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Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them?

BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
18 Feb 2007 /  #31
I mean what you feel in your heart when you think Germany or Germans

i would happily live in germany for the rest of my life... not sure how many other countries i can say that for... including the uk, poland, spain, france and australia...
Ranj 21 | 947  
18 Feb 2007 /  #32
what you feel in your heart when you think Germany or Germans, remember that Politician view originate from peoples, Hitler was chosen by peoples, they knew what was his politic view and they voted YES WE WANT YOU.

Well that would be generalizing too much....every German I have met, I have liked, but they didn't discuss their political views with me....I guess I'm a little partial to the individual as opposed to the populace as a whole.....most people hate "Americans" based on our foreign policy, but they tend to like individuals, regardless of their political affiliations.
daffy 22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #33
This is a terrible thread!

what have ze germans ever done to you?

I have not met a german I do not like! And do not paint them all for the past

We are all Europeans now and as such - like!
Frank 23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #34
I mean what you feel in your heart when you think Germany or Germans, remember that Politician view originate from peoples, Hitler was chosen by peoples, they knew what was his politic view and they voted YES WE WANT YOU.

Yes....but it didn't quite say in his manifesto ...exterminate ruin all of Europe......did it?
18 Feb 2007 /  #35
I mean what you feel in your heart when you think Germany or Germans, remember that Politician view originate from peoples, Hitler was chosen by peoples, they knew what was his politic view and they voted YES WE WANT YOU.

Well we have Giertch who is a nazis and you can say "Poles voted for him" which is true.
OP Babylon 16 | 192  
18 Feb 2007 /  #36
Just listen to his speeches, but this is not thread to talk, just vote YES or NO, so better stop discussion about Hitler.
Maxxx Payne 1 | 195  
18 Feb 2007 /  #37
most people hate "Americans" based on our foreign policy

I like your foreign policy. :)
daffy 22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #38
Hitler took advantage of a people that were down and out - you can get a hungary man do to almost anything for food! Hitler manipulated, the nazis manipulated to accomplish their MINORITY views. They told the german people what they wanted to hear and abused their trust.

There is no excuse for what the nazi's did - it was a crime. Do not paint all the german people for such. I wonder to accuse ALL americans for dropping the atomic bomb?

Move on mate! tackle real issue's like, rape, peodophila, vandalism, hooliganism! crimes of TODAY rather than this bullsh1t thread
Frank 23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #39
daffy if only it was always like that...but I can guarantee you..if trouble arises...then make no mistake.......all old past differences/emnities will be raked over as if they happened just 24 hrs ago....
Ranj 21 | 947  
18 Feb 2007 /  #40
This is a terrible thread!

Don't get your feathers all ruffled's better than personally attacking members of the harm is being done.....look at it as Babs doing Poll work (no pun intended, Babs):)
daffy 22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #41
daffy if only it was always like that...but I can guarantee you..if trouble arises...then make no mistake.......all old past differences/emnities will be raked over as if they happened just 24 hrs ago....

Thats could be said of your brother frank - put in a situation outside of normal control! just watch 'lost' :)

Its part of why EU is about unity - so that it cannot happen again

'lest we forget'


Don't get your feathers all ruffled's better than personally attacking members of the forum

True LOL - im just adding to his POLL, giving my honest opinion
Maxxx Payne 1 | 195  
18 Feb 2007 /  #42
ou can get a hungary man do to almost anything for food!

Yep, just wave paprika or pörkölt in front of him, he will do anything !:)

Sorry I just couldn't resist
Frank 23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #43
Its part of why EU is about unity - so that it cannot happen again

Idealism at it best Daffy...but in yesterdays I Times....Russians quoted as saying their current enemies are Poland and Lithuania........EU may only be a temporoary you'd be surprised....!
18 Feb 2007 /  #44
I was allways curious, why Germans disdain Slavs, especially Poles. Now I don`t care, because I know them better after a few trips. They are littlebrains who don`t know what school is. Sadly, in Poland many people think about Germans as morons. But not without reason.
daffy 22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #45
Russians quoted as saying their current enemies are Poland and Lithuania........EU may only be a temporoary you'd be surprised....!

Id retort and call your view pessimistic.
And your quote is out of context. Russia did not say lithuania and Poland is Russia's enemy in WWII, Armageddon context at all! and Russia is not about to 'MARCH ON WARSAW!' so id add sensationalism to your post :)

the EU is an ideal! and its 50 years since! and it has achieved more than 5,000 years! or any empire or dictator could do! thats due to the power of democracy (with all its flawS)

Dont think the EU is going to crumble overnight frank
OP Babylon 16 | 192  
18 Feb 2007 /  #46
Well we have Giertych who is a nazis and you can say "Poles voted for him" which is true.

Giertych is not a Nazis he is just right-winged politician, who is not licking Germans just because "we have to" - he has his own view, antigerman view and I respect him. There is no proof he is a Nazi or Antisemitic - give me just one controversial thing he said?

Or maybe that he said that:

"Deportation of Germans from former German lands to Germany, as a result of peaceful solution to stop future possible multicultural conflicts is right and Germany has been punished and they deserve it" - Are those words - made him Nazi?
daffy 22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #47
"Deportation of Germans from former German lands to Germany, as a result of peaceful solution to stop future possible multicultural conflicts is right and Germany has been punished and they deserve it" - Are those words - made him Nazi?

a nazi under a different name would smell as sweet

...that basically means, yes. Germany made its reparations (served its time for the crime) and MOVED on ages ago! germany was one of thr founding nations of the EU poland is now apart of!

and is funding (with the rest of the EU) polish infrastructe, CAP, et al!!!

telling germans to get out is ludicris!!!

...and racist
Frank 23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #48
Dont think the EU is going to crumble overnight frank many common currency areas have there been in Europe in the last say 120 yrs...?....3....all of them failed....its a fact.....but I hope the Euro succeeds....but.....

Dont think the EU is going to crumble overnight frank

No...but tell that to the romans....and the third reich....:)
daffy 22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #49
Both poor examples frank!

both were empires, run by masters and slaves

now your not a stupid person so i dont need to point out the differences between them and the EU.
Frank 23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #50 aint patronising moi......are you now?

Anything can crumble over nite.........those were good enough the 3 I gave re common currencies.....ok!!!?
daffy 22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #51
hehe Frank I dont think we agree on this

Rome and thre third reich didnt fall over night either :P Im saying they failed due to oppressive regimes. The EU is not.

The euro, i share your sentiments also that it may last. And Currencies you gave as examples, eh, you didnt mention any in particular or am i blind? what are these 3 other european currencies that have failed before?
Frank 23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #52
I don't have the details re other currencies Daffy....but hey were remarked on one nite on the box...soz........but think they were on the mainland of Europe.

Point re failure of made up regimes/alliances....good or bad that nothing lasts for ever......
daffy 22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #53
nothing lasts for ever......

never said they didnt :) just said the EU was a force for good (in so many words LOL)

i agree with you that nothing lasts forever, it can get better! (evolution baby! :))

Be hopeful mo chairde
Frank 23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #54
The long view.....its typically cyclical....
daffy 22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #55
ahhhhhhhhhh (screaming) Frank! we are doomed to disagree :)

Evolution, is not cyclical!

Education, is not cyclical!

the lettter E, is not cyclical!

Lol, sorry about the last point but the other two stand :)
Frank 23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #56
Excuse me order for someone to succeed.......some one must move tangentially during your posts.....
Ranj 21 | 947  
18 Feb 2007 /  #57
in order for someone to succeed.......some one must fail......

I look at the weight of the world the same way......when one person loses 5 lbs, my hips seem to find it.......'scuse me gentlemen, just thinking out loud (on a computer).....carry on.....:)
Frank 23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #58're just looking for the male sympathy vote

A moment on the lips....a lifetime on the hips.......

But I don't believe you...for one sec...its just that Daffy et moi have bored you...true?
daffy 22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #59
Excuse me order for someone to succeed.......some one must move tangentially during your posts.....

your excused Franck :) (just playing)

There is no tangent I can see. But i do see you making posts with claims you could not back up.
for someone to succedd someone must fail...

so magellian succedded in circumnavigating the globed - who lost out there?
the wright brothers invented modern day flighht - who lost out there?
the EU was formed - who lost out there?

it is the Failures of the past that pave the way for the successes i would say Frank. It is in learning from our mistakes that we achieve our greatest aspirations!

edison was interviewed about the '2,000 times he failed in trying to invent the lightbulb'

he replied, i did not fail, i just discovered 2,000 ways how not to make a lightbulb :) (he learnt from his past errors and moved on! like the EU and Evolution are the result of learning from the past!
Frank 23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #60
Tangentialism is alive and well in your life..success.....for one guy to become a millionaire there has to be a pyramid of people under him ensuring his success.....every 100 people who go forward to play in a premier league team...only 1 will succeed.....getting my angle?

Of all the empires/alliances that ever there many are still on the go/lasted...eeemmm....think Daffy!

They the immediate needs of the time, then fail/ collapse.....longer view daffy...:)

PS Turn the light bulb out when leaving the board!!...:)

Archives - 2005-2009 / Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them?Archived