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Renting in Krakow, Poland - the safest district? fairly close to the city centre...

Ced  1 | 54  
19 Oct 2009 /  #1
and which places should i avoid? i've heard Poland is generally safer than most of countries in western Europe but i'm sure there are dangerous places too
19 Oct 2009 /  #2
Nowa Huta is supposed to be pretty rough, but that's miles out, and you'll have little reason to visit as a tourist (unless you're one of those strange people who loves Stalinist architecture, lol)
OP Ced  1 | 54  
19 Oct 2009 /  #3
i'm not going there as a tourist. i need to find a flat for the next several months. thanx for the hint though. i'll try to avoid Nova Huta
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
20 Oct 2009 /  #4
The most dangerous in central Krakow are probably drunk Brits.

Nowa Huta is (in)famous in whole Poland for hooligans and other low forms life.

When you come to a new country/city/culture you learn what situations you should avoid.
OP Ced  1 | 54  
20 Oct 2009 /  #5
are there many Brits in Krakow?

i have found some flat in Pradnik Bialy. pics look fine . Does anyone of you know the place?
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
20 Oct 2009 /  #6
are there many Brits in Krakow?

Yes, quite a few. But maybe Brits don't have the best reputation in Krakow.
Many Brits travel/travelled to Krakow just to party. Too much drinking and screaming, too little respect.
rich55  3 | 49  
22 Oct 2009 /  #7
i'll try to avoid Nova Huta

Avoid it at night but you really should make the effort to see it while you are in Krakow. If you have even the slightest interest in history, politics, architecture, or Poland/Krakow in general you should go there just to see a legacy of communism. It certainly isn't pretty when you compare it to Krakow itself but there is something strangely fascinating about it. I went with my Polish g/f by tram on a cold wet winter's day so there weren't many people around but those that were didn't cause us any problems. I understand that there are also organised trips to Nowa Huta including at least one I have seen in Krakow which uses old Eastern bloc cars including a Trabant. Don't be put off by what people say; just don't dress like a flash tourist and if possible go with someone Polish if your language skills are limited. I've been to Krakow loads of times and to be honest it's the drunken Brits in the pubs and on easyJet that are the biggest danger.
jonni  16 | 2475  
22 Oct 2009 /  #8
you really should make the effort to see it while you are in Krakow

I agree.

I used to spend a lot of time there on business. It's pleasant enough and never any trouble, even in the bars at night.
OP Ced  1 | 54  
24 Oct 2009 /  #9
ok.thanks for all tips. i'll have plenty of time to visit around the city.

i've heard there are many and freqently going buses and trams in krakow
mafketis  38 | 11127  
24 Oct 2009 /  #10
Ced, mostly post WWII Poland has a lot more economic integration than in some countries. The rich and poor live very close to each other (often in the same buildings). Overall the concept of safe and non-safe neighborhoods is mostly not really an issue.

The partial exceptions are the 60's-80's big housing estates on the outskirts of the city (though I lived in one and it was no problem whatsoever) and sometimes neighborhoods with a high percentage of older buildings in poor repair (that aren't in or close to the old town).

Street crime in Poland is much more a function of chance and bad luck (coming across the wrong person at the wrong time) than being in the wrong neighborhood at he wrong time.

Also, don't pay too much attention to what Polish people you may now tell you. Many Poles are convinced that crime is rampant and that big parts of most of the cities are dangerous at night. The statistics however are not on their side.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
24 Oct 2009 /  #11

I wouldn't go to Podgórze though - might get quite nasty there
OP Ced  1 | 54  
24 Oct 2009 /  #12
oh ok.

my mates advised me to just avoid areas where fans of krakow football clubs tend to meet but they are not from krakow.

what about Pradnik? is it a good place?
i can have a flat there...
Olaf  6 | 955  
29 Oct 2009 /  #13

Yep, Prądnik Bialy is not so bad. But bear in mind that you'll have to commute longer from there than from some less remote districts. I'd recommend rather Kazimierz district or Krowodrza, both are walking distance from the Main Market Sq. and much more prestigeous too.

McCoy  27 | 1268  
29 Oct 2009 /  #14
Nowa Huta is supposed to be pretty rough

lived there for over one year. never had any probs but ive also heard some stories. probably its as bad pleace as any other suburbian district.
Cardno85  31 | 971  
2 Nov 2009 /  #15
I'd recommend rather Kazimierz district or Krowodrza, both are walking distance from the Main Market Sq. and much more prestigeous too.

Kazimierz is definately more prestigious and the flats there are brilliant. But, if you don't know the place, you will more than likely end up paying through the nose for a flat there. It's extorsionate!

As for Krowodrza, I quite liked living there...it was a nice area, but I wouldnt say it was walking distance from the main square. I mean you could walk it, but it would be quite a long walk. However the trams/buses are frequent, the only problem is that late at night the night bus is only once an hour which can be a bit of a nightmare.
OP Ced  1 | 54  
5 Nov 2009 /  #16
Pradnik wasn't the best choice:D it's really far or maybe it's my impression because i'm new here. thanks for answering. my workmate promised to help me find a flat in better place
Olaf  6 | 955  
29 Jan 2010 /  #17
Ok, true. I meant rather old districts incorporated into Krowodrza around 1950', such as Kleparz (or Nowy Kleparz, quite close too), £obzów is not so far either. I'm not much of a walker myself and yet I walk almost every day from work to Nowy Kleparz. It takes me 15 minutes.
CheFinny  5 | 45  
12 Feb 2010 /  #18
Merged: Krakow desirable/safe areas for a studio?

Hi there moving to Krakow in the coming months.
I have been many times before but not really been out to the suburbs.

Just wondering what the desirable/safe areas are to live and if you can get a studio flat for around 1200 a month in them?
Polish Tutor  - | 78  
15 Feb 2010 /  #19
You have to count a bit more for heating, water etc.
But I think 1500 PLN sounds realistic to me

have a look this in an example: krakow.gumtree.pl/c-Nieruchomosci
Luhana  2 | 6  
18 Nov 2013 /  #20
Merged: Renting a room in Krakow, Is this safe?

I am living in my university hostel in Krakow and thinking to move in city and rent a room in shared apartment where I can live like in home. I do not know behaviours of people in Krakow, how they live and treat their apartment partner, safety and any other cautions. I am student and do not like drink , smoke , parties all the time.

What is preferred between hostel and renting a room?

How can I get a suitable room in Krakow ?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
18 Nov 2013 /  #21
Find shared apartment with friends, otherwise you never know.
legate  - | 46  
18 Nov 2013 /  #22
I am student and do not like drink , smoke , parties all the time

find a room in a flat occupied by a single young owner or a working tenant - it will probably be much more comfortable
smurf  38 | 1940  
18 Nov 2013 /  #23
and do not like drink , smoke , parties all the time

You will when you move to Krakow :)

have fun
Jan od Krakow  
19 Nov 2013 /  #24
make sure that your room has a door that you can lock and never leave valuables when you are gone. Did you find a room yet?

Jan od Krakow
Luhana  2 | 6  
20 Nov 2013 /  #25
Thanks for advices. no still I am in search and I am currently living in hostel at Krakow

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