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Feed Back on the Moderating

Novichok  4 | 8548
1 Mar 2023   #31
Also, I'm just grateful that they let me come here to this little playground,

...and in my case be as tolerant as they have been. I would kick my ass out a long time ago.
Eventually, I read the memo and my sin counter is down to unremovable two. I guess as a reminder that I am not a forum virgin anymore.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7960
1 Mar 2023   #32
I think I am equally unpopular here

Speak for yourself.
Everyone loves me here except for the Fem Club and Brits.

I'm telling you man,

See, there is your problem, telling others what to do so they can be like you.

I'm just grateful that they let me come here to this little playground,

Exactly, pure entertainment until one of the Woke's little nut nerve gets hurt and they start with their shaming and diminishments which I can handle.

It's when my posts that shame and diminish them back get me suspended, deleted or moved to the back page out of order so they make no sense is what I call bias moderating.

And when people like Pawian are allowed to make remarks to a father who's daughter died and Pawian posted that it was the fathers fault that caused his daughter to commit suicide with no intervention by the Mods is where I draw the line with the Moderating here.

That desrved at least a six month suspension.
So don't tell me to wind down and chill out until justice is served.
pawian  226 | 27556
1 Mar 2023   #33
"We see that you have changed your tone

You mean that I call you a psychopath instead of a rightard azhole? :):):) Yes, it is a big change, indeed. hahahaha

explains why you are so upset.

I am not. I have been playing you and with you for all those years coz I think winding you up is hilarious and gives this forum comical atmosphere. hahahaha

let me threaten you

Yes, like a true psycho.:):)

that you are no longer safe."

I am completely safe. This is Poland, not the blood thirsty US. :):):)
pawian  226 | 27556
1 Mar 2023   #34
That desrved at least a six month suspension.

How can I be suspended for 6 months if I am the owner as you said????? Think!! It isn`t so painful after all.:):):) The max I am suspended here is 2 days.

to late for you

Better late than never. Ha!
jon357  72 | 23492
1 Mar 2023   #35
How can I be suspended for 6 months if I am the owner

You could suspend yourself.
pawian  226 | 27556
1 Mar 2023   #36
In theory, I could. But I won`t. I am too hooked. :):):)

PS. I did a few years ago when I was preoccupied with important matters and newly discovered fascination.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
1 Mar 2023   #37
Everyone loves me here

Apart from your mate, Deepak, you are, without question, the most hated poster on this forum......enjoy being hated.....
Novichok  4 | 8548
1 Mar 2023   #38
the most hated poster on this forum......enjoy being hated.....

I think we are abusing "hate" and "hated". Myself included. Just like "love", we "love" everything - from toilet paper and underwear to our kids.

We tend to drift to the end of the scale too much - as if in a bidding war with our previous statements. Eventually, the scale ends and there is no room to roam. Time for a reset.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Mar 2023   #39
It's not about moderating but a technical problem but I don't seem to be able to find the right thread for it, so: I can't start a new thread and keep getting the "Go back" message every time I try.
Lenka  5 | 3539
2 Mar 2023   #40
Right above the thread list, on the right side should be a 'New thread' button. Is it not there?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7960
2 Mar 2023   #41
I had forgot that if you want to start a new Feedback thread that you click on Feedback first and not the "New Thread" icon for History, Food, Travel and etc.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Mar 2023   #42
I click the New Thread button, write the title and content but then after clicking "post message" all I get is a blank screen with "Go back" and nothing happens. :-/
OP johnny reb  49 | 7960
2 Mar 2023   #43
Click on 'NEW THREAD' then click on 'Select Forum'.
You don't have the option to write the title and content in the New Forum box, it gives you choices and you have to select one of those.
Lenka  5 | 3539
2 Mar 2023   #44
Just tested and it works for me. Are you sure you chose the forum category, dodn't use any names that are blocked like the Bugs Bunny app?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Mar 2023   #45
Quite sure. Oh, well. I got the same "Go back" message a couple of days ago when I tried to go from the main page to different sub-fora and now it works perfectly, so I'll do what the Chinese always do - I will wait. :D
OP johnny reb  49 | 7960
2 Mar 2023   #46
I got the same "Go back" message a couple of days ago and now it works perfectly

Same thing happened to me a couple of days ago and it cured itself.
At the time I was sure that Atch had suspended me again for no legitimate reason.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Mar 2023   #47

You are a bit obsessed about her, aren't you?

suspended me again for no legitimate reason

There is no such thing as suspending you for no legitimate reason. You yourself are a legitimate reason for suspension, Johnny.
Bobko  27 | 2107
2 Mar 2023   #48
You yourself are a legitimate reason for suspension, Johnny.

Here I was, thinking that Bobko showing his ugly side in wars with the Pig might alienate the Gentleman Kania...

Turns out he is as brutal as I am. Recent conversion notwithstanding. It's true what they say.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Mar 2023   #49
Gentleman Kania

This side of me, only ladies get to know.

Bobko, Bobko... why haven't we met at a more fortunate time? *sighs a deep Sarmatian sigh*
jon357  72 | 23492
2 Mar 2023   #50
Bobko, Bobko... why haven't we met at a more fortunate time? *sighs

It's as if it's more than just ladies you want to get to know better.

Why not get a room? Not one by the hour, maybe somewhere classier...
Bobko  27 | 2107
2 Mar 2023   #51
Not one by the hour

Jon, you know just how to ruin a romantic atmosphere with some unexpected vulgarity.
jon357  72 | 23492
2 Mar 2023   #52
some unexpected vulgarity.

I used to charge a fiver more for that...
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Mar 2023   #53
you know just how to ruin a romantic atmosphere

Ignore the Anglo-Saxon ordynus. He lacks the profundity to comprehend two Slavic souls finding delight in each other despite unfortunate circumstances.
jon357  72 | 23492
2 Mar 2023   #54
finding delight in each other

Ooh, missus!
Bobko  27 | 2107
2 Mar 2023   #55
Anglo-Saxon ordynus

Indeed, no Byron is he.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Mar 2023   #56
Ooh, missus!

Oh, gimme a break, Jon. How could I possibly not like the guy? He's smart, likes literature, has a genuine interest in Poland and is a staunch patriot of his country. He's like my twin brother* separated at birth and found after all those years :D

*an evil twin brother, because he supports the putinist regime, but still
jon357  72 | 23492
2 Mar 2023   #57
He's like my twin brother

Almost every pair of twins have got it on with each other at some point, so no need to feel ashamed.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7960
3 Mar 2023   #58
You are a bit obsessed about her, aren't you?

Yes, very much so.
She prayed for me when I went under the knife of a surgeon years ago.
The rest of the dumb fvck ass holes here diminished me calling me a liar about my surgery.
I will never forget that as she gave me the strength I needed at a very bad time in my life.
I think about that kind gesture often.
I am looking forward to meeting her spirit someday in eternity.
pawian  226 | 27556
3 Mar 2023   #59
calling me a liar about my surgery.

Coz you said it to attract attention - let me quote your own words: Niektórzy ludzie żerują na każdym nieszczęściu ze swoim dramatem litości, aby zwrócić na siebie uwagę. - Some people prey on every misfortune with their pity drama to get attention
Bobko  27 | 2107
3 Mar 2023   #60
The rest of the dumb fvck ass holes here diminished me calling me a liar about my surgery

Very charitable characterization of your forum colleagues. In the next breath you will claim you have many friends, yes? Always spreading drama. Let me quote from Proverbs for you, then:

"Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth."

Can you receive this Solomonic wisdom, man of God?

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