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Ryszard  - | 89  
15 Aug 2008 /  #61
"Bush administration officials have been adamant in asserting that they warned the government in Tbilisi not to let Moscow provoke it into a fight"


Hey, BB if you're still talking with me - so what were the real reasons with the Ribbentrop-Molotov pipe? Already thought it out?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
15 Aug 2008 /  #62
Germany and Russia made a deal to build a new, bigger, better pipeline, what's it to you?
Do you feel threatened? Or is it just the money you won't get any longer??? What???

It's nothing militarily...we are not trying to invade Poland BUT TO AVOID IT, you should be happy!


Georgia started the fight hoping the US would fight their fight...The Idiot gambled and lost and has now to pay for
it, to bad!

Should have cared for the facts before you someone accuse of propaganda, shouldn't you...
Dice  15 | 452  
15 Aug 2008 /  #63
Honestly, who cares who started it? It could have been the Georgians, maybe it was the Russians Special Forces who simply pretended that Georgians killed 4 Russian soldiers? What is important is that Georgia is invaded by Russia now. The fact is that Russia is getting richer and richer (thanks to oil and gas money), and they spend all their income on rebuilding the military and the Russian Empire. And they will do things by force if they need to, that's at least what they are trying to say by invading Georgia. Georgia is a lesson for other countries, and the lesson's motto is "Watch out, Russia's back!"
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
15 Aug 2008 /  #64
Georgia is hardly a lesson...not many so stupid empty air heads like Saakashvili!

What lesson for Abkhazia and South Ossetia?
eagle  - | 29  
15 Aug 2008 /  #65
Has anyone heard of this? Russia to build missile shield/interceptors in Syria and Belarus.
Ryszard  - | 89  
15 Aug 2008 /  #66
Germany and Russia made a deal to build a new, bigger, better pipeline, what's it to you?

Ever heard of Amber pipeline project, didn't you?

Do you feel threatened?

So don't be surprised we are looking for safety somewhere else

Or is it just the money you won't get any longer???

If we are talking about money... how do you think: which pipeline costs more (MUCH MORE) to bulid and utilize: the one build under Baltic or the one build normally on the ground?

The Idiot gambled and lost and has now to pay for it, to bad!

The "idiot" version of truth:

And what can you say about heroic, "peacemaking" Russian troops marching further into Georgian territory? I thought they wanted to "free" SO only, and now what? Breaks in their tanks got malfunctioned so they can't stop or what?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
15 Aug 2008 /  #67
So don't be surprised we are looking for safety somewhere else

You feel perpetually threatened, regardless what we do!
It get's funny really...
You would be only satisfied if we would cut all our ties to Russia and show them the cold shoulder as you do, am I right?

If we are talking about money... how do you think: which pipeline costs more (MUCH MORE) to bulid and utilize: the one build under Baltic or the one build normally on the ground?

Think logical here...it's still a business contract!
Do you really think Gazprom and EON or BASF would be innit when they don't see a fat profit looming for them?
They invest millions - they want them back (+ some more)

Breaks in their tanks got malfunctioned so they can't stop or what?

I've read they are emptying the georgian barracks of their war material...not a bad move! Don't want to give them Georgians the idea they can try sh*it like that again....
Ryszard  - | 89  
15 Aug 2008 /  #68
Think logical here...it's stil a business contract!

Hahahahaha :D I admit, I still don't know if you are really so young and naive or you only pretend to be...
If this was a bussiness contract then pure bussiness merits would decide which pipeline is build


...EON, BASF and Gazprom decided to build much much more expensive variant of it. Halloooo! They decided to earn much less than they could do! What does this mean??? Are they insane or what??

And please, don't make me laugh again saying that such giants as EON or BASF (not to talk about Gazprom :D) don't have anything to do with politics :)

You would be only satisfied if we would cut all our ties to Russia and show them the cold shoulder as you do, am I right?

Could you point all those cases of our cold shoulder we were giving to Russia, I'd gladly hear about them.
randompal  7 | 306  
15 Aug 2008 /  #69
I am pretty sure that the next President, whoever he/she might be, will back off from this agreement and pull our bases out of Europe

when hell freezes over
Dice  15 | 452  
15 Aug 2008 /  #70
This is what the grass roots America is pushing for, along with both the fringe right as well as the fringe left. It's gonna happen soon, I believe, and most of the Presidential candidates are talking about it quite a bit.
15 Aug 2008 /  #71
This is what the grass roots America is pushing for

This is the right thing to do of course.. All this cockamamie meddling in Europe, the hell with that! It's none of our business.. You put this missile shield in they'll just complain about it anyway..

Feck up Bush in there again.. just get out of office, you clown, before we're all in the graveyard! A hillbilly with money is a dangerous thing.
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
15 Aug 2008 /  #72
I dont really like the idea. I have studied my share of history.

1, im alittle polish
2, im an american and I know the countries history

All I can see here is that this will cause some kind of BS or harm to Poland sometime in the future. Poland has never been an Imperial war-mongering country. I think Poland would be better off being good friends with Germany and Russia, hell even though I live in the U.S. I think it would be great to see the 3 of them become a super power, instead it looks like poland might be a pawn in the USA/Soviet global games. But u.s. said it was for leverage against the middle east if needed. I think its BS and automatically makes Poland a target, not only from Iraq but Russia too.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
15 Aug 2008 /  #73
Somehow nobody is rushing to help Georgia in the time of crisis now.... Do you think anybody from EU would rush to help Poland if Russia or Germany would invaded them? I'd rather see the shield deal signed so at least the the two neighbors think twice about it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
16 Aug 2008 /  #74
Hahahahaha :D I admit, I still don't know if you are really so young and naive or you only pretend to be...
If this was a bussiness contract then pure bussiness merits would decide which pipeline is build


...EON, BASF and Gazprom decided to build much much more expensive variant of it. Halloooo! They decided to earn much less than they could do! What does this mean??? Are they insane or what??
And please, don't make me laugh again saying that such giants as EON or BASF (not to talk about Gazprom :D) don't have anything to do with politics :)

You speak out of your world view in which everybody is only out to kill poor Poles.

But it was you, the "old and experienced" one, who didn't know that "russian propaganda" was right and Georgia attacked first, started that all!

And I can tell you as a german that the german industry is foremost out for profit and never would decide for huge investment only because they could p*ss the Poles on the leg....

You are a russophobic paranoid! But that's nothing I can help you with!

Some more infos for you:


Somehow nobody is rushing to help Georgia in the time of crisis now....

Help me out here....others countres, far away, should help an agressor because...???
An attacker who is neither in EU nor NATO???

Do you think anybody from EU would rush to help Poland if Russia or Germany would invaded them? I'd rather see the shield deal signed so at least the the two neighbors think twice about it.

And kill off all our investments, not likely!
Why are you keep talking out of your arse???
Or is it that what freepers get told by Fox nowadays?
Ryszard  - | 89  
16 Aug 2008 /  #75
In civilized countries this "Georgia attack" is called self-defence, my friend

You are a russophobic paranoid! But that's nothing I can help you with!

Blahblahblah... that's all your arguments, as usual.
You have NO ANSWERS for my questions, don't you?
Yet instead stop and think for awhile, you repeat all the formulas your brain was washed, only louder.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
16 Aug 2008 /  #76
In civilized countries this "Georgia attack" is called self-defence, my friend

Well...so was Nazi-Germany's against Poland....or against Russia some time later!
I dunno in which world you live but in everybody elses an attack is an attack!

Yet instead stop and think for awhile, you repeat all the formulas your brain was washed, only louder.

And you should try some other news input but Fox...they didn't even tell you that Georgia planned their gamble for months! Losers!

Get lost...friend!
Ryszard  - | 89  
16 Aug 2008 /  #77
Well...so was Nazi-Germany's against Poland....or against Russia some time later!

Yes, yes, exactly as now you know it's Georgians fault, 60 years ago whole Germany knew it was Poland who attacked radiostation in Gliwice.
Except they where wrong...

And you should try some other news input but Fox...

Is Reuters ok? reuters.com/article/europeCrisis/idUSLG325097
How can you now explain this another act or Russian aggression?
Oops, I forgot - you never answer uncomfortable questions...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
16 Aug 2008 /  #78
Yes, yes, exactly as now you know it's Georgians fault, 60 years ago whole Germany knew it was Poland who attacked radiostation in Gliwice.
Except they where wrong...

Sure...YOU say when an attack is WRONG and when an attack is RIGHT!
Sorry that many disagree with your opinion! To bad...not going to change that!

There is no question about that...:)

PS: Your Reuter's link s*ucks...it didn't start at the beginning.
Here a timeline of the events for the "brainwashed" between us!




Georgian forces and separatists in South Ossetia agree to observe a ceasefire and hold Russian-mediated talks to end their long-simmering conflict.

Hours later, Georgian forces launch a surprise attack, sending a large force against the breakaway province and reaching the capital Tskhinvali.

South Ossetian rebel leader Eduard Kokoity accuses Georgia of a "perfidious and base step".

The head of Georgian forces in South Ossetia says the operation is intended to "restore constitutional order" to the region, while the government says the troops are "neutralising separatist fighters attacking civilians".

Russia's special envoy in South Ossetia, Yuri Popov, says Georgia's military operation shows that it cannot be trusted and he calls on Nato to reconsider plans to offer it membership.

16 Aug 2008 /  #79
the US has initiated a friendly coup in Georgia a few years ago (the current president of Georgia and his rise to power was/is funded by the US State Dept,

agree. Most people miss that important fact.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
16 Aug 2008 /  #80
No...most who see the russian action in the context KNOW and don't ignore that fact!
16 Aug 2008 /  #81
I meant the posters in this thread. Don't jump at me. I don't like it!
Ryszard  - | 89  
16 Aug 2008 /  #83
BB, maybe they forgot to teach you about this in schools, so...


The similiarities of that incident to today's war in Georgia are... fascinating.
16 Aug 2008 /  #84
Ididnotjumponyou! :(

OK, back to the topic then.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
16 Aug 2008 /  #85
Fox News try to lie and brainwash...with Ryszard they obviously succeeded! :(
Ryszard  - | 89  
16 Aug 2008 /  #86
Yes, of course... poor citizens, with their speech so carefully prepared... I wonder by who? And what did they say - where is the rest of their families? Still in Russia, huh? Don't make me laugh...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
16 Aug 2008 /  #87
If you would had watched you would know that's a family which lives in San Francisco and who were for holiday in the region with family.

Fox News somehow found it a nice idea to interview real witnesses...to bad they did tell the things how they were not how the US want them to be!

Give up R. the Russians had been totally right and your own gov want to sell you the big, bad, dangerous russian bear whom the world has to be rescued from of course by the gallant Georgia (US) the same way as they sold you the Iraq war - nothing but lies! WAKE UP!
Ryszard  - | 89  
16 Aug 2008 /  #88
This is exactly what I've said - where are they relatives? In Russia :)
This interview means absolutely nothing (except Fox failure, maybe). Why they don't ask about georgian families which were forced to live in SO for last 15 years under Russia occupation? Now the same fate awaits for whole Georgia, because Russian so-called "peacekeeping" forces wants to keep more and more...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
16 Aug 2008 /  #89
(except Fox failure, maybe)

Exactly..."Fox-failure" or better "caught in the act at manipulating the news"!
Isn't internet nice? Hard to keep your lies nice and tidy..


...South Ossetians nearly unanimously approved a referendum on November 12, 2006 opting for independence from Georgia. The referendum was hugely popular, winning between 98 and 99 percent of the ballots, flag waving and celebration marked were seen across South Ossetia...,

As a Pole I have thought you would understand the fight for the independence of a people!
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Aug 2008 /  #90
So Russia is going to nuclear bomb Poland then? Ohh crap.

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