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Joined: 22 Jun 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Apr 2013
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Posts: Total: 78 / In This Archive: 54
From: Poland, Krakow
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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Polish Tutor   
29 Mar 2010
Polonia / Polish Community - Dubai or Abu Dhabi [53]

Hi guys (sami and enkidu)
I am Polish person living in Poland and I have a request to you (both I mean)
There are so many pleases where you can be rude to each other.
I do not understand why you have to be so but if you have to you could choose another place.
Or what is much better I think stop insulting each other and help to build this forum.

Thank you fo your understanding
Polish Tutor   
28 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish Lessons / Polish tutor wanted in Manchester [22]

Ups, sorry you can be right time means

If so I apologize Seanus. Unfortunately a good teacher can a bad and over-reactive reader too.
For sure I am too offensive everywhere I feel irony everywhere and plots against Polish teachers (-:

time means: time means

Thank you for your post. It was really important for me.
Polish Tutor   
28 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish Lessons / Polish tutor wanted in Manchester [22]

Seanus: He seems to be ideal for your needs

Why not. Why should I pretend that I am not when I am probably.
I always give free chance to test me before starting cooperation. I know that as a Polish person
I should be shy and not too self confident. Sorry I am not. I was so many times succesfull as a teacher that I just believed that I am just a very good professional.

I am not good for everyone. If you do not want learn the system, only useful frazes and then to cry that Polish is soooooooooooooo haaaaaaaaaard I am not good for you.

But if you want to work hard and start to speak after 2/3 months, just choose my offer. You will not regret.
Yes Seanus I think I am much better than an average Polish teacher (-:
And I do not care what you about it think. Unless you test me in person.
Polish Tutor   
28 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish Lessons / Polish tutor wanted in Manchester [22]

I think my teaching method would meet your expectation. I believe that you need not only vocabulary but thirst of all you need to understand how Polish works.

I have a lot of experience. I taught Polish to foreigners at universities in Poland and Germany.
Please visit my website: polish via skype
I live in Krakow in Poland and I teach learners from all over the world via Skype.
I know people do not trust this teaching method that is why I offer a free Polish trial lesson.

We do not use any camera, I will help you to set Polish letters on your computer. We will practice Polish in writing and speaking. I invented unique exercises which help to memorize and use not only words but also endings. Skype is an excellent tool way to learn/teach Polish pronunciation too.

I do not to avoid teaching Polish grammar. I teach it as a useful tool. Take a free trial lesson and I will present my teaching style to you.

Polish is logical. I will prove it thanks to my teaching method.
You will never pay in advance for our lessons.
Further details I will email you (prices inclusive)
Polish Tutor   
24 Mar 2010
Language / Learning Polish, good for beginners? [29]

But many people would be surprised if they know how much you can learn on your own.

I can confirm it too. Open-minded attitude and perseverance in pursuing a goal is more important than the best teacher. However having a good teacher is not bad either. (-:

My congratulations benszymanski! It is impressive what you said.
Polish Tutor   
24 Mar 2010
Language / Dzięki temu...... ? [8]

A question to advanced Polish learners (-:

What is the difference between:

dzięki temu

z powodu tego

przez to
Polish Tutor   
24 Mar 2010
Language / Learning Polish, good for beginners? [29]

Not true. If you have good basic knowledge of general linguistics and get a good course book you can be fine.

Let's be realistic who has this basic knowledge. If you are a lingust yes you do not need any teacher. But if you are not, you need somebody who will provide this knowlege.

I do not understand where from comes this resistance to Polish teachers. Please help me to understand it.
Polish Tutor   
23 Mar 2010
Language / Learning Polish, good for beginners? [29]

Sorry guys I know it looks like an aggressive andverisment, but anyway I have never hidden my profession.
Very much or EVERYTHING depends on learning/teaching method.
If Polish is for you the first foreign language and your naitve language is not an infected language (has no endings and caces)
your chances to learn Polish succesfully are close to 0.

Not because you are a stupid person or Polish has no logic.
This is just a different way of thinking.
It is just like jumping to a swimmingpool with a manual in your hand
when you cannot swimm.
Good luck (-:

On the other hand

For example if you follow specific execises (with supervising of a good teacher) you can make
a satisfying progress taking 6-8 45-minute lesson, unless you are a dyslexic person.
Polish Tutor   
22 Mar 2010
Language / Learning Polish, good for beginners? [29]


It is not so difficult to understand how Polish works if you have a good teacher. But it is not easy to find a good teacher (-:

Mostly Peaple on this forum think that you do not need Polish teacher at all (-: and then they mostly write that Polish is the hardest language and so on.

I appreciate ArcticPaul's opinion.

From my experience, learnes of Polish need from 20-40 45-minute lessons to learn and understand basic and the most important Polish rules (including pronunciation)

Polish is difficult not because it is not to understand, but it is difficult because is very different form other western languages. But you just need to have a good guide. If you find such a person, you will achieve what you wish sooner than you expect.

I'm not going to pretend that I am not a good one.

But anyway, your strategy is very reasonable. At the beginning of learning you have to be focused more on how Polish works, then you can learn faster how to speak Polish.
Polish Tutor   
17 Mar 2010
Language / Also, Too - także, też, również [18]


Usually the less formal version has a few equivalents. They are I would say equal.

We Polish people like to express our feelings (positive and negative) that is why formal and informal mode is so complex in Polish.
Polish Tutor   
17 Mar 2010
Language / Also, Too - także, też, również [18]

formal informal is a bit coplex thing in Polish:
Let's have first names:


The first form is the most formal
and then the grade of formality is less and less.

Of course you can say Przemysław is formal (this form you can find on ID)
adn the rest is informal. But I can feel a difference.

I would never say to my close friend "wzajemnie..." or "ja również..." because he or she would answer me: You are funny man (-:
Polish Tutor   
17 Mar 2010
Language / Also, Too - także, też, również [18]

I would say we have a similar situation

'ja również życzę Ci miłego weekendu'


are a bit more formal ( "ja również etc." much more) than just "nawzajem"
Polish Tutor   
13 Mar 2010
Language / is it stll jeden [33]

The object should be accusative case.

Not always:

Chcę komputer (Acc)


Chcę wody (Gen)

The rule: chcieć + countable nouns > Acc but chcieć + uncountable nouns > (Gen)
Polish Tutor   
13 Mar 2010
Language / Also, Too - także, też, również [18]

There is a small difference between “też” and “także/również”. The first word is less formal. If you overuse “także/również” in everyday language it can sound funny for native speakers. Do not forget the difference between formal and informal mode is też important. Not only the meaning matters (-:
Polish Tutor   
1 Mar 2010
Language / men.male - Polish pronunciation? [8]

Not this time. In the word mężczyzna we pronounce:

Chaza let me tell you something general, I am afraid you cannot learn Polish pronunciation thinking about your tongue. Find Polish native speaker and repeat after him. I think only imitation and continuous corrections is a good method. At the beginning You cannot even hear all Polish sounds.

Make a list of all coponents of Polish pronunciation, and find somebody who will read it for you. You should repeat component by component and you shoulkd be strictly corrected.

Then pronounce syllables

Then pronounce

Allways pay attantion to see components, thanks to this you will notice that Polish
pronunciation is very regular.
Polish Tutor   
24 Feb 2010
Language / When do you use 'się'? And what does it mean? [37]

Do not forget "się" means very often nothing. It just belongs to the verb form. We do not translate it. "uczyć się" means just to learn not "to teach myself". Do not mix meaning of a verb and its etymology. "Jak się masz" means just "How are you". Many other verbs work the same.
Polish Tutor   
23 Feb 2010
Language / Declension of młody and stary [9]

In Polish in Plural we have two genders:

Male People Gender (oni) -i/-y starzy, młodzi
Not Male People Gender (one) (the rest: women, children, anmals and things, I know it is kind of masculism (-:) -e młode, stare
If we have a mixed group let'say 1 man and 100 women
always Male people gender is stronger

Male People Gender
M -i/-y
D -ych/-ich
C -ym/-im
N -ymi/-imi

Not Male People Gender
M -e
D -ych/-ich
C -ym/-im

All other (women, things): -e (the same as in singular)

But only in Singular Neutral! Female and Male gender are different.

Notice We have 3 genders in Sngular (male female neutral) and only 2 in Plural (have a look above)
Polish Tutor   
15 Feb 2010
Real Estate / Price per a small furnished apartment per month? (Living in Poland for a year) [12]

Everything depends where you want to live. There are big differences between cities. In Krakow where I live for two room apartment in a good location you will pay rent for about 1500 PLN + 600 PLN water, heating and so on.

As for learning Polish, you can start to do it before you come to Poland, wherever you presently live.
I am a professional Polish teacher. I live in Poland in Krakow and I teach
people from all over the world via Skype. I teach private individuals as well as business people. Please have a look at my website: polish via skype

If you are interested in my offer I would like to invite you to a free 45-minute Polish trial lesson. I will answer all your question during this lesson. After this lesson you will decide If you wish to be taught by me. In other words you do not take any risk.

I offer very flexible hours and a unique, highly efficient teaching method. My teaching style is based on patience an my crucial professional skill is adjusting myself to the learning style and needs of my clients.

Przemek Dul