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Posts by Huegel  

Joined: 26 Jul 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Mar 2007
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 296 / In This Archive: 220

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14 Dec 2006
Life / The strangest things in Poland [468]

kebab. Wrong spelling.

nope, Fisz got it spot on. Here in Austria, it's Kebap too... confused me as well 1st time i saw it.

anyway, carry on. :)
18 Jan 2007
News / Hurricane Warning Issued For Poland [17]

Austria's getting it too. Winds are about 160km, sounds like a 747 is revving up outside my window, but so far *touching wood* no damage.

If you've got a hatch, batton it down! :)
26 Jan 2007
Love / having an affair with a Polish man (but he has a wife and a child) [266]

You post a message to us, in order to tell us that you're having an affair.
When you do it, you tell us you 'hate to admit it.'
That implies that there is something about the situation that you do not like, despite your protestations later on that, you're not hurting anybody, you're having fun and he's a 4 star.

Taking you at face value, all is well with your world. If so, then why are the wife and child a problem, as you suggested?

Those people, who i'm sure are lovely and lots of fun, are hundreds of miles away in Poland aren't they?
They know nothing about what fun their dad/husband is having, do they?
They don't know about you, do they? Leaving aside the fact that i'm sure, those same lovely people would probably be devastated if they knew, why are they the problem? They were in his life long before you were, but like you say, you've known him for two months, so i'm sure he'd never do that to you. :)

So, if the case is as stated; all is well and nobody who knows about what is going on is being hurt, then why are you still feeling bad and loathe to admit your indiscretions?

Have fun. :)
26 Jan 2007
UK, Ireland / Want to meet up with a Polish in Blyth [37]

I might as well give up hoping to meet a Pole in your neighbourhood now Globe, as they'll all be knocking your door down with an offer like that! :)
26 Jan 2007
Love / having an affair with a Polish man (but he has a wife and a child) [266]


i am not the homewrecker he is!

Next you'll be telling us you're the victim :) How the evil, nasty, dulcet toned, handsome, chisel jawed Polish Casanova came bounding into your life on his white steed, sweeping you off your feet and into your bed, all the while you were whimpering your protestations. "No, no think of your wife and child."

He whispered "Ah hush and fie, you can't fight destiny" and before you knew it, he had fell for you. It was never meant to be, but now he wants you more than anything in this world.

Until he goes home that is. :)

Please spare us :)
26 Jan 2007
UK, Ireland / gay guys in London seek surrogacy female [134]

Ah, the wonderful world of selective discrimination from Krysia and co.
Good job guys. :)
If this had been uk_ spouting his usual trash about, oh lets say: Poles shouldn't have kids as they make bad parents, you'd have been all over him like a rash. But "uh oh" a gay guy asks a question about having a kid and suddenly, quicker than you can say turker baster, they'll be having sex with them and taking them into male toilets.

Children need both a mother and a father

so I guess all the single parents out there are also doing a sh*t job? They'll be abusing their kids too? No? Didn't think so and guess what, I bet they wouldn't either!

Talk about bigotry.

I think that if *anyone* can provide a stable enviroment for a child then good luck to them, as hell fire, there are enough bad "normal," hetrosexual mothers and fathers out there.
1 Feb 2007
Life / Poland has killed my inner child [105]

It's all me me me with you isn't it Magic! :)

Actually, it sounds like you hit the nail on the head there. Nothing worse than being surrounded by strangers. Siege mentality, with the occasional trip to Tescos. :)

Good post, as always. :)
4 Feb 2007
Love / How do I approach or meet Polish women [34]

Verdammt nochmal. Wenn du fortgehst, und du bemerkst a schönes deutsches Mädel. Was machst du? Normalerweise man sagt ,,Hallo, ich bin blah blah" und das schöne Mädel antwortet, gö?

Wenn Ja. Glückwunsch, hast du ne Konversation erfolgreich geführt.

Jetzt geht's richtig los. Hor mal zu, hier kommt die Zauberei. :)

Fliege nach Krakow und sprich mit ihnen... hast du das verstanden? SPRICH MIT IHNEN
4 Feb 2007
Love / How do I approach or meet Polish women [34]

Thank Mr. K. I'm taking notes. I hope our Ami chum is too. :)

re Goethe. If he'd used babe more, he'd have had a profound effect on society. :) Less Sturm und Drang, more Bling. :)
5 Feb 2007
Travel / Nightclubs- VIP Room access (Warsaw) [18]

Ack, it sounds like such a chore Giles mate. Don't envy you in the slightest. :) As for your earlier tips, you're right confidence can work wonders! Kudos. :)
5 Feb 2007
History / Did Ukraine really "steal" Polish land? [302]

Well said Anielka. :)

13/ The willingness to work closely with the other nations within the EU- despite differences.

You see, compromise is not a dirty word! :)
5 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]



you know I hate it when you don't just spit out what it is that you're trying to say!

Take a bow mate. :)
6 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

Giles, don't waste your time or your energy mate. You can't cure "true believers." They are suffering from circular logic coupled with a healthy dose of confirmation bias.

If you ask someone why they believe in the bible, they'll probably answer, because it is the word of god. Then if you say why do you believe in god, they'll say, because of what it says in the bible and round and round we go. :)
6 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / Doncaster (UK) meet up :D [56]

I'm in Austria...that's me out too. :) Donny donny donny donny, as Chris Moyles has got me singing.
6 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / Doncaster (UK) meet up :D [56]

i have the words from the paper if you want them huegel

Absolutely. :)

Post them on up, that'd be great! It's really got into my head.

Oh and if you see Aled whilst the Radio 1 team are around, give him a slap and tell him he's not to say helicopter anymore!! :) I will be forever in your debt. :)
6 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / Doncaster (UK) meet up :D [56]

Thanks muchly telefonitika. love it! :)

Tell your bro/bro in law to have a wicked night, i'll look out on the website for pictures. :)
6 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

and jesus is the son of god...they are not one in the same.

You don't know your trinity then do you bud? God the father, God, the son and God, the holy spirit (he got put on light clerical duties for having his fingers in the till or something) :)
6 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

Mate. Thanks to going to all that trouble, but really it wasn't necessary, no really it wasn't. :)

What is your reply?

My reply would be that I once had to go see the school priest. He asked me what I would like to confess. I'd not actually done anything wrong (I was only 8 years old) but i'd been put under strict instructions from my teacher to think of at least three things that I needed to be absolved of. Well, tricky. But bless my little cotton socks, I tried.

I was, looking back, mightily impressed by the poker face the priest kept as I told him solemnly that i'd sinned and I hadn't actually changed my socks when I told my mum I had.

I got three hail marys and one our father (Got off lightly there!) and that was that. I was free from my evil doing. (phew)

But what is my point?

I think that by that point, even the priest knew how daft it all was. But we all went through the motions because we all believed that we had to, even though no one can prove to us that we do.

But isn't that the point? :)
Bertrand Russell said that there is a teapot orbiting the earth. Does that mean I should be out in my garden night upon night, telescope trained to the heavens trying to catch a glimpse of Haley's Wedgewood?

Of course not!
It's not up to me to prove that there isn't a large tea cup who's spout we only see once every 365 days. No, it's up to him to prove to the rest of us that there is. Same with this. The one that is so convinced about there being a creator and a divine trinity and all that should have the onus firmly placed on his shoulders, to back it up and show you they're right.

Can you prove that religion was only created by people to control masses and not that it became a weapon of manipulation somewhere in the process?

I don't need to. To quote Christopher Hitchens. "What can be asserted without evidence, can also be dismissed without evidence."
6 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

You're sounding a bit annoyed M. Which is most unlike you. :) No offence intended and if you've taken any then you should definitely give it back immediately. :)

I take an evangelical dislike to those evangelical people who insist that god exists, praise the lord and if you're not as convinced as they are, you'd better get your factor 50 on as it's going to be a hot old timein the after life. :)

As you have so rightly said, you didn't start this discussion and discussion is what I hope it will remain, though as always, when you (meaning people in general not you personally) :) touch on religion, it usually ends up being a bit of a flame fest. :)
6 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

Albert Einstein believed there is a God, and I doubt any of you were more intelligent than him

So too does Dr Stephen Hawking and that guy is so smart, he can manage to lose me with the mere title of one of his books. "A brief history of Time" (if time is infinite, how can it be brief?) Lost already. Thanks Bill. :) So what hope does that give me :)

I have my own personal beliefs which I don't wish to share, I merely can't abide people who love to claim they are right, when they have nothing but belief to back them up and they lure the gullible and the vunerable. :)
6 Feb 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

I'm not annoyed.

Good lad! :)

What would be the purpose of this test if we already knew the answer to the questions?

Is that why we don't get a resit but buddhists do? I want to complain to OFGOD :)

This lack of evidence is basically crucial in the whole idea of faith.

I guess that is the problem though. This lack of evidence and reliance upon faith. I suppose it all comes down to how much we're prepared to believe without proof. I'm human, I make mistakes. I might have always fancied myself as an Airline pilot but I won't just jump into the cockpit of a 747 tomorrow and really and truly believe I can pilot it to Australia.

Because, I know that there is a fair chance I might not be as good as I think I am.
I'd rather question my beliefs and be open to the possibility that I might not be right.

Perhaps, I am wrong and what you say is 100% absolutely the truth. Part of me hopes that to be true, I mean wouldn't it be great??

But I won't blindly therefore dismiss the possibility it might not be.

I admit it, i'm an empiricist. (Allbeit a rather relaxed one)

If a tree falls in the forest but no one is around to see it, does it make a noise? Well, how can we know for sure?

We can't.
I'm prepared to say that I don't know on that one. I hope it does, but I won't tell you all absolutely, 100% that tree made a noise, because that one time it might not have.
7 Feb 2007
Love / relationship with polish man [40]

i bet you £10

I'll see that and raise it €100.
Sorry laura but he's full of BS in my humble opinion.

will try to stop things & tell him to get a god damn divorce!

Congratulations, you've just conditioned yourself to fail. Try implies that you'll have a go, but you already know that you won't be successful. If you really mean it, don't try, do.

"I will tell him we have to stop and that he has to get a god damn divorce before he gets into my bed again. It is only fair to his wife and also to me!"

Otherwise, he's going to carry on using you, just like he is carrying on betraying his wife's trust everytime he is with you.