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Some Poles burning American flag

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
15 Jun 2007 /  #91
burning a country's flag is a legitimate form of protest
TheKruk  3 | 308  
15 Jun 2007 /  #92
Merrick, i agree the countries you mentioned have legitimate reasons to be angry with America and if they choose to burn the American flag It is their right to do so. I also agree Americas Visa policy towards Poland is scandalous and if you will yes Polonophobic. But the phrase you wrote "a great many americans are Polonophobic" I don't think is truly accurate. I am sure in Chicago and other cities with large sections of new Polish immigrants there is some ill-behavior towrds poles. But most Americans don't have any problems with Poles, but as I think about it Americans have been duped the current administration into thinking all immigrants are stealing jobs and money, but the target of this ill will are usually Mexicans and central americans, but some may lump all immigrants into this group. The burning of the American flag while it is not something I take lightly is certainly any persons right, and I am very I repeat ver saddened that my countries current administration has done more damage to America's already tarnished image around the world than i would have dreamt possible. But I have never been attacked by any Polish person for being American sure they attack Bush et. al. But never has a Pole attacked me personally quite the opposite.(I live in Poland by the way)

Lastly I don't believe Freebird to be racist towards Poles or any others. I think you have reacted too strongly But I think I understand your point in general. quite often I am ashamed of America. Mainly because of the failed potential greatness Amercia could possess. But any country is only as great as its idiots.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
15 Jun 2007 /  #93
The Americans should worry about burning human beings, including children, e.g. in Iraq.

yeah I was going to say, as long as people dont start harming human beings the
flag is a symbol, but who cares. I know I have better things to do then burn a flag
and does anyone get annoyed at the television when they are burning the flag
and everyone is pushing each other screaming then one guy gets his face smushed
against the camerman.... really symbolizes that someone could get hurt during these
so called rallys..
FISZ  24 | 2116  
15 Jun 2007 /  #94
American rag

Now now Puzz ;) be nice

Of course, from the viewpoint of not some but very many Yanks we Poles are only allowed to kiss the American behind.

I can't argue with this because I've heard many times that PL owes us one. I feel that we shouldn't dwell in the past.

I think Poland much more needs the EU than America

Couldn't agree more, but who would you count on? Germany? *shrug*

It's you Yanks who should need us

No, realistically we shouldn't need anyone. We just need to maintain a friendship with the EU and that's all.

As for the Americans, great many of them, including 'freebird,' are Polonophobic racists. That's a fact.

The true fact is that many Americans know nothing about Poland or it's people to have racist views. We learn nothing about your country and are only taught historical facts which wouldn't give anyone racist views, but maybe sympathy towards your people. The racist views that you experienc here are from the "few" who have travelled abroad and maybe experienced difficult times whether it be women screwing them over or just communication problems. Most of the Americans that come here are just curious about the people and customs....mostly anyway :)

The fact that freebird is racist towards us is that he makes a big deal of burning the American flag by a few alleged Poles.

Most Americans feel anger about anyone who burns our flag. Regardless of where they are. This is practiced by mostly middle eastern countries so it's odd to see in Poland. But who really cares? I sure as hell don't. I know Bush is a dimwit.

Do Americans (including freebird, if he's American) go to their forums and scold them for their anti-Americanism? Never heard of that.


Besides, the expressions of Polonophobia in America are thousand times worse than our expressions of Americanophobia.

So, we all play like children then teasing? All of these anti-whatever need to grow the fu*c up. Hopefully the anti Americans aren't anti- American people. That would just be ignorant. Hate our policy but not our people...believe me, we're trying to get rid of him ;)

I'd be happy to provide tons of evidence in this respect.

No evidence needed. I can give two sh*ts what people ina forum say...what is it maybe 5-6 people? C'mon..who cares.

Take care Puzz and take a deep breath :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
15 Jun 2007 /  #95
Hate our policy but not our people...believe me, we're trying to get rid of him ;)

Fisz, no matter how many times we say it, people form their own stubborn opinions
no one knows till they visit us and see for themselfs the real America and not some
media on TV showing only what they want to show..

Bubba visited here, he and I am sure a few others can say that they enjoyed it
here, its much different, people are just people doing what they need to do and
we are friendly and outgoing..

Now now Puzz ;) be nice

merrick is puzzler? well hello stranger.. still trying to stir up the pot?

as for me being a polonophobic.. I never even heard of the word till i joined
this forum, and I dont have a phobia of my ancestral country, the only phobia
I have of them is not being accepted.. which a few things have been said to
make those of us following our roots feel pretty bad,, what would be the
correct term used for those calling us names? Americanpolishpolonophic?

anyway, I will cont my mission.. to the ship scotty!
FISZ  24 | 2116  
15 Jun 2007 /  #96
Fisz, no matter how many times we say it, people form their own stubborn opinions
no one knows till they visit us and see for themselfs the real America and not some
media on TV showing only what they want to show..

Bubba visited here, he and I am sure a few others can say that they enjoyed it
here, its much different, people are just people doing what they need to do and
we are friendly and outgoing..

I know P...that was for him to comment on. I know you've seen this many times :)


Polamophobic :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
15 Jun 2007 /  #97
Polamophobic :)

Well :) I didnt know the name for it.. lol
FISZ  24 | 2116  
15 Jun 2007 /  #98
Just made it up :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
15 Jun 2007 /  #99
it looks better then mine :)) shorter version :)
Merrick  - | 34  
16 Jun 2007 /  #100
Fisz, I don't have anything against you, and I say what I should've said in the first place: there are many decent folks in America, and friendly towards the Poles.

You are definitely one of them.

In fact, you are an exceptionally nice and open-minded guy. It's fortunate that someone like you lives in Poland.

I don't regard as Polonophobic some other American participants in this forum, such as Patrycja.

As for Polonophobia in America, I lived there and know what I'm talking about. And I think it's healthier to talk, even angrily, than to keep silent about it. (Same with any other subject.) And I don't think that such open talk will cause more anti-Americanism in Poland; on the contrary, I think it may cause less Polonophobia in America, and thus even more friendly feelings towards America in Poland.

Also, it's a fact that one of the main sources - or even the main source - of Polonophobia in America has traditionally been a part of the American Jewish community. This should be spoken about openly just as well.

As for Poland - and I think that living there you know that - America is still viewed there as a kind of heaven on earth, and Americans as a sort of semi-gods. We don't have Americanophobia practically at all. Only some commiefascists, like those who burnt the Star-spangled Banner, seem to exibit anti-Americanism, but they dislike Poland just as much as they do America, if not more.

Yes, you are right when you seem to suggest that at present America seems to be more friendly towards Poland that Germany is.

I don't think it can be easy for America to have friendly relations with the whole of EU, especially with its most important countries, perhaps except Britain. Your interests seem at present, and for a long time ahead, more and more contradictory.

And this fact, plus Poland's situation in Europe, plus the still huge capital of Americanophilia in Poland (unlike the previous commie government, our present - Kaczynskis - government is honestly pro-American) seem to encourage a very close American involvement in Poland.

Much closer than e.g. in the Russian-infested 'Ukraine.'

I think that America's not undertaking this involvement in Poland would hurt American interests.

To the Kruk. - I agree with most of what you've written. I am not an Americanophobe; I have always wished American-Polish relations to be close and honest. But I am angry, due to my first-hand and long experience from living in North America.

I don't have anything against decent Americans like you. God protect you and your country.

By the way, re: my alluding to the American involvement in Iraq. - Our army is also there, just as it is in Afghanistan. It's extremely disgraceful we're there, fresh after having been oppressed by the Russkies. Go home, polaczki.
16 Jun 2007 /  #101
Merrick there's no point to run any discussion with you. Thank God there are not many people like you in Poland.
OP freebird  3 | 532  
16 Jun 2007 /  #102
I lived there

quote=Merrick] he's not intelligent [/quote]
I have many friends in Poland and in many other countries so your accusations on me being an "polonophobic racist" are more than ridiculous. Besides, I speak 7 languages fluent and have a master degree in economy, if you call me not intelligent, it already shows that you're not intelligent enough to even judge other people. It's obvious you must have made bad experiences with some Americans. Maybe you should look at yourself, your aggressive statements toward my person are showing me that you probably deserved to make all these negative experiences in the US. Any further comment I would make toward your person would be a waste of my precious time.......done
krysia  23 | 3058  
16 Jun 2007 /  #103
Burning flags is so immature. What would Poland think if the US would burn a Polish flag?But haven't seen the US burn anyone's flag.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
16 Jun 2007 /  #104
But haven't seen the US burn anyone's flag.

Well, during Vietnam people were burning the flag in Central park.

More recently, Students from Yale were arrested but 2 were foreign; 1 british, 1 Greek and one American (born in Pakistan).

There was a man in Portland who even pulled his pants down and did his business on a burning flag during a peace demonstration :/ The media just doesn't show us what our fellow Americans do. Just what others do to us. Sad.

To those who believe we should have no rights as people:

The burning is a reminder that the people are more important. The flag is only a symbol. The proper way to dispose of it is to burn it anyway. "Old Gory" the original symbol of our country is still in the Smithsonian protected, where it should be.

What if I painted one then washed it off? Would I be arrested for ruining my symbol of the American flag? What about the people that don't dispose of their shredded and faded flag properly, should they be arrested?

If you're so proud of your country; no matter where you're from, your nations flag should hang inside of you.

As for Polonophobia in America, I lived there and know what I'm talking about. And I think it's healthier to talk, even angrily, than to keep silent about it.

I think that what you may've experienced; which I have also noticed, is that people don't know any better. There's still no excuse, but the "Polish Joke" mentality exisits in only in those who are ignorant to know/learn the truth.

You also have to keep in mind that Poland hasn't exactly been the top choice for a place to vacation during the 80's or early 90's; so no one knows anything about it, but now Poland is getting more and more exposure. I see more travel shows and certainly more people on the internet researching Poland. It may take a few years to open peoples eyes, but it's certainly going to happen and they'll soon realize that Poland is a wonderful country as are the people.

Any further comment I would make toward your person would be a waste of my precious time.......done

It's healthy debate. You don't care for my comments either :) You also think I'm not an American :)

It's fortunate that someone like you lives in Poland.

I currently live in New Jersey :) I don't speak enough Polish to feel comfortable living in Poland. I would love to spend my summer in Chlopy again though :) maybe do nothing but spend time with my sweetie and fish :) oh the life that would be.
16 Jun 2007 /  #105
Burning flags is so immature. What would Poland think if the US would burn a Polish flag?But haven't seen the US burn anyone's flag.

thank you Krysia :-)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
16 Jun 2007 /  #106
Well, during Vietnam people were burning the flag in Central park.

Back in the late sixties/seventies.. you dont see this happen now.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
16 Jun 2007 /  #107
Sure you do. It's just not on TV. Do some research :)

I even gave examples...need more?
Merrick  - | 34  
16 Jun 2007 /  #108
Justyna announces boldly: 'Merrick there's no point to run any discussion with you.'

- Exactly why? Do you imply that there's something wrong with my debating skills? If so, what exactly would that be?

Or maybe it's simply that you're not smart enough to discuss with me and in order to conceal this shameful for you fact you fake superiority and condescension towards me on the alleged grounds that I can't debate?

re: Thank God there are not many people like you in Poland

- If it were true and if you cared for Poland and the Poles, you would rather sigh that there are so few people like me in Poland.

In reality, I pretty well express the attitude of the majority of Poles, whereas such 'Poles' like you - timid, hypocritical,with an inferiority complex, selfish, despairing all the time: 'What will the foreigners think of us?!' - are the unsavory and, thanks Heaven, dying out minority in Poland.

So you can't give evidence to back your statement that I allegedly 'made bad experience with US Embassy in Warsaw not getting a visa'?

Liar, liar.

Freebirdie, maybe in your mind you're 'done,' but I'm not done with you and hence shall exercise my right to a reply.

Your suggestion that because somebody has an MA in economy and speaks half a dozen of tongues therefore he's intelligent doesn't sound true to me.

It doesn't convince me also in your case (provided you speak the truth you've got all those oh so great academic and other achievements). For example, in your posting you suggest that I consider you not intelligent, whereas, in reality, I clearly suggested that I consider you intelligent (enough).

Would it mean that you can't comprehend simple statements?

Would it mean I was wrong by suggesting that you are intelligent (enough)?

Now re your claim you're not racist towards the Poles. Think freebirdie: if you scold the Poles for a given behaviour and you don't scold others for the same behaviour, what does it say about your attitude towards the Poles?

OP freebird  3 | 532  
16 Jun 2007 /  #109

merrick, face it, You believe to be the voice of Poland........guess what....you're not..........you're trying to provoke me to show all the people here how much I hate Poles. You won't make it. I like most of people here except for maybe couple of arrogant ignorants like you. From now on I'll simply ignore you because you absolutely don't deserve any attention.
GREG_2  - | 11  
16 Jun 2007 /  #110
Burning flags is so immature. What would Poland think if the US would burn a Polish flag?But haven't seen the US burn anyone's flag.

OP freebird  3 | 532  
16 Jun 2007 /  #111
Poland can be proud of people like Krysia and Greg_2 and many others like you guys
17 Jun 2007 /  #112

Pretty tall words to say about Freebird where are the facts?
I doubt most Americans are Polonophobic as they don't have enough contact with Poles, only in Chicago and to a lesser extent New York. Furthermore most Americans don't know what the word Polonophobe means (fear of Poles?) [

True words
PeterCpt  2 | 37  
23 Jun 2007 /  #113
Poles are very pro-US. I don't know so much about the Poles in Poland but where I live, the Polish community is very Pro-US. In fact the natives here (in South Africa) are at best neutral towards the US and at worst support Arab extremists (we have at least one grouping here which is allied with terrorist groups and is on the State Dept. list of

terrorist groups). I don't believe that most Poles would burn the US flag, in fact the people who burned that flag may not even have been Poles but anti-globalisation protesters (usually of continental Western European descent) who burned the flag

in response to GWB's visit to Poland/ABM shield/CIA prison camps etc. Most Poles love America (or at least prefer it to other nations), since we don't like

German and Russia so much, we like Great Britain and the US.

I doubt most Americans are Polonophobic as

If anything some Americans would be afraid of illegal Polish aliens. However Poland is not a security threat to the US the way Britain, Germany and Spain are. Poland has a homogenous mostly Christian population without too many foreign permanent residents, especially from countries whose citizens have been involved in anti-US/anti-Israeli activities.
23 Jun 2007 /  #114
I don't believe that most Poles would burn the US flag

you're right about that, that's why he probably said, some Poles. :-)
3 Mar 2009 /  #115
Do you know the small american paper flags on toothpicks, one gets like with ones ice?

Lately while taking a walk I see a doggy poo on the sidewalk and someone decorated it with exactly the same =D We had a good laugh =D

Have to addmit, seen it in Cologne. So no Poles to blame.
Juche  9 | 292  
3 Mar 2009 /  #116
I saw it today on TV. Do you think it's OK?

In my country revisionist elements who burn North Korean flag go to compulsory work camps for minimum 35 years. very good!
Crow  154 | 9525  
20 Mar 2009 /  #117
Some Poles burning American flag

...how convinient from those Poles. Nice gesture, relaxing in fact

listen, burning American flags is popular in Serbia since NATO occupied Serbian Kosovo-Metohija on the behalf of mujaheedines and Islam

how goes that song....: ``Let`s do it togather,... hey, hey, hey,.....hey!``
Crow  154 | 9525  
20 Mar 2009 /  #119
what you want now? to say that Poland is also NATO??!!

be adwised,... Poland isn`t NATO. Its just look like that, i know
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
20 Mar 2009 /  #120
Crow, what about Turkey? They're in NATO too, so's Israel, Israeli's in NATO ;)

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