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Prices of Computer Hardware In Poland

MareGaea 29 | 2751  
16 Nov 2009 /  #1
Since PL is cheap for just about any Westerner, I was just wondering about the prices of computer stuff like processors, motherboards and so on. Is that cheap in PL? Cheaper than in Germany (Germany is relatively cheap for this stuff)? Can anyone give some clarification on this? Does it make sense to buy stuff like this from Polish shops?


M-G (curious)
scrappleton - | 829  
16 Nov 2009 /  #2
Since PL is cheap for just about any Westerner, I was just wondering about the prices of computer stuff like processors, motherboards and so on.

Not sure but I don't think so. Whenever Poles visit the US / Canada they always seem to buy a lot of electronics. It might be cheaper than other EU countries though.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823  
16 Nov 2009 /  #3
Since PL is cheap for just about any Westerner, I was just wondering about the prices of computer stuff like processors, motherboards and so on. Is that cheap in PL? Cheaper than in Germany (Germany is relatively cheap for this stuff)? Can anyone give some clarification on this? Does it make sense to buy stuff like this from Polish shops?

Things are about the same price here as in Western Europe in general - maybe even a bit more expensive, definitely compared to the UK. It doesn't make much sense, if any to buy from Poland in this respect.
OP MareGaea 29 | 2751  
16 Nov 2009 /  #4
Ok, thanks guys! I think prices here in Dubs (and in the UK as well) are hysterically high for a motherboard and a proc. Ah well, I'm going to NL pretty soon, I know a computer store not too far away and I saw on their site that they have just about the motherboard that I want and also the proc that I need for about 40 Euros cheaper than on the Irish website. And those are the prices in the shop, where the Irish website adds shipping costs to that as well (!) (crappy shipping costs: ridiculous, an Irish website charges about 29 Euros for a lousy mobo and proc to be shipped...:( ) Else I can go to Germany as well as I'm very close to the German border then.

Edit: and Germany is, like America (and perhaps Canada, don't know about the prices there), relatively cheap for these kinda things...

Anyway, thanks a lot, guys! And indeed, whenever I'm in the US, I nearly always buy some hardware there as it's much and much cheaper than over here in Europe, also because of the low Dollar, currently. BestBuy most of the time has decent prices: in 2008, I bought a 500 Gig HD for not even 80 Bucks - about 60-65 Euros...Over here at the same time, those buggers cost 99 Euros on the website and nearly 200 in the shop :(

Ireland is defintively not a good country for computerparts!


M-G (thanks!)
Ryszard - | 89  
16 Nov 2009 /  #5
Ok, thanks guys! I think prices here in Dubs (and in the UK as well) are hysterically high for a motherboard and a proc.

Give me sample of these "hysterically high" component prices, I'll see how high they are here.
frd 7 | 1385  
17 Nov 2009 /  #6
From what I know electronics are generally more expensive than abroad... and every price drop comes here with a slight delay, maybe because newer technologies are being introduced faster in western european countries and us..
OP MareGaea 29 | 2751  
17 Nov 2009 /  #7

Just check out, pcworld - ok, I know, these are not really representative, but the problem is with most of those sites is that they don't deliver abroad or at a ridiculous high shipping cost (I know that's due to Ire, but I still have to pay that).


M-G (but if you know a cheap UK store, I'd be glad to have a look there)
djf 18 | 166  
19 Dec 2009 /  #8

Have used both of these, good service and the best prices.

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