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Posts by Ryszard  

Joined: 7 Aug 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 4 Jun 2010
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Posts: Total: 89 / In This Archive: 61
From: Gliwice, PL
Speaks Polish?: yes

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16 Nov 2009
Life / Prices of Computer Hardware In Poland [8]

Ok, thanks guys! I think prices here in Dubs (and in the UK as well) are hysterically high for a motherboard and a proc.

Give me sample of these "hysterically high" component prices, I'll see how high they are here.
7 Oct 2009
Love / Advice for meeting her Polish parents! [44]

..at least that's what my Polish workmate told me the first time I went to meet my Polish girlfriend's father. Was he winding me up or is that true?!

It's true but... it's an really old tradition and I'd be very surprised if anyone still try to use it to convey it's real meaning. Especially to foreigner :)

(I got pierogi and home-made cake so I guess I passed inspection...)

Anyway, congratulations ;)
5 Oct 2009
Love / Advice for meeting her Polish parents! [44]

Is it true that an even number of flowers are only given at funerals??

It's true.
So once again, when giving flowers as a gift to someone make sure it's an odd number
23 Aug 2009

I wonder how long they will continue to "liberate" Koenigsberg/Krolewiec.

You better ask when they start to demand exterritorial corridor through Poland and/or Lithuania...
...oops, they already did that.
14 Feb 2009
News / More and more jobs moving to Poland from other parts of Europe... [50]

Tusk really impressed me lately.
Instead of giving away tons of money (while bleeding taxpayers dry) to poor poor bankers or other shameless corporation blobs he announced more savings and budget cuts.

If he only manage to execute this - then we shouldn't be afraid of this crisis so much.
12 Feb 2009
History / What was Polands greatest historical moment? [24]

You may laugh as much as you can, but these are the facts.
Germany was on the brink of communist revolution, France was totally exhausted after World War too. Ok, maybe UK would manage to save behind the channel as usual.
11 Feb 2009
History / What was Polands greatest historical moment? [24]


If Poland has lost, most probably whole Europe would enjoy communism since 20's, maybe 30's.
26 Jan 2009
Language / BYKI for Polish [10]

On a side note, I'm finding their name extremely hilarious.
Because "BYKI" in colloquial polish means... grammar errors :D
3 Sep 2008
History / Polish-German history book for Schools [28]

...? But what's the point of quoting this lunatic. Look at the main page and other "articles". MADE IN RUSSIA - THE HOLOCO$T explains everything.
1 Sep 2008
News / Apology to Russians for Osetia and American missile base [78]

You are grateful to Russians for being sane? Better be grateful to US for their bases, because if not them you'd probably speak Russian today instead of English :)

How do you imagine in the modern world (not 30 years ago)

First, West Germany begin to exist in 1949 - it's even more than 30 years ago.

that you're deliberately forced to learn anything?

...living in communist regime? And this is what could happen to West Germany if there won't be US/NATO bases there - they would be "united" with DDR (and so in result all German kids would start to learn Russian at schools)
1 Sep 2008
News / Apology to Russians for Osetia and American missile base [78]

Good to notice as well... speaking Russian is not a problem but just another ability that represent you as a well-educated man. However russophobia is a problem. ;)

Speaking Russian is not a problem... if you really want to learn it of course, problem is when you are forced to learn Russian since little kid while any other foreign languages - especially english - were deliberately neglected.
1 Sep 2008
News / Apology to Russians for Osetia and American missile base [78]

So...having fights with rebels/freedom fighters is an apology in your eyes to attack a capital full of civilians to further their opression? Interesting...

What apology? The rebels could attack somewhere else too, not from capital full of civilians. Georgians have moral right to response for that, though they were stupid to let them provoke yourselves (as everything was obviously planned in Moscow)

Afraid of what? Of not involved US-troops? Of not used (against them) US weaponry?

Afraid of accidental fire with them for example... returning US soldiers to their homeland in coffins - even if unintended- can be the first and last step to real confict with USA.

That's why such a military base is so useless!

Of course not. And both sides priofit from the deal - US are getting their rocket shield defense, we are getting additional protection from any future agressor.

Actually I'm quite grateful or central Europe (with Berlin) would had very probably become a nuclear wasteland!

You are grateful to Russians for being sane? Better be grateful to US for their bases, because if not them you'd probably speak Russian today instead of English :)
31 Aug 2008
News / Apology to Russians for Osetia and American missile base [78]

Georgia started it first with attacking Tskhinvali!

...after being constantly provoked and shooted by Ossetian rebels. With so-called Russian peacekeepers pretending they see nothing.

I bet the US troops there would had first wait to get the order to take part on behalf of the Georgians...that would had made a Georgian/Russian conflict quickly to an US/Russian conflict - I doubt very much this order would had come ever!

US wouldn't have to fight. Being there would be enough for Russian to be afraid (unless they are completely brainless)

Now unleash your imagination...can you see the US risking a direct war with Russia over Georgia or Poland (war of words or proxy wars not withstanding).

That's not the point, because neither Poland, neither Georgia will ever attack Russia first and unprovoked - it's obvious when you compare the military force of potential belligerents.

The real question is if Russia would risk a direct war with US over Georgia or Poland. And somehow, as history tells, Ivan was always afraid of to do so. The best example was 50 years period after the IIWW when they didn't attack West Germany, bah! - they didn't even try to "reunite" Berlin (militarily, because they do setup blockade ofcourse)
31 Aug 2008
News / Apology to Russians for Osetia and American missile base [78]

Unleash your imagination, and think how would it be if part of US missile base was built in Georgian city Gori. Would this city still was destroyed and then occupied by Russian troops or maybe not, how do you think?
31 Aug 2008
News / Apology to Russians for Osetia and American missile base [78]

In a near feature US will have a population that is overwhelmingly Spanish (read Mexican) and black. Do you think they will democratically go rescue Poland, when Ivan the Great rolls in with its tanks, honoring its treaty?

That's exactly why the US base is so needed here. Because it would be much much harder for US to turn away eyes and pretend nothing happening if Ivan's tanks were rolling 5 miles away from their base. And in case of conflict, what if - even if US troops would like to try maintain neutrality - they would be attacked accidentaly?

I think we have to live near Russians and it is in our best interest to have the best relations possible with Russians, not pissing them off on every single occasion we get;

Yes, bad bad Poland!
Pissing Russians by getting independent after 1989
Pissing Russians by independently choosing their defensive alliances
Pissing Russians by demanding to lift Russian embargoes, and - what's even more outrageous - seeking EU help for it (of course in vain but nevertheless)

Finally pissing Russians by condemning their actions in Georgia, instead bending and getting the as*h*le wider in good old teutonic style.
Bad, very bad Poland!

some might also call it allegiance.

Wahldo, I'm sure JE only accidentally forgot to add that russian was his primary language at that school ;)
28 Aug 2008
News / Apology to Russians for Osetia and American missile base [78]

Look at the Finish

Tow. JulietEcho, so better ask these Finnish idiots how did it end for them with their non-sticking noses policy in 1939. Ah, don't tell me, I know - they were very happy not to finish as another Soviet Republic... unlike their Baltic brothers.
28 Aug 2008
News / Apology to Russians for Osetia and American missile base [78]

I am truly ashamed of my puppet government and a kartofel president that is obviously out of his mind

And I'm truly ashamed of living in the same country with such obvious "useful idiots" like you.
The fact is, our current government did the best deal with missile shield it could. If I may remind you, the previous gov lead by one of your "favourites" brothers wanted to sign the deal as a given, on their knees - that is without any Patriot defence and special guarantees.

The timing we have signed the deal was absolutely perfect. We can only imagine what would happen if we've signed the deal and Russia wouldn't have her hands moisten in Georgian blood. The threats we can hear now is mere howling of wounded dog, because Russia now has other problems than shield on her head.

Finally, being farthest from fan of our current president, his action during the Russian-Georgia conflict was the best ones since he was elected. In fact I felt we had a polish (not PiS'ish) president for the first time of his presidency... the other thing is he swiftly managed to destroy the hope for his better image at the signing missile shield deal ceremony in Warsaw.
26 Aug 2008
News / Abkhazia and South Ossetia are independent states now! Poland reaction? [236]

Because there is no way the regime in South Ossetia can be in any sense called "separatist." Who there is a separatist? The head of the local KGB, Anatoly Baranov, used to head the Federal Security Service (FSB) in the Russian Republic of Mordovia. The head of the South Ossetian Interior Ministry, Mikhail Mindzayev, served in the Interior Ministry of Russia's North Ossetia. The South Ossetian "defense minister," Vasily Lunev, used to be military commissar in Perm Oblast, and the secretary of South Ossetia's Security Council, Anatoly Barankevich, is a former deputy military commissar of Stavropol Krai. So who exactly is a separatist in this government? South Ossetian "prime minister" Yury Morozov?

26 Aug 2008
News / Abkhazia and South Ossetia are independent states now! Poland reaction? [236]

Wonder if you'd say the same about Kosovo,you know,NATO bombs the heck out of Serbia,keeps it's forces there and after sometime the Kosovan declare independence and it's promptly recognised by the ''west?"

I can do better - wonder if you say the same about Chechnyas? Fighting for independece many years, yet still somehow deny it them, wonder why... Russia is sooo generous in giving independence but somehow only to the countries which don't lie inside her borders...

I'm just watching poor, opressed Abkhazians and SO's dancing and partying in the streets...

And I'm just watching the thousands of happy and joyous Georgians which were forcefully expelled from SO after 1991 are were never allowed to be back.
26 Aug 2008
News / Abkhazia and South Ossetia are independent states now! Poland reaction? [236]

There was a referendum 2006 in SO....98 percent for independence!

Let us never forget this referendum was held after 15 years of Russian occupation, during Russian occupation and the so-called neutral observers was so neutral as for example leader of Ukrainian delegation, radical leftist, supporter of former Soviet Union, Nataliya Vitrenko


In other words: it was b**lshit.
19 Aug 2008

Hehe, you forgot to add when it was - in 1349. And not Russian but Ruthenian.
BTW, Wroclaw was known already in 1000 and it was Polish city... so Seanus is pretty right there.
17 Aug 2008

Hohoho, what can I see: full censorship in action? Nice, nice...
Moderators got the directives from FSB or BB went with tail between his legs and begged for deleting all the stupidity he generated later?
16 Aug 2008

This is exactly what I've said - where are they relatives? In Russia :)
This interview means absolutely nothing (except Fox failure, maybe). Why they don't ask about georgian families which were forced to live in SO for last 15 years under Russia occupation? Now the same fate awaits for whole Georgia, because Russian so-called "peacekeeping" forces wants to keep more and more...