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Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums?

Torq  8 | 1126
28 Jul 2024 #31
It's "Polish Forums", not "RuSSian Forums".

You are always piling obstacles, aren't you? Hmm... there's always a way... lemme think...

What if Bobko obtained Karta Polaka? It's rather easy to get, he speaks Polish and as for ancestry I think it's enough if one of your great-grandparents owned a Polish Scenthound or Podhalański Sheep-dog or something (documentation can be easily prepared). After getting KP Bobko would technically be a Pole, so PF would gain a young Polish admin to run the board for decades - а wин wин ситуатион.
Paulina  15 | 4434
28 Jul 2024 #32
@Torq, sorry, but I have no time for this nonsense :)
Torq  8 | 1126
28 Jul 2024 #33
Damn it.

You are not easily trolled these days. :)
johnny reb  46 | 7383
28 Jul 2024 #34
Lets start the bidding.
Cargo offered $200 for this forum awhile back.
Milo really wants it bad and has the most money of all of us, he said. 🙄
Do I hear $300 ?
Novichok  5 | 7686
28 Jul 2024 #35
I will not miss this forum.

I would if it was purely a US forum. I really don't give a shlt about Europe. If I did I would still be there.

The next version of this forum should be exclusively for Americans and Russians. The rest of you don't matter.
johnny reb  46 | 7383
28 Jul 2024 #36
I will not miss this forum.

No but your wife will.😳
We will need to find a new therapist, Novi.

No Finkus to order me around with her snarky shaming
No Paulina to argue shaming remarks with. (She would argue with an empty room.)
No Lenka to shoot diminishing remarks at me
No Ms. Atch to teach us Miss Manners and Etiquette Properly
No Ptak to learn how to cold smoke meat with
No jon to troll us with lies
No Harry's depressing Rinse & Repeats
No Milo to challenge ever post starting at exactly 10'clock London time, every night, to set my watch by.
No Lyzko to debate L.S.D. riddles with
No PolAm about the only grounded person here besides Vincent
No Pawian to outwit about how to make soup for monkeys
No Joker and his daily political jokes
No johnny reb, the voice of reason

How could I not miss all this drama every day. 🤣
Novichok  5 | 7686
28 Jul 2024 #37
Your list above is so nice that I wouldn't be able to recognize this forum from it. Fagot and the Jew got away too easily...But I understand your motives.
Novichok  5 | 7686
28 Jul 2024 #38
Forums are for showoffs and attention wh(res. No exceptions.

Please don't insult me with some BS that you post to "educate" and to make this a better world. All for free...Sure...

I am all kinds of things but I am not arrogant enough to claim this as reason for being here.

The simplest test of how worthless forums are is in the amount members would be willing to spend as a monthly fee. Try 5 bucks and see what happens...
Tlum  12 | 249
28 Jul 2024 #39
I've been a member of Reddit on a few different topics, including Poland. To sum up - people there are idiots. Most are aggressive and overly sensitive when you point out their stupidity and lack of knowledge. What's funny is that they *think* they are a part of a cool and free community where anything goes without censorship, but Reddit went public on stock market this year and they are no different than other corporate / FBI / CIA connected entities like Google, FB, Google, X, Youtube with shadow banning etc. The stupidest (or the "loudest") posters or posts get the most "karma."
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
28 Jul 2024 #40 Reddit for our "special" discussions....if you can call them that....

PolAm's idea is the best till now....lets see how we can make it work! There is still time I gather....

And Novi, be would be bored to death with a board full of like minded people!!! :)
Novichok  5 | 7686
28 Jul 2024 #41
And Novi, be would be bored to death with a board full of like-minded people!!! :)

You are right.

My problem here is that my enemies are unable to defend their own opinions and bail after just one question...

It feels like I am debating mentally impaired children.
Miloslaw  21 | 4886
28 Jul 2024 #42
.you would be bored to death with a board full of like minded people!!! :)

Wouldn't we all?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
28 Jul 2024 #43
....the regulars here for sure! :)

There are so many places online catering to only one bubble....
Miloslaw  21 | 4886
28 Jul 2024 #44
We don't want PF to become one of those.Everyone would leave.
johnny reb  46 | 7383
29 Jul 2024 #45
You never know who is reading this forum.
Alien  22 | 5494
29 Jul 2024 #46
This forum does not reflect the political divisions in Poland (too few Poles) or in any other country. It is not representative in any way, and only perhaps slightly reflects the current divisions in America related to the presidential election. It exists only thanks to the activity of individual members, sometimes extreme in their views, who, however, make an open and free discussion impossible due to their extremeness. Ultimately, this leads to internal censorship of this officially open forum. 🖋
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
29 Jul 2024 #47
I hope we get told in time when it's truly over....
johnny reb  46 | 7383
29 Jul 2024 #48

Polish Forums for Sale

Everything good never lasts.

Question, will our ip: address and e-mail address be sold to the new owners too ?
pawian  220 | 24946
29 Jul 2024 #49
address and e-mail address be sold to the new owners too ?

It is natural that any owner of any forum has an access to such data. Why are you so worried about it???
Lazarus  2 | 308
29 Jul 2024 #50
Question: does the sale cover only the rights to the websites going or does it also include indemnification against claims that may be raised in the future about existing or deleted past posts?

It is natural that any owner of any forum has an access to such data.

It's natural that they'd have such data that's collected after the sale, but transfers of data of EU persons would raise GDPR questions.
OP Bobko  26 | 2189
29 Jul 2024 #51
The owners changed the announcement a bit, perhaps in reaction to our bantering here.

Now there's this:

"We don't want to ask users for raising money, but if we by any chance receive a certain amount through sponsorship, patronage, or advertising that would cover the professional administrating and moderating cost for another year or more, we'll be able to assign a trusted person to the role and continue the site as is."


I'll send you a little bit.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
29 Jul 2024 #52
...a one time-support or will it be regularly needed?

A little ad banner on the top maybe shouldn't hurt us to much.....
pawian  220 | 24946
29 Jul 2024 #53
but transfers of data of EU persons would raise GDPR questions.

Yes. It can be a problem. The forum rules say:

Polish Forums respect your privacy. All information you provide us with is completely confidential. We will not resell, or trade your information with any other parties
Torq  8 | 1126
29 Jul 2024 #54
A little ad banner on the top maybe shouldn't hurt us to much...

Yes, it could easily bring a couple of thousand bucks a year, considering PF's page rank and traffic.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
29 Jul 2024 #55
....also if I have to chose between some ad and losing my old-time-board-buddies....I know what I would chose!

(is it "chose" or "choose"? )
OP Bobko  26 | 2189
29 Jul 2024 #56
Guys, we need to help the owners a bit. If they post the link to PayPal, let's send them a little bit?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
29 Jul 2024 #57
....thing is....a one-time-little-bit won't help in the long run....and posters will leave if PF becomes a pay-forum....a regular ad would be the better choice!
OP Bobko  26 | 2189
29 Jul 2024 #58
one-time-little-bit won't help in the long run..

The admin tells me it's not so much - $200 a month.

$2,400 a year to keep this place belonging to all of us.

Don't have to say goodbye to everyone.

Don't have to live with JR owning this forum (which would be the death of it anyway).

It's not much. One guy with money, could easily close a quarter of that, for the price of his annual news subscriptions. Others can send $5-10 or whatever makes sense.
Torq  8 | 1126
29 Jul 2024 #59
If they post the link to PayPal, let's send them a little bit?

Sure, why not.

It's easier to keep the old place than to start a completely new one from scratch, I suppose.

The admin tells me it's not so much - $200 a month.

They can get that with ads but it's also about $10/member, more or less. A price of a couple of newspapers.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
29 Jul 2024 #60
Others can send $5-10 or whatever makes sense.

That ist possible....still....finding some sponsor/advertiser would be more reliable for the owner!

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