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Posts by magda09  

Joined: 18 Jun 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 4 Aug 2007
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Posts: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 49
From: canada
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18 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

No matter how gentle the hand of corercion is, it is still the insidious hand of coercion.

and where is your coercion here? anyone saying something different than what you want to hear is coercion to you, so sad...

unusual tastes in music and films. I don't buy my food from supermarkets. I used to have long hair instead of the usual short. So should I have been guided to a life of 'normalcy'?

that is normal .. people can have different choices.

slaughtering someone for his/her religion, race or raping a woman for having sex ... or sexually abusing a child, or walking naked in a public place ... ofending people and deep rooted norms are abnormal. madness is abnormal... mad people are abnormal. there are rehabs there for a reason!!

homosexuality is not crime, but it is an illness, like alcoholicism, drug or any other which is unhealthy and undesirable in a society with moral standards.
18 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

first we all can have diverse opinion :).
second, normalcy is the way people behave to maintain a healthy society with social values that gives security to people and children, a good upbringing... clean living, and etc. for this you must read and learn, ask yourself unbiased.
18 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

I might be a shoe fetishist.

phsychological treatment starts from the point you realise that you are doing something that is not normal, or considered normal in the social structure globally. making someone cultured or giving sense of manners and humanity is also a phsychological treatment
18 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

So test tube babies etc are "abnormal"

no. but need parts of male and female... not male male, or female female.

Who says sex outside marraige is not natural

did i say it? but humans live in society (not like animals). perhaps it would be better to follow certain social values as a human. afterall you can only expect these from humans, like wearing cloth, eating cooked food, etc.

I wont listen to some ranting beardy arab telling me how I should live my life

neither will i

allow any form of protection during sex leading inocent women to catch aids from unfaithfull husbands all across the globe

why you marry such men? on impulse? craze? , choosing is important.

Come on people,have a little faith in yourselfs,a Pope didnt free you from communism,you did that yourself.

i know.

Jesus teachings adopted by the pagen roman empire as a tool of represion

roman-catholicism in my view is not true christianity.
18 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

but f**k the gays/gypsies/russians/blacks/koreans

my husband is not a white man... i do not discriminate, that is last thing i will do. i know how to respect people.

if the couple cannot have children, they can still share love, sex & enjoy it

relationship based on sex is weak, and bad for society. it is not healthy. it is not natural. the purpose of the healthy relationship is giving good back to society and practice a healthy life. Children are only possible with the normal relationship.

if you think you need the abnormal way, your wish!
18 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]


phsychological treatment. They should be treated with love and respect, but be given care and cure.

??? did i say torture them???

Which countries kill their own citizens?

United States

you forget russia.
17 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

homosexuals should get medical treatment...or maybe phsychological treatment. They should be treated with love and respect, but be given care and cure.
14 Aug 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

i can not agree that there is any hard feelings in Polish for english... atleast nothing extraordinary :D
12 Aug 2007
News / Poland biggest problem [125]

qualification from Jagiellonski would be valued everywhere, but apparently not

only certificate dont shape a life... a person need to be on the right track. Many people succeed in business big time, and are just high school! .. and some big degrees fall short of enough food!... that is life.
12 Aug 2007
USA, Canada / Florida Polish Church excitement [33]

I am talking about the New Testament. And yes, Exodus does talk about the priest, but it is for Judaism, not Christianity.

See Hebrews 9:11 ,

"When Christ appears as the high priest of the good things that have come..."

See Hebrews 7:3-17 ...

It clearly speaks about the Priesthood as a symbolic meaning towards all the Law Bringers of God (e.g. the Messengers of God or The Prophets). These come from Abrahams ancestry basically.

The other parts of the Gospel which I mentioned ... testify to the fakeness of the modern priest and their lack of value is abvious. Also those ancient priests who were not LAW BRINGERS. They were nothing ... just no where in any writings.

So yes.. the system of priest is not only 'no longer neccessary'... but it was no the way it was signified in the Bible. It is speaking of the Prophets as priests of High priests... (for example...Daniel a Priest... and Christ a High Priest....however they are prophets....but they are the law bringing priests aswell...from the ancestry of Abrahams lions, which are his decendants).

9 Aug 2007
News / Poland biggest problem [125]

i read about some feeling about church and christianity in Poland, so here is some of my finds about these things (i posted it previous, but i do it again now here):

" Alas for you, scribes and Pharisees (Priests), hypocrites, for you build the tombs of the prophets and you decorate the monuments of the righteous, and you say 'Had we lived in the days of your fathers, we would not have had a part in shedding the blood of the prphets.' Thus you testify against yourselves; for you are the sons of the prophet's murderers. Fill up the measure of your fathers. Snakes! You viper brood! How will you escape the sentence to hell?"

(Matthew 23:29-33)

For more clarification, why I say that this is directed to the priests:

"Then the chief priests and the elders of the people met at the palace of the high priest, Caiaphas by name, and plotted to arrest Jesus underhandedly and to kill him.."

(Matthew 26:3-4)

therefore, and the bible calls the Christ Era's preists as 'Priests', therefore The scribes and Pharisees are the brood of priests coming from ancient times till today (with different names, holding the reigns of religion..and spreading chaos:) and disunity).

also :)... as mentioned here, we cannot call the pope a holy father!


"And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your heavenly Father.."
(Matthew 23:9)

and why shouldnt the devoted christian marry?

"And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever..."
(Matthew 8:14)

Peter was the most devoted christian..the rock :)

CATHOLIC TRADITION - Purgatory, nuns, popes.

BIBLE - these are not mentioned in the Bible. Adding to the bible is greatest sin.

"Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar."
(Proverbs 30:6)

The pope is a man who takes upon himself honor which belongs to no human being. Even the very name by which he allows himself to be called (Holy Father) is highly presumptuous and blasphemous.

We shouldnt even go for confession to mr. priest:)

"After this manner...pray ye: Our Father... forgive us.... "
(Matthew 6:9-12)

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus [not Mary, not saints, not priests, not the pope]

(Timothy 2:5)

* roman-catholic is not christianity, its just a roman religion with we follow, they couldnt beat christ , so they join him to spoil his teaching of freedom :)

if poles move away from the current churches, it will be better for poland.
8 Aug 2007
News / Poland biggest problem [125]

position of church in Poland

church and priest including Pope and Nun are non-existant in bible, gosple or christianity...if you want, i can proove it :)
8 Aug 2007
News / Poland biggest problem [125]

it is not govt. i think, it is truth that poles were never best in business :). Because i have seen most poles scared to commit in it, or most things - unfortunately
8 Aug 2007
Life / You know you're Polish when... ? [111]

when polish comes out voluntarily while speaking any other language to someone who do not know polish :D
8 Aug 2007
News / Poland biggest problem [125]

i see here so may praises :), i was interested to know what you think is our biggest problem! our biggest negative ... our worse aspect ! feel free to share :)
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

I now wear them to work. I do not work in an office.

where you work then? :-o
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

Polish look down on jeans

not so extremely :D, but girls usually i see more interested on more feminine cloth :) or , maybe other fabrics. Jeans can be some peoples favourite, and is normal too :)
6 Aug 2007
USA, Canada / Florida Polish Church excitement [33]

about church... where do our priest get the authority, or position.. from the bible? I always get confused here. Do you find anywhere in the bible about papacy or priesthood? about the Holy Father. ??
5 Aug 2007
News / Black Immigrant living in Poland infects dozens of women with HIV [174]

i think the women who got infected were equally guilty. Condom or no condom, the issue is of the morality at the end. where was that morality?

black or white or brown or yellow is not the issue, if you behave, you find the right man of any color. but if you are weak in moral, any color man is death or worse than death for the life.
4 Aug 2007
News / How does Poland imagine other countries see her? [84]

before I came to Canada, i thought very less people know poland. After i am in canada, i feel some people do know poland! although polish community is not very big, but is not so bad that people do not know where it is! :D

poland is a country, people find many thing about it. Some i can like, some not :), but it is no problem! people do know poland, mostly.. the way a country like ours is supposed to be known generally. it is normal
4 Aug 2007
Genealogy / how many know their own family histories? [139]

i know till my great grand father (paternal), also grandparent from maternal. I find all are poles from right inside warsaw :S.. too intense pole :D
28 Jul 2007
Love / A Story of mine [47]

everygirl in europe (germany included) r according to you playboy? all spread easy - wake up! no smart word frm you.

you are wrong. I can say no more, but you are very wrong.
24 Jun 2007
Life / Where to live in Wroclaw? [30]

I'm searching for a room (or an appartment) which cost approximately 300 euros a month

you know, you need to understand the costs of rooms and apartments first. I can only wish you do not get cheated. I think you will save money if you look harder, maybe yourself
23 Jun 2007
News / Why do Poland block the European Constitution? [68]

this discussion goes so long :D, i really think it was for pulicity stake that they acted threatening :), poland like to make its presense felt these days