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Polish forums members - please stop being agressive and dishonest. What a waste of potential.

morvinsietform  1 | 1
17 Jun 2016   #1
I am a foreigner who has been living in Krakow with my Polish partner for years. I have never posted here before but now after years, having ended up once again reading a post by a normal lovely person trying to use this website for it's purpose and being met only with strange rudeness, anger, aggression, downright lies and basically everything except for an actual answer. I feel compelled to speak now because this forum should be a valuable resource and for many of the questions people have asked, this has been the only website with a forum for discussion on it, or that could even potentially have any useful information. Unfortunately it does not live up to it's potential and as of yet I have found absolutely no information on here and even when somewhere amongst the arguments there is a nugget of potential truth, the surrounding posts throw everything into doubt and you dismiss the entire forum as untrustworthy, any helpful posts being swallowed up in the malestrom.

We often have varied Poland/Visa/Work/etc related things that we want to find answers about in Google and this website always shows up at near top of the list. (This is usually not a sign of good quality but rather of good SEO techniques) At first we clicked on this forum when we saw that there was a discussion about a particular query we had. After a few times of ending up here and reading the information available about our query and leaving empty handed and confused, we were soon to realise that it was full of bickering, calculated lies and downright rudeness - but empty of the information that it seemed it was its sole purpose to provide.

I'm not sure if there is a moderator on here - it doesn't seem like it - but if there is you should clean this place up and keep it in check because people need a forum like this. Perhaps someone should think of starting a new one.

Sometimes we would simply end up laughing at the pure ridiculous nature of the 'discussions' but I think never once have we clicked on a section of this forum and actually left satisfied and feeling like we had any kind of answer, direction or that we could come here to ask our own questions for support.

If you are behaving like this on this forum then I would say it's more or less a reflection of how you behave in real life, or perhaps it's the welled up bitterness behind aggression towards life itself that you do not feel you can express in your day to day physical reality.

This is a disease of humanity, this anger, this bitterness, this strange manipulation of the truth and this gut wrenching fear and today I have gotten to the point where I no longer can laugh at the behavior of the members here but I actually feel instead like crying for the sake of those who are asking potentially life changing questions and may feel this is their only chance to find them against the brick wall of red tape, company politics and faceless government agencies.

Your comments may be ruining peoples lives. It does have an effect, the negativity you portray hurts and discourages people - the lies you tell and the manipulation of the truth in order perhaps to stave off competition or simply our of viciousness is unnecessary.

There is enough ******** in the world, we need to band together and help each other out as a human team of compassion and support - not try to tear each other down so that we as individuals can get ahead. I'll tell you right now that if you live your life with this ruthless and self serving attitude then you will be fighting with your own heartless kind, forever looking over your shoulder for the knives being plunged into your back whilst you watch the calm, kind, compassionate and full hearted float lightly to the top with seemingly no effort. This will make you more bitter and you will try to drag them down, sometimes you will, you will shoot birds because you were jealous of their flight when instead you could have spent the time learning to fly yourself.

Mostly when people behave this way it is because they are deeply unhappy and they feel they have been given a hard lot - I understand this. I don't return your anger with anger, I simply wish to hold up a mirror to attempt to cease this cycle of cynicism.

Compassionate people and good people will never hate you for this, they won't judge you either because they will only feel your pain and take it on their shoulders.

You will continue to hurt yourself and those around you. Everyone is good at heart and if you can just TRY to change your aggressive patterns into kind ones, just a little bit every day and particularly when you are within the faceless confines of an INTERNET FORUM DESIGNED TO HELP PEOPLE then you might change peoples lives for the better with a simple sentence, or even with a lack of one.

If you don't have something helpful to say then it's probably better to stay silent or sign off this forum forever and let those who are here to listen and to learn use it to help the thousands of people who truly need its services each year.

Thank you for reading and I hope that you all find happiness and get to a place in yourself where you don't feel the need to be randomly aggressive or manipulative in an internet forum.

Maybe spend more time in a park or the mountains or anywhere else in your stunning country aside from in front of your computer (irony noted).
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Jun 2016   #2
Must say that before I moved to Poland I found the forum main topics useful, I still use it today to ask questions and usually get an quick answer.

Yes there are trolls here and some members spout of fa bit including me , the mods do a good job in general and quickly dump stuff that is off topic into the bin (Random chat) .

If you have questions or have something to discuss then feel free to post, I am sure the majority here will respond in a helpful way.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
17 Jun 2016   #3
Thanks for the very long post MODS. This post was not written by a mod.

I will try my best to behave better in future. It as, as you say, because I am deeply unhappy.
It's raining cats and dogs here in Gdynia, and there is no beer in the fridge.

As for your comments about there being no help here - the poster aka Delph would often help with solid advice, but he's on holiday. And you have come to live in Poland, right? Welcome to the world of bureaucracy and government intrigue.

If you ask the right questions, they will be answered. And you can always ask for help at the top right of the main screen. Sadly, we all work for a living, and don't necessarily have all the answers at our fingertips.

If anybody here asks a genuine question or has a plea for help, the jolly PF community does come to their rescue. Eventually. It sometimes takes some time for Parker and Lady Penelope to arrive, but don't worry - "If you want trouble, you've come to the right place"

Sorry, just kidding, Carl Perkins said that.

PS sorry , saw that you've lived here for years... So you haven't got used to the guttersniping yet? Gosh:)
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Jun 2016   #4
Welcome to the world of bureaucracy and government intrigue.

Arguing is almost the national sport here in Poland. That struck me right at the start, 20 years ago and that view hasn't changed.

One very sad thing is that when someone from India/Pakistan etc posts a question about moving to Poland, meeting a partner etc, the responses are sometimes deeply unpleasant and that does not reflect the reality of the country.
OP morvinsietform  1 | 1
17 Jun 2016   #5
I will never attempt to utilize 'Polish Forums' to answer questions I have about Poland or to discuss any element of life in or outside of Poland.

From what I have observed when viewing others casually attempting to do this, I do no feel that there will be any value in the replies, any gain in my knowledge, any new ideas sparked or any useful information contributed towards the solving of any situation or generally to the universe.

This is not because I feel I will never need help - I have needed advice that I could have potentially gathered here many many times.

I would certainly utilize and contribute to a forum consisting of even 30% substantial and mature discussion.
In years of clicking on threads which had my exact questions as the subject matter and today in browsing various threads on this site, I have seen nothing but (best case scenario) empty egotistical chatter and that is something that the world (and particularly the internet) needs no more of.

The only reason I am posting is for the sake of the poor souls who come after me in search of help with problems that you guys could actually help with if you just cut the sh*t.

You let me down, you let down every person I've ever seen posting on here searching for legitimate information about Poland.

I'm not even angry - I'm just disappointed.

I have now posted all I feel will ever be necessary for me to post in this forum.

I'm going to have a beer and shed a tear for the human race.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Jun 2016   #6
"I will never attempt to utilize 'Polish Forums' "

Ok fair enough Bye Bye, Sorry we were of no help.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
17 Jun 2016   #7
I have now posted all I feel will ever be necessary for me to post in this forum.

My mother told me that sarcasm is the lowest from of wit, but here goes......

Please don't go! This forum needs brilliant contributors such as yourself, with a rosy outlook on life:))
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Jun 2016   #8
Please don't go! This forum needs brilliant contributors such as yourself, with a rosy outlook on life:))

Quite. Not exactly a barrel of laughs, but each to his own I suppose...
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Jun 2016   #9
Morvinsietform, you pretty much, more or less, summed up my feelings about this forum and some people here. There's a bitter and agressive atmosphere on PF and people who stay here longer often get dragged into it. There are two camps fighting with each other and this seems to be the core of this forum nowadays. It got especially ugly lately with some members trying to get each other fired in real life jobs - can you believe it? It's psychotic, I've never seen anything like this on any internet forum.

Arguing is almost the national sport here in Poland. That struck me right at the start, 20 years ago and that view hasn't changed.

Jon357 blaming PF problems on Poland. Unbelievable.
I've never met in Poland people who would love to argue like you guys here. And in a very, very nasty way too.

I am myself tired of the atmosphere on PF, of those two gangs arguing with each other like children. I don't think this should be the core of a forum like this but it is. After pigsy was banned I decided to do sth good, sth useful for the forum and so I helped some people out with info and got involved in some normal-looking, interesting discussion in order to focus on sth normal and not on the bickering and the drama of PF but this forum somehow always puts me off in the end and I need to take brakes from it.

Of course, I don't have to be here, obviously, I've seen people here being told in the past that "if you can't take it than leave", that it's a "specific" forum for thick-skinned people, or sth of this sort. Well, and there you have it - rhinos trashing each other lol

As jon357 put it - each to their own I suppose...

Pity there's no other forum though... Maybe if women set up one it would be less aggressive? lol Dunno... :)

One very sad thing is that when someone from India/Pakistan etc posts a question about moving to Poland, meeting a partner etc

My impression is that those are usually trolls, or maybe rather one particular troll.
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Jun 2016   #10
The few words that I read of the last post rather confirms the OP's premise.
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Jun 2016   #11
You should read more, jon357, it broadens horizons and you could learn a thing or two - one is never too old to learn, we learn all our lives :)

rather confirms the OP's premise.

What do you mean by that?
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Jun 2016   #12
I think that applies to us all. Nevertheless this forum doesn't exist to promote Poland or paper over its cracks.
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Jun 2016   #13
I think that applies to us all.

It does, but I read the comments of people I'm discussing with and usually I also bother to google and read stuff before I comment on sth :)

Nevertheless this forum doesn't exist to promote Poland or paper over its cracks.

Neither me nor morvinsietform claimed that it does. We both complained about the general atmosphere on this forum, the behaviour of people on PF and the quality of the input of forum members.
Dreamergirl  4 | 273
21 Jun 2016   #14
I agree with the op. Full of bitter American men.
dhrynio  5 | 90
22 Jun 2016   #15
I totally agree with OP and Paulina. I have been a member for a while and thought that this forum would be a great place to get info about living here in Poland and give me the possibility to help others trying to get settled in. Sadly this forum is not that place. There has been, for years, a handful of really nasty people with nothing better to do than argue for the sake of arguing.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
22 Jun 2016   #16
a great place to get info about living here in Poland and give me the possibility to help others trying to get settled in

So read about the thread at the top of this page, about young Lukey, and stop being so negative yourself?

Some people!
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 Jun 2016   #17
Hear, hear! A little youthful idealism and optimism combined can go a long way in this jaded society:-) Used to be a young eurail pass traveler myself once upon a decadeLOL

Thumbs up, Luke ol' boy! And as the boyscouts/harcierzy say: "CZUWAJ!!" = stay alert!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
22 Jun 2016   #18
I think the forum i shed loads better in just this last week, you can see by all the people that are coming back to have their say just like you dhrynio.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Jun 2016   #19
a handful of really nasty people

sadly the mods didn't really stand up to all the racism and trolling. I think that now they're actually tackling it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Jun 2016   #20
I think that now they're actually tackling it.

That and people have caught on how some posters play devils advocate to bait other posters.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Jun 2016   #21
Well yes, you certainly do that, even in this thread.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Jun 2016   #22
And see, I was referring to you.......or did you know that. lol
dhrynio  5 | 90
23 Jun 2016   #23
Dougpol1- Sorry I don't think I quite get what you are referring to?
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Jun 2016   #24
Sorry, I replied before you'd edited it to make it clear you were asking a question to Dougpol!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
23 Jun 2016   #25
Dougpol1- Sorry I don't think I quite get what you are referring to?

I was saying that your criticism of PF is a tad unfair because a lot of sympathy was felt for Luke, and the response shows that this can be a worthwhile online community on occasion:)
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Jul 2020   #26
I still use it today to ask questions and usually get an quick answer.

You don`t ask any questions anymore, does it mean you know everything about Poland?

the mods do a good job in general and quickly dump stuff that is off topic into the bin

Yes, they are wonderfully savvy when it comes to forum business.

I am sure the majority here will respond in a helpful way.

yes, there are still a lot of helpful guys here.

Thank you, dolno, for sharing these useful opinions with us.
Ironside  51 | 13083
27 Sep 2020   #27
|OK, Mods, Don't know if that the right place to write to yus. Regardless, I have been suspected for a while I suspended for calling some moron - a moron. I lost what I wrote on the topic I'm interested in. I'm not going to write it allover again just because some mods felt like doing something ion the day.

No criticism intended, you do what you think is right far paly to you.
I reserve the right to do the same and damn the consequences.
To the crux of the matter:
I had to premise that I will not abuse or break the rules - you know better how that promise is worded. By clicking on that I promised I will abide by it. I'm sorry but that was a lie.

I wanted an opportunity to explain to the dude why I haven't posted any reply.
However I have no indention whatsoever to follow any rules but mine. Hereby I take back that promise.
I expect to be banned indefinitely sooner or later, even as soon as one of you gonna read it. That fine. No hard feelings.
Until that time I will post (or not) whatever I like.
If that is really about google rating that maybe for the best. :)
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Sep 2020   #28
I have been suspected for a while I suspended for calling some moron - a moron.

Not only that, darling. The real reason for your warning and short suspension was that you threatened another poster to burn his house down only because he holds different views. You are not only an arsonist but a potential murderer, too, coz the house is inhabited.

However I have no indention whatsoever to follow any rules but mine. Hereby I take back that promise.

Very nice. But next time don`t tell us about the need to respect universal values in this world. We shall remind you they are your own sick values and rules, Mr Arsonist.
Vincent  8 | 800
27 Sep 2020   #29
Good Morning Ironside. Did you sleep well?

There are no plans to suspend you at the moment, and you can post whatever you like, as long as it is non-abusive and is in the correct thread. Oh and it would help if it is Polish related.

However I have no indention whatsoever to follow any rules but mine.

Fair play, but don't come running to us if your screen goes blank ;)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Sep 2020   #30
Great post Ironside.
I have wanted to say the same exact thing for a very long time.
"That I must promise" reminds me of a Kindergarten shame tactic.
Sure I click on it but I don't mean it either as to me it is just another ho hum warning.
Sometimes I deserve them and sometimes I don't.

I expect to be banned indefinitely sooner or later,

Me too.

Fair play, but don't come running to us if your screen goes blank ;)

Give yourself a warning Vincent and a weeks suspension for threatening another member. Hoot !

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