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Is it Polish forum or foreign forum?

mafketis  38 | 11265
24 Nov 2015   #61
Constantły repeated by regime-controlled broadcasters, it became widespread. You'll notice in pre-war films the educated, middle-classers and cityslickers use the hard £ but the peasants they address often do the £=W thing. Except in eastern Poland where even hayseeds pronounce the traditional hard £.

An amusing theory, but not backed up by the facts which were that the communist media tried to keep up the kresowa pronunciation in formal contexts as long as it could and only gave up when not enough speakers could be found who could manage it.

The change of ł (or 'hard' l) in slavic languages into u, v, w or o sounds takes place across a number or Slavic languages either informally or formalized in the writing systems (note Serbo-Croation forms like bio for był) or Ukrainian бив (byw) for był.

The process is simply far more advanced in Polish than in the others where it's limited to certain positions.
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Nov 2015   #62
Atch who paints a glowing pictrue of the Emerald Isle

I've answered you in off-topic.
majkel  - | 60
24 Nov 2015   #63
WTF are you talking about Ktos?
Pole is not an offensive term?. It's normal term, just like German or American.
Certainly not offensive in Poland!

And btw. "murzyn" is offensive. It should be Murzyn - You should now that, being so sensitive and all.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #64
I read the comments and see how primitive most of you really are and it is a pain to see that such rubbish comes to my country. I will always take you on, you can use any tactic you want but you will never be rid of me. I will not let foreigners make mockery of out my country. What is most disgusting but not too surprising is that many Polish here are trying to hold on to that famous Polish hospitality and will kill a fellow Polish comrade just to avoid offending a foreigner. Now, when you go overseas the locals will almost never take foreigner's side, they will treat Polish person like rubbish and so Polish are treated like rubbish abroad by locals and in their own country by fellow Polish and by foreigners who are helped by sprzedawczyki - Polish traitors. Therefore, we need different Polish to stand up for Poland. This forum reflects our country's situation where our politicians are licking the bums of every western country there is and Polish people suffer as a result and it has been like that for centuries. the reason Poland still stands is because at times a strong Polish character who had enough gave a huge kick to the foreigner's smelly butt and then Poland rose again to fall soon after because unfortunately too many nice cowards compared to strong characters comprise our Polish society.
24 Nov 2015   #65
I read the comments and laugh at how primitive most of you really and it is a pain to see that such rubbish comes to my country.

Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that you are the only poster in this thread who is in Australia; most of the posters in this thread are actually in Poland and have never been to Australia.
Roger5  1 | 1432
24 Nov 2015   #66
I guess it's just you against the world, then. Good luck with the court case. Show them what a real Pole can do.
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Nov 2015   #67
when you go overseas t

You're in Australia Ktos, yes?

they will treat Polish person like rubbish

How have you been treated there?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 Nov 2015   #68
Take it easy Ktos. The country of your blood is in good shape. Don't listen to Kaczynski's "Poland in ruins" nonsense. It is in many ways nicer than Australia, which after all is mostly desert and bush....

And we are looking after it for you, for when you return....

Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Nov 2015   #69
kresowa pronunciation

That term is incorrect. More accurate would be stage Polish. The £=W was not allowed in films, on the theatre stsage or popular songs in any part of II RP.
mafketis  38 | 11265
24 Nov 2015   #70
That term is incorrect.

Whatevers. It's very frequently used (also often referring to the old distinction between voiceless ch and voiced h (not maintained anywhere in Poland AFAIK). I've certainly seen kresowe more often than sceniczne or aktorskie or whatever else they used to call it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Nov 2015   #71
I will always take you on, you can use any tactic you want but you will never be rid of me.

I imagine the "ban stick" tactic will get rid of you if you keep posting this twaddle.

I will not let foreigners make mockery of out my country.

You don't have to let them, we will mock your country if we want to.

What is most disgusting but not too surprising is that many Polish here are trying to hold on to that famous Polish hospitality and will kill a fellow Polish comrade just to avoid offending a foreigner.

Are we really talking about Ironside and Ziemowit here?
Crow  155 | 9710
24 Nov 2015   #72
This is Polish forum for sure. It wouldn`t be interesting to Serbians if it isn`t.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Nov 2015   #73
we will mock your country

The chauvinist has spoken, Somehow he never mocks his own country which is sacrosanct, Typical biased, intolerant and hypocritical nationalist!
24 Nov 2015   #74
The chauvinist has spoken

Well, you have now.

Although I suppose that your contribution does raise the question of whether this is a Polish forum or a foreign forum or a forum for foreigners who pretend to be Polish but in reality refuse to give up their cherished American passports.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
25 Nov 2015   #75
I read the comments and see how primitive most of you really are and it is a pain to see that such rubbish comes to my country. I will always take you on, you can use any tactic you want but you will never be rid of me. I will not let foreigners make mockery of out my country. What is most disgusting but not too surprising is that many Polish here are trying to hold on to that famous Polish hospitality and will kill a fellow Polish comrade just to avoid offending a foreigner. Now, when you go overseas the locals will almost never take foreigner's side, they will treat Polish person like rubbish and so Polish are treated like rubbish abroad by locals and in their own country by fellow Polish and by foreigners who are helped by sprzedawczyki - Polish traitors. Therefore, we need different Polish to stand up for Poland. This forum reflects our country's situation where our politicians are licking the bums of every western country there is and Polish people suffer as a result and it has been like that for centuries. the reason Poland still stands is because at times a strong Polish character who had enough gave a huge kick to the foreigner's smelly butt and then Poland rose again to fall soon after because unfortunately too many nice cowards compared to strong characters comprise our Polish society.
25 Nov 2015   #76
I read the comments ....

You might want to also read the rule about not reposting material which a moderator has already binned:

And when you've finished reading that, why not read this:

6. Intentional posting of the same or very similar message by the same user more than once or "bump posts" will be treated as spam and may be deleted.

Roger5  1 | 1432
25 Nov 2015   #77
Nature abhors a vacuum. One troll goes on holiday and another immediately fills his place.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
25 Nov 2015   #78
Merged: Most Polish on this forum are kissing the backside of westerners

Have we no pride? We will stab our Polish neighbour or friend just to make an allegedly offended westerner happy. Polish solidarity forms only within scaffolds between rival Polish groups but as soon as a foreigner steps onto the scene Polish take foreigner's side no matter what. It is prudent and healthy not to be infatuated with your own nationality the way Jews, Germans, Americans or English are but we Polish go to the other extreme and we tend to distance ourselves form our Polish comrade as soon as he/she has a different opinion from or displays negative attitude towards a foreigner. if that was bad enough, we will even criticise negatively our Polish compatriot and give pad on the back to the foreigner at the same time. Why are we Polish such cowards that we will sell our own people just to please a stranger?
smurf  38 | 1940
25 Nov 2015   #79
befranklin  1 | 41
25 Nov 2015   #80
And by the way,they call themselves black 'say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud'.

Atch, as an individual whose general genetic make up could be defined as "black" I think the use of the term is still acceptable but a more acceptable term up-and coming would be to refer to an individual as a "person of color" which would have a encompass the melting pot of color that has become the USA.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Nov 2015   #81
another immediately fills his place.

Soudns like you're describing the Brit Bully tag team aka the 4Bs!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Nov 2015   #82
Are we really talking about Ironside and Ziemowit here?

Those two classy Poles that can't stomach the Brit expats that have invaded the PF with their "Brilliance".
Everyone seems to get along with the Polish posters here except the Brit Bullies.
The Polish posters get along with everyone except the Brit Bullies.
Nobody gets along with the Brit Bullies except other Brit Bullies.
See the pattern.
Ironside  51 | 13098
26 Nov 2015   #83
Why are we Polish such cowards that

Are you still here? What are you waffling about? Are you older than 25? If so have you ever been medicated by a psychiatrist?
Have you been abused as a child? Are you living in Poland? Have you ever have been holding a hand of girl you could call your sweetheart?

Have you been cuddled enough as a child?
Do you think there is something missing in your life and you are going nowhere? If not?
Do you have a feeling that you are destined for something great that there is a purpose to you life?

Posted in random

Those two classy Poles that can't stomach the Brit expats that have invaded the PF with their "Brilliance".

Nah I like them, they bring an element of comedy to PF. They are hilarious when they are trying to boss over posters here and mods. I like when they pretend to be big shots or when they talk about themselves as if they were classy and then utter those veiled threats straight from those a gangster movies.

Come on Johnny do not chase them away. I believe you could :)

sorry I have though it is random!
TheOther  6 | 3596
26 Nov 2015   #84
Those two classy Poles

What are you waffling about?

Little White Riding Hood meets the Big Bad Polonia Adolf. "Adolf, Adolf ... why do you have such a big mouth?" LOL.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
26 Nov 2015   #85
why do you have such a big mouth?

To respond to the constant mud-slinging, Pole-bashing, PiS-bashing, Polonia-bashing, Church-bashing and libertinism-promoting of the Badmouthing Brit Bully Buffoons, aka the 4Bs.
mafketis  38 | 11265
26 Nov 2015   #86
Just to clarify,

PiS =/= you
Polonia =/= you
Church =/= you

And yes, you absolutely missed your calling, you completely should have been Jerzy Urban's apprentice, you're almost better at what he did than he was. That's a feat!
InPolska  9 | 1796
26 Nov 2015   #87
@Pol: come on! We foreigners do live in Poland and therefore have lots of PERSONAL experiences with Poland and with Poles (no need to rely on BS found in Youtube, Wikipédia like a lot of PF people do). Since nothing and nobody is perfect, it is NORMAL that we have bad experiences in Poland and with SOME Poles. Would you like PF to become like those fora found in countries like North Korea in which we would claim EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and the very best on the planet and it is like living in Wonderland? We are all in Poland for personal reasons.

When you talk about Polish political bashing, do you mean that all political parties BUT PiS should be bashed? Of course Britons here criticize PiS but don't you and others (who don't even live in Poland) criticize PO and others? Personally I like neither PO (in favor the rich guy only) nor PiS (too dependent from Church) so I am not interested in "politique politicienne".... It seems to me that so far the Polish government is doing alright and I hope this shall continue....

Fora are to discuss and it's normal that people react in different ways however I reject insults and xenophobia, racism, antisemitism, homophobia... since very low and not relevant. It would be most boring if everybody agreed with everybody. We all have different backgrounds, different experiences and therefore don't see things the same way. I agree though with you that bashing s..cks since no constructive and based upon nothing concrete.

Have a nice day!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
26 Nov 2015   #88
PO (in favor the rich guy only)

If only politics were that simple. I would vote PO because I finish work at 10 or 11 PM, and am back on the case at 6.30 in the morning, and one Party leaves me alone to get on with it, and it ain't PIS, with all their audits and "new" regulations.
Wulkan  - | 3136
26 Nov 2015   #89
I would vote PO because

You wouldn't because you have no rights to vote.
InPolska  9 | 1796
26 Nov 2015   #90
@Dougpol: I would not vote for PO but trust me, I know what work means ;). I don't know many people who have worked as much as I have (for over 30 years) ;) and of course I know what it is to get up at ... 5 to go to work;). Believe me, there are a lot of us, maybe not in PF but in real life ;)

PS: I was in Kato yesterday and finally everything settled down! :)

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