If you don't believe in God then why do you believe in Ghosts/the afterlife? Do you have an alter meaning to that? And no, religion isn't just going into a cold building to be told by someone in a dress how to behave... I would say those are my philosophy courses at my relatively old stone walled school.
Why should my non belief in god have any bearing on whether i believe in ghosts? I believe that the energy which is a persons soul has to go somewhere when their body dies but not necessarily a "heaven" or "hell" and some become trapped in the world with the living thus manifesting in visable apparitions or feelings etc
As for god and religion in general the bible has more plot holes and contradictions than an American sit com, Evolution has been scientifically proven so that proves that a "god" didn't create the world,
I'm not saying that all religious people are stupid as everyone has the right to believe what they want but I think the idea of having a big man with a beard sitting on a cloud watching your every move is somewhat archaic, I personally despise what religion stands for as the amount of people who have been killed in conflict over religion beggars belief.