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Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them?

daffy  22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #61
getting my drift...my angle?

Is see we are not thinking along the same plane

Of all the empires/alliances that ever there was...........how many are still on the go/lasted...eeemmm....think Daffy!

THATS MY FRIGGIN POINT!! the EU is the realisation of the past instances and from learning from it!!! the EU is a far more flexible body that the empires of old and is ABLE to adapt and change as required through consititutional changes! yeeecsh

They evolve....in cycles.......meet the immediate needs of the time, then fail/ collapse.....longer view daffy...

Dude, I can tell your not into science, evolution is not cyclical. it does not come full circle. It is a cycle?

Definition of evolutions include

# development: a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage); "the development of his ideas took many years"; "the evolution of Greek civilization"; "the slow development of her skill as a writer"

# (biology) the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms

PS Turn the light bulb out when leaving the board!!...

your funny, ill give you that :)
Frank  23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #62
evolution is not cyclical

You brought up evolution...no evidence of this.....all these political entities are cyclical...believe me!

PS Funny is an understatement..........
daffy  22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #63
You brought up evolution...no evidence of this

I know i did, im not saying you did,

you said its cyclical when clearly it is not - even by definiton (see my post or google the darn definition!)

as to understatment, i dont know you well enough yet mate but i dont doubt you :)

as to political entities, yes i agree there are element *cough BNP *cough* but that is some people who cannot learn form history and/or move on to higher tolerances and see the bigger pic.

peace out
Frank  23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #64
Peace out......2.......
daffy  22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #65
awww peace, gotta love it.

oh wait.. i must be cyclical! WAR ON FRANK!!! !!!!!!! :)

just playing, i know what you mean - i hope you can just see what i mean? (not the evolution part - that is self evident DEF)

but that if we learn from the past and from our 2,000 ways how not to make a lightbulb then one day, we too, shall invent our political lightbulb!
Frank  23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #66
Daffy......is there a point to your post "peace out" posting....haven't you read the board rules section?....

Here you are coming back for more...........hhhhmmm....must google that........

No I'll stick to my view.......thanx...:)

"i did not fail, i just discovered 2,000 ways how not to make a lightbulb"..this was just a play on words..........but he was working towards a fixed end....politics...never gets there...hence the repetition of success and failures..........

"it is the Failures of the past that pave the way for the successes"...not really.......so all the wars that went before the WWI...ie the war to end all wars ......meant we shouldn't have had WWII.......pretty flawed logic there.....and you can't predict the future Daffy.....lol

"the EU is a far more flexible body that the empires of old and is ABLE to adapt and change as required through consititutional changes! yeeecsh"

No...the contrary..the bigger it gets the less flexible it will become........just look at how successful the nailing down of the constitution has been.....lol
daffy  22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #67
.just look at how successful the nailing down of the constitution has been.....lol

heheh frank, it will be back, it will be revised and it will pass ehehehehehehehehehehe

i bet my bottom dollar on it...if i had a dollor.

frank, WWI was not called so until WW2 it was ;the great war; WW2 was called the war to end all was due to the shear magnitude of it, not because it was the last war..Yeesch! the worst part is, i think you knew that and said it anyway!

peace out! whats in the rules against that????

and YOU cant predict it (the future) either.

I hold a positive view for it

you would seem to hold a negative (i hope im wrong)
Frank  23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #68
No...longer view Daffy.....man has never really "learned".......be honest.....

WW2 was called the war to end all

No WWI...was the war to end all...:)

peace out

You called a de facto truce...I agreed..you went back on your word...now cyclical posting ensues...........31-0 to me.........no added time.....

and YOU cant predict it (the future) either.

No I am just learning from the past.......do try it.....lol
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Feb 2007 /  #69
I don't know, or did not specify


I don't like.
Frank  23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #70
you would seem to hold a negative (i hope im wrong)

Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
18 Feb 2007 /  #71
they knew what was his politic view and they voted YES WE WANT YOU.

not my grandmother in law, she hated him and so did her whole family, they knew
he was trouble BIG trouble!!

not all of the germans knew what was going on and he did hide alot from them
so I dont blame the whole german population for it. <~theres polish who follow
nazism ( I dont understand why they are idiots too) but I wont generalize
because I know there are people who didnt want any part of it and was sickened
by what happened. (they didnt say this because it was politically correct answer
either) .

sorry ranj, that was supposed to be for babylon :) post went all postal on me :) lol
daffy  22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #72
man has never really "learned".......be honest.....

wow, and the award for most pessimitic view goes to.....

man has learnt, in many fields! (education, health, science, etc, etc) in a political sense too!
desptism, hereditary rule! dictatorships, republics, democracy

the all developed from the former, you could not have democracy today if it had not been for the socio-political history of mankind QED man has learned.

it is not the end of the learning and it is not perfect but it is a big improvment of the past
i think ill liver here frank, you can live in 18th centuary france under king louis!? tell me how the revolution goes? :)
Frank  23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #73
A famous historian was asked in 1989 ( 200th anniversary of same) what did he think of the after effects of French revolution...

His reply was .............its too early to tell...........

Learn from it Daffy.........say you will.....!
daffy  22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #74
lol frank your funny and i do agree the arguement is cyclical as we will never aggree but i had already pointed out WE are going in circles in an earlier post

the matter still remains, that evolution is not cyclical, it is slow and steady and progressive.
politics, is a more skewed beast due to the complexity of its nature...us! :)
but you deny that progress has been made when clearly it has!

the UN was created after the league of nations as it collapsed (the UN being an improvment)
WW1 was the war to end all wars in its day and so was WW2 in its, in fact - i wouldnt be surprised if all wars in certain times were described as such so neiter of us will ;win; that point but it s not about succeding and failing...or is it :)

a famous baker was asked about how he prefected makeing the souflet.

he also said, its too early to tell! :P


Quoting: daffy
you would seem to hold a negative (i hope im wrong)


cool, so your not negative on the view for the future (it cert seems an odd view)

what is it then|?
Frank  23 | 1183  
18 Feb 2007 /  #75
daffy...you've proved my point...you're just going around in circles......but I forgive ya.....

You keep to evolution...I'll keep to the cycles.....

Perhaps we will both never meet...one day....lol....

daffy  22 | 1153  
18 Feb 2007 /  #76
if evolution is cyclical....when will we 'evolve' back (wouldnt that be DEvolvution) to fishy or monkeys or whatever!!!

Perhaps we will never meet...:'( you broke my optimism, you bast@rd (said in south park fashion buddy)
18 Feb 2007 /  #77
I like Germans. They found me to be funny when I told them that their language sounds rough to me. They replied since Spanish is a romance language I would feel that. They told me they don't feel their language is rough and tough. They told me they like salsa music.

Interesting note: In the final days of Nazi Germany there were puertoricans in Germany playing mambo music. TRUE STORY.
Kamyk  2 | 61  
18 Feb 2007 /  #78
I like German beer :) and so far have nothing against Germans:)
Huegel  1 | 296  
18 Feb 2007 /  #79
Ich liebe die Piefkes. Sie stellen tolle Autos her. :)
Eurola  4 | 1898  
18 Feb 2007 /  #80
Hmm? Mr. H. translation please. :(
Huegel  1 | 296  
19 Feb 2007 /  #81
hehe ASk and you shall receive. :)
"I lurve the Germans" (Piefkes is Austrian slang for Germans, derogatory before you ask) :) and "they make great cars."
daffy  22 | 1153  
19 Feb 2007 /  #82
I lurve the Germans

i like them like i like my portugese, or italians or british....in the EU :)

oh boy, political humor, here we go, its ok, ill shoot myself.

(oh and 200 posts baby!!)
dannyboy  18 | 248  
19 Feb 2007 /  #83
Nationalisim is a stupid concept. You cannot classify people by the country they live in.
The offspring of Nationalisim is Racisim.
daffy  22 | 1153  
19 Feb 2007 /  #84
well said paddy! :P

could have used your support last night, check the BNP thread!
Ranj  21 | 947  
19 Feb 2007 /  #85
Ranj...you're just looking for the male sympathy vote here....lol

Nah, Frank....don't need any sympathy-----actually lost that 5 lbs and then some over the weekend......guess there's someone else out there a little heavier today.....of course, I'm sure I reclaim it after my vacation:)

But I don't believe you...for one sec...its just that Daffy et moi have bored you...true?

Frank, I could never get bored with you.....as for Daffy, I don't really know him but I do love cartoon characters!:)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
19 Feb 2007 /  #86
lost that 5 lbs and then some over the weekend......

have fun over the weekend, ranj....?

Ranj  21 | 947  
19 Feb 2007 /  #87
Definitely got rid of a lot of built up tension.....feels like it's starting to come back though.....wonder if I could score a massage later?:) :) :)

Morning, sunshine......or I guess I should say, good afternoon to you!:)
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
19 Feb 2007 /  #88
Dont like them... dont hate them.... better off without thinking about them

Germany now....equal to Afganistan after 20 yrs.

This one for the americans
19 Feb 2007 /  #89
Germany now....equal to Afganistan after 20 yrs

Right, of course.

You mean because Germany is the world's number one heroin supplier? :)
Or did you mean because Afghanistan in the future will also be a financial centre, a leading car manufacturer and will soon challenge to become the world's third biggest economy. :)

Yep that'll be it. :) Phew glad we got that sorted.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
19 Feb 2007 /  #90
I'm fascinated with Goethe, , Teutonic Knights, German expressionism in cinema, Prussian fortresses, Erwin Rommel, Kraftwerk and even those red brick factories but that's not enough to say that a truly love Germans. That's why I go for 0. :)

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