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Feed Back on the Moderating

johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Feb 2023   #1
My latest suspension in The Army of Poland - Reality thread.
Post # 288 where I quoted where PolAm was referring to Pawian replying to every post
Then Pawian posted totally Off-Topic in his reply in post # 290 which was reported for being Off-Topic which it was.
I get the warning and Pawian walks away AGAIN unscathed for his trolling.......AGAIN even after I reported him for the umpteenth time now.
It's almost like Pawian is the owner of this forum which he has already admitted to.
(He has to cheat the Americans to beat them is the Polish motto here)
Now, do you really wonder WHY I bltch about the bias Moderating here.
Bobko  27 | 2218
28 Feb 2023   #2
@johnny reb

"Feed back" is a phrasal verb, what you are looking for is the noun "Feedback".

Also, this is the second time I'm correcting you re: your use of "bias" instead of "biased". You sound like a recent Cambodian immigrant at an ESL class.

How does one manage to live in the United States since birth, and still not master the basics of the country's language?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Feb 2023   #3
TheOther thing is that it did not allow me to use Feedback.
Go look, there is no Feedback anymore under "select forum" when starting a new thread.
Its like the Mods don't want any feedback anymore as they close every thread that criticizes their anti American moderating.

this is the second time I'm correcting you re: your use of "bias" instead of "biased".

And this will be the second and last time I will correct you on the word bias.

prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair:
"there was evidence of bias against foreign applicants" · [more]
prejudice · partiality · partisanship · favoritism · unfairness

Did that help your Ruskie vocabulary > Good
Now please stick to the Topic of the thread and quit trolling with your diminishments because you are making yourself look like the idiot that you are.....again.
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Feb 2023   #4
use of "bias" instead of "biased". You sound like a recent Cambodian immigrant at an ESL class.

He doesn't know the difference between a noun and an adjective. Unless he was trying to create a compound adjective, in which case he is still wrong.
Lenka  5 | 3548
28 Feb 2023   #5
For people who may actually believe the claims of idiots here- one can still post new thread in the feedback section.
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Feb 2023   #6
one can still post new thread in the feedback section.


Ironic that it started a thread in the Feedback section saying that it can't start threads in the Feedback section.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Feb 2023   #7
He doesn't know the difference between a noun and an adjective.

Actually joun, I made my point by showing TheOther guy that he was wrong on his claim.
I posted the link of the dictionary for further research for anal retentive people like you so you could further yourself.
It was to long to post all f it.

an instance of such prejudice

DIAGONAL, SLANTING -used chiefly of fabrics and their cut

one can still post new thread in the feedback section.

There, I just moved it for you and joun.
I had forgotten how to do that as I am focused on my stock trading and not debating Off-Topic diminishments with you Eurps.
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Feb 2023   #8
It still doesn't know what it's bleating about.
Bobko  27 | 2218
28 Feb 2023   #9
I posted the link of the dictionary

That you did, but missed the point in the process.

If you talk about "bias moderating", you are talking about moderating various flavors of bias. That is, you are exhibiting bias, I am exhibiting bias, and poor Vincent has to parse through it in an attempt to strike some middle ground. I believe what you were trying to say is that Vincent's moderation itself is "biased". That is, Vincent is exhibiting bias by deleting certain posts and not others.

Does this make it clear to you? "Bias moderation" and "biased moderation" are totally different things, but you use them interchangeably which makes me think you don't understand the distinction.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Feb 2023   #10
That is your MO joun, (and Pawians) to keep posting Off - Topic posts in my new threads to get them closed.
Go back and check out some of my threads to see for yourself.
And since the Mods don't like to be questioned, they allow you to do it.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Feb 2023   #11
That you did, but missed the point in the process.

Did it ever cross your mind that it was intentional ? :-o

I believe what you were trying to say is

which makes me think you don't understand

What you believe and what you think are of no concern to me.
I made my point in post #1.
Care to debate that ?
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Feb 2023   #12
poor Vincent has to parse through it

I take my hat off to him having to wade through this tripe and staying sane.
Bobko  27 | 2218
28 Feb 2023   #13
Did it ever cross your mind that it was intentional

Usually, I try to assume that people's mistakes are unintentional.

Care to debate that ?

Novichok  4 | 8702
28 Feb 2023   #14
Usually, I try to assume that people's mistakes are unintentional.

You are instinctively a nice guy but you would be a bad police detective.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Feb 2023   #15
Then Pawian posted totally Off-Topic in his reply in post # 290

No, mine wasn`t off topic. Quite the contrary. It was a purely on topic humorous admonishment for you to stop polluting the thread about the Polish army with silly personal attacks such as

He insists on controlling the narratives here with his Woke agenda.

Comes from being a teacher of fourth graders where he is an authority on everything.

That is what you were suspended for - off topic remarks on posters instead of on the the thread`s content. Ha!

WHY I bltch about the bias Moderating here.

As a psychopath, you don`t see your own faults but accuse everybody else instead. Simple.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Feb 2023   #16
Usually, I try to assume that people's mistakes are unintentional.

Missing your point was not a mistake, it was intentional.

No, mine wasn`t off topic.

If you believe that then I suggest you go back and reread your Off-Topic posts.

Vincent is exhibiting bias by deleting certain posts and not others.

It wasn't Skinny Vinny that did it so get off his back and put the blame where it belongs.
Bobko  27 | 2218
28 Feb 2023   #17
Missing your point was not a mistake, it was intentional.

This sentence made my brain explode. I see you are trained in the dark arts of sophistry. I shrink back from this challenge - you have me defeated.

jon357  72 | 23654
28 Feb 2023   #18
This sentence made my brain explode.

Now you know how we feel whenever brexit supporters get near a keyboard...
Bobko  27 | 2218
28 Feb 2023   #19
It's hard to understand you, Jon. When I was trashing BoJo, Truss, and Sunak you rushed to their defense.

Perhaps this was because I tied this to the demise of Britain...
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Feb 2023   #20
I suggest you go back and reread your Off-Topic posts.

You see? You refuse to acknowledge your fault and blame everybody else.
I am not going to waste my time. If you can`t understand the logic behind certain actions and later events in the forum, it is your problem, not mine. Enough said: your off topic personal attacks were punished. That should teach you a lesson for the future. Behave yourself and you will be safe.
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Feb 2023   #21
When I was trashing BoJo, Truss, and Sunak you rushed to their defense.

Quite. It's much much bigger than those pettifoggers and has survived much worse over the centuries. BJ however has his pluses (especially in terms of current events) and Truss was a good Foreign Secretary. None of them are actual brexquitters anyway, just opportunists. All except Sunak originally opposed it but saw their chance later due to weak rivals.

To keep it on topic; I really can't figure out the point of this thread. It seems to be complaining about nothing and arguing just for the sake of it. If you've ever been to a Residents' Association meeting, a bit like an American HOA but with no actual powers, there's always one person, usually retired, probably with an undiagnosed mental illness or personality disorder who witters on crabbily just for the sake of it, generally behaves destructively and royally pisses people off.

This thread is like that.

To post in a feedback thread complaining that you can't post in a feedback thread. That is a new level of inanity.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Feb 2023   #22
there's always one person, usually retired, probably with an undiagnosed mental illness or personality disorder who witters on crabbily just for the sake of it,

It is uncultural to laugh at people`s deficiencies but I couldn`t help it after imagining the scene. Sorry.

That is a new level of inanity.

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Feb 2023   #23
am not going to waste my time.

Smart man but regrettably to late for you.

To keep it on topic; I really can't figure out the point of this thread.

This is of no surprise so just keep posting your Off-Topic diminishments until you get the thread closed like you Fems always do.
Otherwise go back to the first post and see just what bias moderating here is all about.

That is a new level of inanity.

joun, you just admitted that you don't even know what this thread is even about so quit playing biden.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Mar 2023   #24
people`s deficiencies

The OP's are very much in evidence here.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 Mar 2023   #25
If you can`t understand the logic behind certain actions

Oh we understand your logic of insistence of controlling the narrative here with your access to the control panel to delete and move post that blow your Woke Agenda out of the water with your bias Moderating.

And now that you have finally admitted to being the owner of this forum, after years of being accused of it, explains why you are so upset.

So see, we uncultured laugh back at you by exposing your toxic moderating tactics no matter how many times you suspend us for doing it.

Your diminishing personal attacks to intimidate, shame and control with might work on your 4th grade students but comes up short on YOUR forum with us uncultured Americans.

Now that is what boils down to with your Man Child deficiencies.

I couldn`t help it after imagining the scene. Sorry.

We couldn't either, so you being like delph, will double down again and again until you explode like he finally did.

Behave yourself and you will be safe.

Here, let me threaten you back......"We see that you have changed your tone since you know that you are no longer safe." ;-)
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Mar 2023   #26
Oh no it isn't.

The moderating here is fine. Something like that isn't an exact science, sometimes a post may go to off-topic that you feel is on topic, sometime one that's off-topic stays in a thread. It's nothing to get hot and bothered about, and no need to melt down as Jim does.
Bobko  27 | 2218
1 Mar 2023   #27
your toxic moderating tactics

Your diminishing personal attacks to intimidate, shame and control

Here, let me threaten you back.....

You live in a scary world, Johnny...
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 Mar 2023   #28
The moderating here is fine.

If you are a Woke and agree with the owner.

You live in a scary world,

See what you 'Shamers' do to people when you continue to post Off-Topic to diminish & shame.. :-o
Bobko  27 | 2218
1 Mar 2023   #29
If you are a Woke and agree with the owner.

I am not woke. I think I am equally unpopular here with Poles, Americans, right-wingers, left-wingers, Crnogorac, Crow, and maybe even Velund. In other words, I am in the place where a Russian feels most comfortable - in a state of siege.

My only allies are oddballs like Kania, Kashub and Novichok. Vincent bans me whenever he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. I take the punishment in stride, and am grateful at the same time - as it allows me to focus on my actual daily life. Also, I'm just grateful that they let me come here to this little playground, which you don't seem to appreciate.

I'm telling you man, you ought to chill out and wind down.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Mar 2023   #30

Not so fast. We have things to say.

I'm telling you man, you ought to chill out and wind down.

This is key. The meltdowns, constant trolling and hysterical outbursts about American politics are a drag and deter people from posting about Poland which after all is the subject of the forum.

And how many female posters are left now?

I am in the place where a Russian feels most comfortable

You have your point of view and after all are from one of the countries in the war. For me, you're on the wrong side, for you, doubtless the right side and it would be unusual if you didn't take the r*SSian point of view.

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