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Poland's economic future?

monia  3 | 212  
22 Jan 2014 /  #61
We know what a highway is.

We also know . In Polish it is "autostrada" . Other road than autostrada we call "road".


Don`t call me a liar , you sound so pathetic .

We have few types of roads in Poland
autostrada - highway , droga ekspresowa - expressway , krajowa - state road , droga wojewódzka - interregional road , lokalna - local road , powiatowa - provincial road .

Ustawa z dnia 21 marca 1985 roku o drogach publicznych (Dz. U. z 2007 r. Nr 19, poz. 115 z późn. zm.) w następujący sposób definiuje autostrady i drogi ekspresowe:

translation : The Act issued on 21 march 1985 - about public roads gives following definitions of highways and expressways :
autostrada - droga publiczna o ograniczonej dostępności, przeznaczona wyłącznie do ruchu pojazdów samochodowych, wyposażona przynajmniej w dwie trwale rozdzielone jednokierunkowe jezdnie, posiadająca wielopoziomowe skrzyżowania ze wszystkimi przecinającymi ją drogami transportu lądowego i wodnego. Wyposażona jest w urządzenia obsługi podróżnych, pojazdów i przesyłek, przeznaczone wyłącznie dla użytkowników autostrady.

translation :
highway- a public road with limited availability, only intended for motor vehicles, equipped with two permanently separated by one-way roadways, having a multi-level intersection with all intersecting it by land and waterways. It is equipped with passenger service equipment, vehicles and packages designed exclusively for highway users.

droga ekspresowa- droga publiczna o ograniczonej dostępności, przeznaczona wyłącznie do ruchu pojazdów samochodowych, wyposażona w jedną lub dwie jezdnie, posiadająca wielopoziomowe skrzyżowania z przecinającymi ją innymi drogami transportu lądowego i wodnego, z dopuszczeniem wyjątkowo jednopoziomowych skrzyżowań z drogami publicznymi. Wyposażona jest w urządzenia obsługi podróżnych, pojazdów i przesyłek, przeznaczone wyłącznie dla użytkowników .

translation :
expressway- public road with limited availability, only intended for motor vehicles, equipped with one or two lanes, having a multi-level intersection with other roads intersecting the land and the water, allowing exceptional single-level intersections with public roads. It is equipped with passenger service equipment, vehicles and shipments, intended for road users.

So far, we have sections of autostrada ( highway ) A1, A2, A4 and droga ekspresowa (espressways ) S7 , S8 , S3 I gave you You Tube films of those highways . The road to Lublin s17 is not a highway , the same as to Białystok, Gdańsk

Below it is a very interesting link showing how highway system was built .
jon357  72 | 23361  
22 Jan 2014 /  #62
No. A highway is not the same as a motorway, nor are there many motorways in PL.
22 Jan 2014 /  #63
A highway is a main road and has been for centuries (hence the word highway-man, which somewhat pre-dates the word motorway), a motorway is a specific type of highway, neither are particularly good indicators of economic strength.
jon357  72 | 23361  
23 Jan 2014 /  #64
Not that roads funded by the EU are any sort of indicator about Poland's economic future. The existing infrastructure is enough to get exports out and those roads that have been built (it should be said, behind schedule) will be more useful to exporters to and from the Baltics and Belarus. And rises in oil prices will make them wish they hadn't run down the rail freight system quite so badly.

One thing that does look bright for Poland is the prognosis of future food shortage - as a mostly agricultural country a rise in food prices is likely to be a benefit.
23 Jan 2014 /  #65
One thing that does look bright for Poland is the prognosis of future food shortage - as a mostly agricultural country a rise in food prices is likely to be a benefit.

Poland also sits on the largest coal reserves in Europe, if and when technology is created for clean coal this could also benefit greatly.

The article below explains the need for redevelopment in Poland, the country has a real chance to make it, we can only hope that internal politics do not falter this final chance with EU funds.

Source: Reuters

Nearly five decades of Communist rule left Poland with run-down infrastructure and firms that were not able to compete on increasingly competitive global markets.

Over the last 20 years of market economy, local firms have grown stronger, benefiting from foreign capital and technology pouring into the country.

But Poland is one of the European Union's least innovative members, something that has to change if Poland is ever to join the world's wealthier nations. Bienkowska said IT, medicine and aviation were among the most promising sectors

lorito  - | 17  
23 Jan 2014 /  #66
Poland is changing, the economy is evolving and innovation is becoming a big player.

Below just a few samples (There are many more!!!)





I am not so optimistic as monia but i have no doubt about Poland's bright future.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
23 Jan 2014 /  #67
Poland also sits on the largest coal reserves in Europe

No, Ukraine has double amount, not to mention Russia.

Poland is changing, the economy is evolving and innovation is becoming a big player.

You're right that recently many small innovative companies were created, but few of them should grow big in order to make noticeable difference in country R&D investments.

Not that roads funded by the EU are any sort of indicator about Poland's economic future.

I think it is one of indicators, because effectiveness of road system is taken into consideration when a company chooses place to invest. (like Amazon recently). So if there was no good roads, then future growth prospects would be lower.

and those roads that have been built (it should be said, behind schedule) will be more useful to exporters to and from the Baltics and Belarus.

Export, import it's all economic activity. It's good when growing (and one cannot grow in long term without another).

And rises in oil prices will make them wish they hadn't run down the rail freight system quite so badly.

I think there are prognosis for oil price drop, because USA extracts more and more oil from local sources. And as for long term (because in the end oil price must go up) Poland should have renovated rail network. This is where most of EU money is going to flow in next years.
23 Jan 2014 /  #68
No, Ukraine has double amount, not to mention Russia.

You would then have to mention Kazakhstan as well, when I mentioned Europe I was more meaning the EU.
Jardinero  1 | 383  
23 Jan 2014 /  #69
We have few types of roads in Poland:
autostrada - highway

The correct term would be 'freeway' in AE and 'motorway' in BE (you are referring to a specific class of highway).

A highway is not the same as a motorway

In common usage they can mean the same: a high speed controlled-access road, the former being an AE and the latter a BE term.

a motorway is a specific type of highway, neither are particularly good indicators of economic strength.

It is hardly a secret that a comprehensive network of high speed roads is the backbone of business activity and is often used as an overall indicator of a country's development. So while it does not guarantee economic growth, it vastly increases its potential and thus can make the country that much more attractive.
jon357  72 | 23361  
23 Jan 2014 /  #70
it vastly increases its potential

That or make it easier to bring goods through, rather than from.
monia  3 | 212  
23 Jan 2014 /  #71
No. A highway is not the same as a motorway,

In Canada "autostrada" is called highway too.The term highway is used interchangeably

King's Highway 401, also known by its official name as the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway (French: Autoroute Macdonald-Cartier) and colloquially as the four-oh-one,[3] is a 400-series highway in the Canadian province of Ontario stretching 817.9 kilometres (508.2 mi) from Windsor to the Quebec border. The segment of Highway 401 passing through Toronto is the busiest highway in North America,[4] and one of the widest and busiest in the world.[5][6]

I am not so optimistic as monia but i have no doubt about Poland's bright future.

. Of course nothing is certain , but there are economists who do research on this subject and they are optimistic about Poland`s GDP rapid increase in years to come .
23 Jan 2014 /  #72
Yes, monia, the name of the highest class of Canadian highway is 'freeway', as your source states. However, the roads north-West, north, east and south-east of Warsaw are highways, not freeways, or motorways; although they may well be a national disgrace.
23 Jan 2014 /  #73
. Of course nothing is certain , but there are economists who do research on this subject and they are optimistic about Poland`s GDP rapid increase in years to come .

Paid PR firms are very rarely a true source of economic reality, the IMF is mostly considered a benchmark although you choose not to accept their opinion in previous posts. why are you so negative on the IMF's opinion, Monia

monia  3 | 212  
23 Jan 2014 /  #74
although they may well be a national disgrace.

This is not a thread about how you translate this or that . I used Polish word of "autostrada" , which I translated as highway , see the internet dictionary above . There is no need to argue about such a marginal thing . I can`t understand how much time you spend on arguing with people . I prefer not to use my energy on idle talking . So I was referring in my statement and showed highways in Poland which are superb - one of the bests and most modern in the world . I also want to repeat that it will take some time to build entire system as Poland is a large country .At the same time Poland is working on high speed trains . The airports were buit in major cities so the transportation in Poland expands in different directions .

About the progress , Poland needs to catch up in almost every branch , but in some branches we excel over old Europe . For example we have the most modern banking system eg. we are ahead in usage of proximity cards, also we have already started mass production of graphen as the first country in Europe.

Poland is not agricultural country as one person said . This is hilarious as agricultural products account for only 4 % of Polish GDP . This branch has been changed a lot recently too . The sector which is associated with agriculture is the food processing industry and is huge in Poland .
23 Jan 2014 /  #75
Monia, a 'highway' is not only a 'motorway', as your source makes clear, and is reflected by the term highway-man predating motorway by some two centuries.
Wroclaw Boy  
24 Jan 2014 /  #76
I wish people would leave Monia alone.
26 Jan 2014 /  #77
The airports were buit in major cities so the transportation in Poland expands in different directions .

Monia, Modlin has become a joke as have many pf the road building projects
jon357  72 | 23361  
26 Jan 2014 /  #78
Modlin has become a joke

Yes. A capital city airport with a rail link where you have to get a bus to a nearby village and wait a long time before the train leaves.
Polish patriot  
26 Jan 2014 /  #79
Poland also sits on the largest coal reserves in Europe, if and when technology is created for clean coal this could also benefit greatly.

That coal can easily be transformed into methanol (the technology has been around since WWII if not earlier) and there would be no need to import oil and take care of any trade imbalance. But that solution is too simple.

Most economic problems can be traced to importing too many goods that aren't necessary or can be supplied by domestic industries. This concept of a free market is a fraud and is just designed to keep the rich richer by supplying them with cheap labor.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
26 Jan 2014 /  #80
That coal can easily be transformed into methanol

Not easy, economic or clean. Germany did in WW2 out of total desperation.

a joke as have many pf the road building projects

They joke is on the construction companies who underbid and bankrupted themselves when the Polish government demanded them stick to the contract.

I think taxpayers everywhere will admire Poland for it, even though its possible self defeating.
Ant63  13 | 410  
26 Jan 2014 /  #81
They joke is on the construction companies who underbid and bankrupted themselves when the Polish government demanded them stick to the contract.

You quite obviously didn't read the article properly.

I think taxpayers everywhere will admire Poland for it, even though its possible self defeating.

Yes countless unemployed Poles to pay for.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Aug 2016 /  #82
Merged: Berliner Zeitung praises PiS govt's economic policies

Berliner Zeitung, which has parroted KOD-style criticism of the PiS government, nevertheless praises PiS' economic and and social policies which it says should be viewed without prejudice. "The Morawiecki Plan is a good plan which does not deceive the Poles," BZ wrote. "Poland no longer wants to be the West's cheap, extended produciton line and is banking instead on its own entrepreneurship and capital including such successful fields as coach and rail-vehicle production."

Ironside  50 | 12916  
16 Aug 2016 /  #83
Really? That could be a warning for German industry.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Aug 2016 /  #84
German industry

TVP INFO has reported that,although the Chancellor's govt is encouraging industry to hire migrants, of the one million recent migrants in Germany only 58 have secured jobs in German industry so far. The explanation given was that most don't speak German and lack proper training.
Jardinero  1 | 383  
19 Aug 2016 /  #85
58 have secured jobs in German industry so far

Better than one would expect.
nothanks  - | 626  
27 Aug 2016 /  #86
Merged: Poland's standard of living rises fast

"Poland was once again among the five countries that make the best use of their economic development, or most effectively translate the growth of their wealth into an improved standard of living of their citizens.

As a result, the standard of living in Poland is not much different anymore from that in southern European countries, Rzeczpospolita said."


Where is your own comment?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jan 2018 /  #87
[moved from:] Received this article in my feed:

Poland has record
growth: emerging-europe.com/regions/poland/polands-economy-posts-record-growth/

For all you people saying that Poland would be doomed without foreign corps taking advantage of the cheap workforce and downplaying the importance of the local consumer markets:

4.6% GDP growth - that's insanely high for a European country. Germany's was less than half of that for 2017 at 2.2% - which in itself is a 5 year high for Germany as growth was between .5% to 1.9%

Domestic consumption was the main growth driver, but fixed capital formation also picked up after contracting in 2016.

Also, one about article 7
Tacitus  2 | 1264  
31 Jan 2018 /  #88
4.6% GDP growth - that's insanely high for a European country.

It would be insanely high for a Western European country, it is still good for an Eastern European country.

However it is concerning that despite its' high growth rate, Poland is still having a relatively high budget deficite. Given Poland's unfavourable demographic outlook, it might not be the best idea to produce more and more debts while the economy is still expanding.
Atch  22 | 4299  
31 Jan 2018 /  #89
It would be insanely high for a Western European country,

Not necessarily. Ireland's economy grew by over 26% in 2016! In fairness that includes foreign corporations but even without those, the growth rate was 7.6%. Last year it was around 10%. Even when we were in recession we remained one of the richest countries in the EU. It's a magical land, how do we do it - Leprechaun economics :))
mafketis  38 | 11137  
31 Jan 2018 /  #90
Ireland's economy grew by over 26% in 2016!

That sounds.... oddd I thought the conventional wisdom is that around 4 to 5 % is optimal and anything more than that is 'overheating' which usually leads to cool downs (ie recessions or crashes)

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