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Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored?

lesser  4 | 1311  
19 Dec 2009 /  #331
The EU should become just PR agency, those bureaucrats are already close to perfection in this useful skill. They are more populist than our domestic parasites and thus higher in all possible popularity rankings.
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
20 Dec 2009 /  #332
I have to say that Mr. Pytlarczyk's Mathemathics teacher in Primary School has done an appalling job.

Seems so. :):):)

As much as I like our EU friends and as much as I appreciate their help, I think we
can safely say that Poles would be quite fine even without this 25 cents a day

Doesn`t seem so. When I drive on a renovated road, decorated with such a board,

my life standard has certainly improved. :):):):):)
24 Dec 2009 /  #333
Looked through the forums and couldn't find anything, I'm surprised no one has brought up the book "The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century " A book predicting what the next 100 years on earth will look like.

It's a book written by George Friedman, chief intelligence officer and founder of Strategic Forecasting, Inc. (Stratfor), a private intelligence agency whose clients include foreign government agencies and Fortune 500 companies. Gathering information from its global network of operatives and analysts (drawing the nickname "the Shadow CIA") And by my research their job is to essentially predict the future by examining many options countries have.

In the book he brings up Poland, along with the US, Turkey, and Japan being the next world powers for many geopolitical and other overlooked reasons, So according to this guy(who seems to have his credentials) yes Poland does or at least will count very much in Europe. I'm going to try to get to reading it in the next few weeks, looks interesting.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
24 Dec 2009 /  #335
Stratfor (and especially Friedman) is such crap, he is the laughingstock between serious analyzers as everybody can take it's own bias and wishful thinking and sell it as "intelligence gathering".

Take his opinion on all things and the contrary will be probably true, that's the best advise!
Ironside  50 | 12916  
24 Dec 2009 /  #336
people is such a great thing for a country with as low a birthrate as Poland's.

I could not have said this myself!
My compliments !
Nathan  18 | 1349  
24 Dec 2009 /  #337
Why then do you bend over to pick a 5 cent coin on your way to a grocery shop? Of course, you wouldn't die or be hungry, but nevertheless, you do it. It gives you more than you currently earn at your job: Let's say you pick 5 cents in 3 sec. That will give you $1 in a minute and $60/hour, which leads to $480/day and around $10,000 a month! So don't be too arrogant, Torq, you earn by bending over much more than by thinking :)

I could not have said it myself.
My compliments!

Thank you ;)
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
24 Dec 2009 /  #338
then we can clearly see that all this talk about how much Poland benefits from being a EU member is nothing more than fairy tales.
Most people in Poland see this,

Yes, they do, and that is why the support for EU in Poland is steadily over 80%. People just love fairy tales. :):):):)

Or, maybe they see more than you? :):):):)

24 Dec 2009 /  #339
Let's say you pick 5 cents in 3 sec.

We're not talking about 5 cents in 3 sec. We're talking about 25 cents a day :)
(and that's without all the cost that Poland has to pay before getting that 25 cents).

So don't be too arrogant

I'm not arrogant. It's just strange for me when I hear that EU hugely supports
Poland financially and it sounds as if Poland gets some enormous money
from EU subsidies. We don't :)

25 cents a day is peanuts money (actually, it's not even enough for peanuts,
but, for the sake of argument, let's call it "peanuts money" :)).

If someone at a party offers me some peanuts, then obviously I don't refuse,
I don't want to be rude - I say thank you, and I take the peanuts.
However, if the same person later claims that he supports me and my family
by giving me those peanuts then I dare to disagree with him saying that :)

Torq, you earn by bending over much more than by thinking :)

Maybe you earn your money by bending over, Nathan. I earn my living mostly
by thinking :)

Or, maybe they see more than you? :):):):)

The article only says that overwhelming majority of Poles supports our
EU membership (I'm one of those supporters :)). I never said that I'm
against Poland being in EU. We belong in European Union.
I only don't take kindly to people who keep repeating how EU is flooding
us with money and how we constantly milk the poor, old EU - that's simply
not true :)
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Dec 2009 /  #340
EU does nor give 25 cents straight to you but it gives a lot to some others from who you get your 25 cents if piticians are corrupt.
anton888  - | 82  
24 Dec 2009 /  #341
If every single poles give 25 cents per day extra to the government, and you will pay for those neighbours who don't think they should pay anything then you can give back all the money to EU and speak very loud to them that PL don't need their money and still have a good budget to build stuff..

What do you think? Since it is so small amount of money, shouldn't be a problem that every one will pay this 25 cents a day?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
24 Dec 2009 /  #342

the EU has granted us over 67 billion EUR.
Over the period of 2007-13 Poland will be the largest beneficiary of EU funds among all the member states. The programmes being prepared by Poland are the largest not only in the contemporary financial perspective, but often in the history of the EU.

Check out whether your firm can apply for financial support from the EU structural funds.

Manno, someone should really tell the polish gov that's only about 25 cents...;)
24 Dec 2009 /  #343

You're missing the point - that 25 cents a day is the amount that we get
simply by dividing the 3.6 billion in subsidies that we get between all Poles.

However - to get those 3.6 billion, Poland first has to pay 2.4 billion
to the common EU budget - so we're left with about 8 cents a day profit...

...however, to receive that 8 cents we have to support an army of civil servants
who enforce the EU laws and regulations, which in many cases, slow down our
development and limit our economy (in terms of taxes for example).

The point I was making was that the financial benefits that we get from
EU membership are, by and large, imaginary.

But - to answer your question, yes - I think it will not be a huge problem for
Poland to do without this 3.6 billion subsidies (especially when you consider
the cost of receiving them).

Financially, we would most likely be better off without EU. But, for historical
and geo-political reasons, we should be a part of that alliance.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
24 Dec 2009 /  #344
Financially, we would most likely be better off without EU.


You should go with this to the media...really! ;)


2. Poland's National Convergence Strategy for 2007-2013.

Under the current convergence policy, 85.5 billion Euro has been earmarked for Poland; which includes 67.3 billion Euro from the EU budget - the remaining 18.2 billion will come from the Polish state budget.

The funds come from the European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Funds, and European Social Fund. Their purpose is to level out developmental and economic difference between Poland and its regions with the "old" EU.
The EU has left it to the national government in Poland to manage and administer the funds.

I would say without the funds from the EU you couldn't hope to achieve what you want to...
It needs much more than just 25 cents...
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Dec 2009 /  #345
Torq you don't get it.The amount of money you receive is NOT calculated by person and day.You are not like beggars asking EU for money for the population.
24 Dec 2009 /  #346
You should go with this to the media...really! ;)

No! If more people realised it, they might become anti-EU.

I wouldn't want that. I'm 100% pro-EU and don't want to discourage
people from supporting the idea of Polish membership.

It's only on our small forum, where I can afford some honesty among friends ;)

Torq you don't get it.The amount of money you receive is NOT calculated by person and day.

I know that - I only made the calculation to show that some people's claims
that EU hugely supports Poland financially are a little bit exaggerrated.
Of course EU doesn't pay every Pole individually :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
24 Dec 2009 /  #347
No! If more people realised it, they might become anti-EU.

Well...I for one would like to know the math what makes 25 cents from 67 Billions!
And especially why Poland doesn't need those funds actually...or even would be better off without it...

It doesn't mean that I would become anti-EU, just that we maybe could save the money and
spend it somewhere else...who really needs it...
Why wasting so much money?
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Dec 2009 /  #348
I imagine the poor soviets trying to calculate the help to Poland and find out where these funds from oil disappeared.But at that times both parts stole the other.First time in Poland's history their partners do not steal.(till now).
24 Dec 2009 /  #349
And especially to know how Poland doesn't need those funds actually...

Erm... I never said Poland doesn't need them. Every little helps, you know.

or even would be better off...

Without EU membership, when we'd be able to excercise full economical
freedom, lowering taxes (with completely abandoning some of them, like
the VAT tax for example), completely de-regulate the market and basically
introduce real, capitalist liberal economy without all those nonsensical
rules and limitations that EU membership puts on us, then YES I believe we
would be better off financially.

In current situation, we're not even able to lower some of the taxes because
of the common EU policies (some time ago our government planned to lower
the VAT tax and fuel excise tax and had to give up the plans because of
protest form other EU countries about "unfair competition" or something
equally stupid).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
24 Dec 2009 /  #350
Erm...I didn't know the EU regulates your countries tax-policies...

Torqi? You are pulling our legs, don't you! ;) :)
24 Dec 2009 /  #351
Erm...I didn't know the EU regulates your countries tax-policies...

But of course it does, BB. For example the standard rate of the VAT tax
inside EU cannot be lower than 15% if I'm not mistaken (some countries
are on temporary lower taxes but eventually the stakes are to be
harmonized in all-EU). That's just one example.

Torqi? You are pulling our legs, don't you! ;) :)

No more than I usually do ;) :)

Gotta beat it, lads. Goodnight :)
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Dec 2009 /  #352
EU cares only about euro stability and creating markets for its products.
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Dec 2009 /  #354
EU is good because you get flooded with quality germanic products and not some turkish crap.The Germanics lend you money to buy their products.The point is what do you give the Germanics?At the end we will be left only with asss.
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
25 Dec 2009 /  #356
Why blame Eu for 15% tax regulation? Blame the Polish government which imposes tax as high as 22% on most products and services.

Without EU membership, when we'd be able to excercise full economical

Do you also mean full freedom of selling Polish goods in Europe markets?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Dec 2009 /  #357

Fuk the Eu.

Say's a Jew! You've got to be kidding!

You play football and other sports in the EU, you take part in our festivals...all because we are so generous to allow you in as you are unable to play nice with your neighbours.

The military hardware you get is made in Germany too...I can't hear any "turkish" complaints when you want to get your greedy fingers on quality military hardware like our u-boats or our fregats.

Not to mention all the new wishes of reparations - it's not Turkey you are begging.

What a loser you and your people are...you NEED the EU because without our patience you would be totally isolated and probably not existent already, but we could live very well without you and have much better relationships with potential arab tradingpartners!


The European Union is Israel's major trading partner[5]. In 2004 the total volume of bilateral trade (excluding diamonds) came to over €15 billion. 33% of Israel's exports went to the EU and almost 40% of its imports came from the EU.

Israel was the first non-European country to be associated to the European Union's Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development (RTD).

The European Commission signed an agreement with Israel in July 2004 allowing for its participation in the EU's Galileo project for a Global Navigation Satellite System.

Man, why don't you pack your bags and leave Germany, you are just polluting the air and we have something against that...I can help you showing the door!
BrutalButcher  - | 386  
25 Dec 2009 /  #358
Man, why don't you pack your bags and leave Germany...I can help you showing the door!

I don't play football...primitive sport.
I do take part in your festivals, thanks.
Well, you have no sense of humour and you're overreacting on my comparison of Germany and Turkey.

If you don't like having to pay billions to Israel, go back in time with your DeLorean and stop the holocaust...if you can.

And I know where the door is...and I will cross it in exactly 5 years.
lesser  4 | 1311  
25 Dec 2009 /  #359
Actually, I think that the EU turn to be anti-Jewish in the future. All their propaganda effort to convince people that they are actually useful are based on populism. Socialist policy and growing public debt will likely ruin European part of western world and then foolish masses must be provided those "responsible". Economic troubles? Sounds like great opportunity to raise "Jewish problem". European leftist media already conditioning people's brains wisely using "Palestinian issue" to stir antipathy towards evil Zionists. Average ignorants consider Zionists and Jews one and the same people. I don't need to add more.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Dec 2009 /  #360
I don't need the Palis to develop an aversion against Israel...they give a bad image all alone by themselves.

But if the EU does make a u-turn on Israel one time, that will only be a problem for Israel.
Imagine...no daily news filled with more crap from the ME...;)

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