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Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them?

anielka  2 | 84  
4 Apr 2007 /  #151
your history is so wrong someone HAS to tell you right!

You again! I'll go against the grain of the others and I welcome you( since you capitulated.)

I am waiting for you to answer my points pg 6, post 173 on thread Germans file WW2 claims against Poland.These were facts, found in any history book.
North Pole  
4 Apr 2007 /  #152
You again! I'll go against the grain of the others and I welcome you( since you capitulated.)

Hey, relax. Let them fight. They fight their demons here, and it`s funny. Read whole story from the start.
anielka  2 | 84  
4 Apr 2007 /  #153
Read whole story from the start.

I did including the deleted thread in which I took part. Amongst other things, the capitulaton was a bit of humor between BratwurstBoy aka a German and myself.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
4 Apr 2007 /  #154

Oooookaaaay....your questions....wait.....*licks finger.....*skims through posts*....ah...here...

"Just here... Now you know how Bor-Komorowski felt- "

Bor-who? :(

"I'm interested, was Warszawa worth it? General Heinz Guderian expressed great respect for the resistance of the Poles in 1939 with a 15-20% loss of his tanks and 50,000 out of the 300,000 North Western 19th Tank Corps dead. Poles sustained 60,000 dead. Chopin requested his friend Mozart's Requiem be played at his funeral, his wishes were respected.

No hate in these examples, simple respect, admiration on both sides."

He was a nice guy...(but a bit prone to temper tantrums)...but an okay guy...

"The goggles I can deal with - it was the helmet that got me, good to see you've lost it."

Which helmet?

"Come, dance the Krakowiak, the Mazur, lift your girl in the air, stamp your knee high boots, watch her twirl just out of your reach, bewitched by almond blue Polish eyes- then come back and express your opinion of us."

...and you wonder why I didn't answer....:)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
4 Apr 2007 /  #155
What a biased statement. :) May I make some few corrctions? Of course I may. :)

I think that by now every participant of this forum heard the term "Drang nach Osten" which refers to this German urge to go and conquer the lands situated east from them. As an excuse for their aggression Germans were convincing that they are just merely trying to convert the pagans to the one and only rightful religion, Christianity. Of course this whole crusade hadn't anything to do with the religion, but still it was a pretty though argument at that time. Their main advantage above the Slavs was that they weren't only a loose group of tribes, like the Slavs were, but thanks to the long contact with the Roman Empire they developed a centralized jurisdiction. Fortunately for the Poles, by the time our two nations met, poles also had achieved it. Than, the first known polish ruler, Mieszko I, decided freely to be baptized form the hands of Czechs in 966. Thanks to it not only Germans lost their primary argument for conquering the Eastern Europe, but also Mieszko managed to establish an completely independent polish church! Poland was now a part of the European community and cut the Germans from other pagan countries (they lost their territory of future expansion). Further more, Mieszko's son, Boleslav the Brave, managed to crown himself, which made him equal with the rest of the European rulers.

The history of Polish-German conflict is very long... The important thing is to know that Poland not only managed to maintain it's sovereign and independence, stopped the German walk towards east but also established a very strong and meaningful state just under the Germanys nose. If we would gather all Polish-German conflicts we would see that in most cases it was Poles that actually where the victors. Germany never could eliminate Poland from the map. It couldn't ever do it on their own, had to had a help from Austria and Russia to finally accomplish it, and yet, as the history has shown us, that also didn't quite work out. :)
4 Apr 2007 /  #156
I am sorry for you Kiełbasa boy. Now you have to deal with normal people. Where is your german pride?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
4 Apr 2007 /  #157

If...there was a "Drang nach Westen" first which made the germanic tribes conquering whole Europe from the caspian sea to Spain and Italy and even northern africa in the end.

During the Völkerwanderung the tribes moved south into roman empire territory and left eastern europe empty. Slaves settled in those now empty territories.
Germanics came back and the fight started (the short version).

I just posted the history parts to counter the bullsch*t from Crow that Germanics and Slave are relatives in a way and that Slavs were the natives of Europe, they aren't!
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
4 Apr 2007 /  #158
Nobody will ever be able to conquer Poland while Polish people still walk the Earth. We'll keep fighting back, all the way to the last man. All countries probably would....except the French :) ( just kidding my friends :) )
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
4 Apr 2007 /  #159
Is "Kiełbasa" something nice?
Can I eat it? :)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
4 Apr 2007 /  #160
Germanics and Slave are relatives in a way

We are. We are all human. And all humans are brothers, if you believe in God that it :)

Is "Kiełbasa" something nice?

Greatest sausage on EARTH!!!! :)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
4 Apr 2007 /  #161
"Germany never could eliminate Poland from the map"

Do I have that wrong? Isn't that exactly what happened to Poland for some centuries???

What's with the partititions? And didn't you get fed to Prussia, Austria and Russia???
Didn' you need the help of the victors of WWI to get your country back?
And didn't you need the help of lot's of other armies to get freed from the Germans only to get "watched over" by the Soviets???

Some winners are you....:)
FISZ  24 | 2116  
4 Apr 2007 /  #162
Wow...must suck to be livin in the past.

Some winners are you

Some english this isn't
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
4 Apr 2007 /  #163
Didn' you need the help of the victors of WWI to get your country back?

Oh, we got out country back??

Do I have that wrong? Isn't that exactly what happened to Poland for some centuries???

I thikn he meant, as a people, not from the map. While Poland wasn't on the map for quite some time, the people were never eliminated :)

Some english this isn't

English not this? Funny are FISZ you :) :)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
4 Apr 2007 /  #164
"Wow...must suck to be livin in the past. "

HEY! I'm just correcting some mistakes here...call it my good deed for the day!

...but yes...my english could be better! :)
FISZ  24 | 2116  
4 Apr 2007 /  #165
This guy's a bit slow....

my english could be better!

Well, I'm sure you'll work on it while you're in here pissing people off :)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
4 Apr 2007 /  #166
"While Poland wasn't on the map for quite some time, the people were never eliminated"

See? Germans HAVE a soft spot in their hearts for our Poles...:)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
4 Apr 2007 /  #167
...but yes...my english could be better!

Yes it could :)

Wasn't even my first language and I'm better at it than most Americans and some English blokes :)

*not to brag*

See? Germans HAVE a soft spot in their hearts for our Poles...

And that last second goal in World Cup was allllllll luck. No way in hell that would have happened twice. Have to say that was the most exciting game of my life though......Boruc is soccer GOD!!!
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
4 Apr 2007 /  #168
"And that last second goal in World Cup was allllllll luck. No way in hell that would have happened twice. Have to say that was the most exciting game of my life though."

Oooooh yeeeees! WHAT A F*****g GAME!
As the goal came you could hear the roar through whole Germany! What a time!!!

For most Germans the best game was the one against Argentina tough...with the shoot out...WOW!

The worst was that against the Italians! Boah...hate those Spaghetties!!!!:)
witek  1 | 587  
4 Apr 2007 /  #169
Bratwurst Boy,

Are you still here? :(

Isn't there some Silesian Nationalist or Neo-Nazi forum you should be on instead?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
4 Apr 2007 /  #171
Bratworst boy

see, now that you created anger in the other post, now that your being decent
or seem to be at the moment, People dont want to trust you. does that make you
feel good?

I dont like two-faced people either. you either are friend or foe, but if you stay
here, you have to at least commit to treating others with more respect, thats not
so much to ask if you want it back.
daffy  22 | 1153  
4 Apr 2007 /  #172
commit to treating others with more respect, thats not
so much to ask if you want it back.

applies to all :) amen sister (i think thats twice this week ive said that patrycja?) :)
witek  1 | 587  
4 Apr 2007 /  #173
Like Germans or hate them?

most people including myself hate them :) krauts

ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
4 Apr 2007 /  #174
most people including myself hate them krauts


Why's that Witek??? They good people, many of them are a bit "mean-spirited" but they are in general open to learn about Poland :)

I've met many Germans. The younger ones are much nicer than their parents :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
4 Apr 2007 /  #175
applies to all amen sister (i think thats twice this week ive said that patrycja?)

:) I have a following :) let us gather in peace (AMEN)!
witek  1 | 587  
4 Apr 2007 /  #176
Why do i hate Germans Artur?

Lets see.

My Mom's Grandfather was the only member of his family to survive the war. His mom, dad , sisters, cousins were all rounded up one day and shot in October , 1941.:)

Somehow that day that his whole family was shot by the Gestapo in front of their house he was on a date with Maria who would later become my grandma. :)

The Germans caused much pain and suffering in Poland in WWII.

Next time you are in Poland please visit the Polish Uprising museum in Warsaw , it details the events of the Warsaw Uprising in which 250,000 Poles died and 90% of the city was destroyed on Hitler's orders.

Also you must visit the Auschwitz concentration camp in which over 1.5 million Jews, Poles, Gypsys, Russians and others died at the hands of Germans.

You think Germans are nice or have changed? wrong

Germans always believe they are superior "Deutchland Uber Alles"
daffy  22 | 1153  
5 Apr 2007 /  #177
You think Germans are nice or have changed? wrong

we've been through this you and i - its the same arguemtn we could make about the english here in ireland - ive already told you what they've done to my family in the past and i shouldnt need to go into 700 years worth of examples.

i think the english are nice and have changed!

and i think the germans have too

move onwards, move upwards.
witek  1 | 587  
5 Apr 2007 /  #178
daffy the robot,

did you know that English is a Germanic language ?:)
daffy  22 | 1153  
5 Apr 2007 /  #179
daffy the robot,

more liek, daffy the guy who preferes to just, get along :)

did you know that English is a Germanic language ?

yes i did :) infact there is an entire thread of me trying to show another guy this very point!

I don't think there is a problem with the origin of the language witek, do you?

besides, that's moving off topic, move onwards, move upwards man
peterweg  37 | 2305  
5 Apr 2007 /  #180
Or maybe not. There is new evidence to sugguest it isn't.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them?Archived