i know you are dying to tell us for a while now
No...i wasn,t dying to tell anyone , not something i am proud of , and i did get a few comments that it was not right to open my heart so much on this forum...However , so many people supported me and gave good advice , that i guess i should tell...
I don,t want to say too much , as the lady concerned has been a visitor on these very forums , tho i doubt she has any interest now she is back in Germany..
Its enough to say that after being in a 22 year relationship , with somebody who was jealous and insecure she had learned to be similar...
The first two weeks were magical , and special , but after the tenth time of being accused of infidelity just for checking my emails , or merely talking to someone of the opposit sex , the magic kinda wore off...
We managed to remain friends , and keeping out of her way avoided any arguments , but it did seem like a long two months before she went off to a job , or perhaps a boyfriend in Germany and i could breath again...
She is a lovely person , but i fear damaged by what she went through with her husband , a pity ,but i cannot live under constant scrutiny , afraid to check my emails or go out in case some girl i know says hello to me....
I am not a player , i would never have done anything disloyal , and i think deep down she knew that , but she could not help what she did....So , thats the story , and i am once again...alone again...and its my birthday soon...sob , sob...booo hoooo...