one wants to without being told back

Exactly. This forum is liberal enough as it is. On most forums, certain members here would have been banned permanently years ago. That's not good enough for some here though. The 'freedom' that admin allows here is constantly pushed to the limits. I wonder how far some members would like it to go. Death threats to others perhaps, in the name of freedom of speech?

Vincent tries to be as lenient as he can but there always those who keep pushing it and pushing it.

You are one of those culprits.
johnny reb  49 | 7960
4 Oct 2020   #43
So are you so maybe we can share the same jail cell. ;-)
I think you are Baiting me again with your taunt which shows just how guilty you are as one of the culprits. lol
pawian  226 | 27556
4 Oct 2020   #44
I think you are Baiting me again with your taunt

No, she isn`t. You are only daydreaming she is. hahaha

So are you so maybe we can share the same jail cell. ;-)

Great Expectations. hahaha
4 Oct 2020   #45
Baiting me again with your taunt

No, just a statement of fact.
Joker  2 | 2387
4 Oct 2020   #46
Perhaps, by putting a cap on daily amount a person could post would be beneficial to the forum.
johnny reb  49 | 7960
4 Oct 2020   #47
No, just a statement of fact.

So was mine. :-)
Crow  154 | 9552
5 Oct 2020   #48
Oh finally very good discussion.

Take me for example. I`m not aggressive here. I`m almost like a woman. Kind of old babica

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