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Any sweet Polish phrases

Randal  1 | 577  
26 Feb 2009 /  #211
I love this thread. I wish I was hearing the words spoken.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
2 Mar 2009 /  #212
daj mi pyska - kiss me

sledz  23 | 2247  
2 Mar 2009 /  #213
daj mi pyska

daj mi klapsa.:)
mira  - | 115  
9 Mar 2009 /  #214
what does pipcia means?

It's like "cipcia", more affectionate. Another way to call women's genitals.If I were you, I wouldn't use it to call anyone like that.Try "kochanie" instead:)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Mar 2009 /  #215
Pipcia, LOL. Best steer clear. Pipeczku sounds funny, has that ever been used? :)
10 Mar 2009 /  #216
moja ty krągła dupeczko
moja sprośna lolitko
moja ty myszko*

*nie mam na myśli zwierzątka

Powinno chwilowo wystarczyć...
pgtx  29 | 3094  
10 Mar 2009 /  #217
why do use 'moja' all the time? is she really?

10 Mar 2009 /  #218
Hahahah, not really mine ;-]. She is temporary (permanently?) leased, lol
pgtx  29 | 3094  
10 Mar 2009 /  #219

are the payments high?
you know... today's economy....

osiol  55 | 3921  
10 Mar 2009 /  #220
When there's a moja, is there a twój going on as well?
10 Mar 2009 /  #221
are the payments high?
you know... today's economy....


That's the best part - there's no payment! Commitment only ;-]

28 Mar 2009 /  #222
Dżien małki
means mothers day
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
29 Mar 2009 /  #223
Dżien małki

should be dzień matki
31 Mar 2009 /  #224
Theres also Zajaczek. Meaning Lil Bunny(Baby Rabbit)

Zajączek means little hare.Bunny means króliczek

Thank you, so maybe Moj Najdrozsza Danna,

What about Moj Najdrozsza Dannaniusia? Too much? Does that even work?

Eurola I'm not sure I got it right.

Niunia, Niunius, Niusia are endearing words used alone and often added to your real name.
Your sapphire name could be sapphiruniunia, aune above could be called auniusia etc

Moja najdroższa Danusiu-that is corectly,but IMHO Najdroższa Danusiu is enough.
We usually wrote -Kochana Danusiu in similar cases :) It means Beloved Dannny I think.
As for Niunia it means delicate sweet girl
Niuniuś can be the same,or you can say that to little boy.
But Niusia is rather short form of the name Anusia (Little Anna)
Your Sapphire name could be rather Sapphirunia or Sapphirusia

I find it easier if you split it into English sounding words in this case Me Shoe

Polish word "misiu" sounds like some between "miss you" and "me shoe"

Hello. Can anyone tell me how to say 'Dance' In Polish?

Dance-Taniec [t^nyetz]
Woud you like to dance with me?-Zatańczysz ze mną?
In Polish "a" is shorter than in English.It is similar to"u" in the word nun.
8 Apr 2009 /  #225
Hi everyone,

I'm hoping someone can help with a query. When my sister was a child my grandmother used to call her something that sounded like "keh/losh/ak". My Polish neighbour also calls her grown son this, but pronounces it more like "koh/losh/ek". Anyone have any idea what it means?

Dashiva  - | 1  
8 Apr 2009 /  #226
Hey thanks this thread has been very useful. I was looking for something to call a polish girl for a while but was worried about pronouncing it wrong even if I found something! I dont see what calling someone a little frog is going to do for you but Kotku aint so bad.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
9 Apr 2009 /  #227
Hi everyone,

I'm hoping someone can help with a query. When my sister was a child my grandmother used to call her something that sounded like "keh/losh/ak". My Polish neighbour also calls her grown son this, but pronounces it more like "koh/losh/ek". Anyone have any idea what it means?


9 Apr 2009 /  #228
No, I don't think so. I wish my grandmother had've told me what it meant! Bit late for that now.
10 Apr 2009 /  #229
I believe babcia is the correct word for grandmother.....however I have heard the term (sounds like) boo-she as a term of endearment for a grandmother.....is that correct and if so what is the proper spelling.....any help would be greatly appreciated.danka
latinheshe  - | 1  
10 Apr 2009 /  #230
its my firstday on this site.
im puerto rican.
i want to tell hem this....( i promise you i will always be by your side, thrue bad and good)
loolee  - | 10  
19 Apr 2009 /  #231
rudzielec means a ginger hair women:)
27 Apr 2009 /  #232
i am from poland iand i know how to introduce you in spealling a word "misiu"
think of how you say an english word "issue"
its just like issue but with m so its missue =misiu
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
27 Apr 2009 /  #233
i want to tell hem this....( i promise you i will always be by your side, thrue bad and good)

Zawsze będe przy tobie, na dobre i na złe (dobre = good, złe = bad)
It's a short version
5 May 2009 /  #234
my boyfriend calls me kochanie a lot. i love how to him and his family its just like calling me darling but to me and all of my friends it's like me nickname. i wake up every morning to dzien dobry! kocham ciebie moja kochanie (good morning. i love you my darling.). its so cute!
4 Jun 2009 /  #235
misiu means miss u or i miss u:D
4 Jun 2009 /  #236
No it doesn't.
12 Jun 2009 /  #237
Hi i've just started seeing a polish girl whos name is " Jagoda " i speak very little polish and i'm looking for a cute name to give her. Anyone help me out?

Thanks for any help.
brazpol  - | 6  
29 Jun 2009 /  #238
Jun 29, 09, 23:10 - Thread attached on merging:
Sweet Nick Name in Polish for my BF

I'm Brazilian and my boyfriend is Polish...He usually call me for cute nicknames in Portuguese and Polish as well as Kotku and Serduszko, but he says that I can't call him using these names coz the are only for girls. Could you help me saying how can I call him nicely with sweet polish nicknames for guys? Thks
kayla654321  - | 1  
13 Jul 2009 /  #239
how do you pronounce Zabtia?

because I know it means little frog, and frog in polish could be Żaba
is Zabtia supposed to be pronounced with this 'Ż' too?
alan a  
14 Jul 2009 /  #240
hi, im just browsing. misiu is a sweet term of endearment from female to male. i like the saying " kocham tylko ciebie na zawsze " translates to i will love you forever. i like this site and find it excellent . Z powazaniem Alan.

you could say to her " moja piekna kobietka" moya pea enk nah kobi et ka translates to my beautiful sweetheart. enjoy learning Polish, its a great language and agreat race of people. all the beat

Archives - 2005-2009 / Language / Any sweet Polish phrasesArchived