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Posts by Steveramsfan  

Joined: 22 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Dec 2015
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 305 / In This Archive: 55
From: Poland, Germany, UK, Lodz, Paderborn, Derby
Speaks Polish?: I am learning and understand writen Polish
Interests: Sport, Travel, Reading, Cinema, Music

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17 Dec 2009
Food / Polish Restaurant Prices [20]

It costs me virtually nothing to get to Poland, so i would not pay 28zl for a meal :D
17 Dec 2009
Love / Are Polish women too controlling? [106]

Which is very often.

30 layers is obviously an exaggeration. The layers come off quite quick for only me.
17 Dec 2009
Work / Job Opportunity for Non Polish speakers in Warsaw [27]

The job can be advertised in any country in Europe or the world aswell as the UK. You just can't employ anybody from outside UK until 28 days have passed. How do you know this is not the case?

If you are BNP you are scum.
17 Dec 2009
History / 64th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising [71]

Maybe the ones who fought with them were not really Poles but traitors to the Polish nation since officially, the Nazis were declared enemies. They were traitors, Harry.

Still Polish. They are Polish traitors so Polish. Who cares if Polish fought with the Nazis? The majority fought against them.

The Warsaw rising shows how much the Poles hated the Nazis, to fight for 63 days is something to be proud of.

Schenk's story is worth reading; it dispels the idea that it was only the "Nazis."

This guy was doing his job and trying to stay alive. He did not want to kill Poles but if he did not, they would kill him. There were a lot of very decent German Soldiers doing what they had to do. It was a war, decent soldiers are victims too.
8 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland vs. UK - how the manners differ [48]

Posh aside, have you got any ideas how can I get the newly rich to take her shoes off again?

Pin her down and remove them from her feet.
8 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland vs. UK - how the manners differ [48]


I agree, but its not common practice to fart at the dinner table.

Introductions is also a cultural thing, I have to say that the English people you have met are not the best examples if they just ignore you when they walk in.

In Uk where I am from, the host introduces people to each other, its not left up to the individual to introduce themselves.

Guess what?

I'm not offended to introduce myself when in Poland, its just one of your traditions. There are a few things about Poland that are weird to me but its how you do things and I must put up with them if I stay in your country.

Your post made me laugh, if thats all you have to worry about in your life you are very lucky.
8 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / Why are we paying child benefit in Poland? [63]

Also if they are in receipt of benefits in the UK and in Germany they are theiving scum

Its nice to hear what people think of our service men and women.

It is an EU Law which means they are entitled to both payments.

Do you own every CD and every DVD that is on your Ipod or other MP3 player?
8 Dec 2009
Travel / The best place to be lost in Poland [5]

Warsaw, Pulawy, Lublin, Wroclaw, Poznan, uniejow, Katowice, Torun, Zagan, Olsztyn and a few small villages.

Am going to Zakopane and Krakow in 3 weeks.
7 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / Why are we paying child benefit in Poland? [63]

I know of a lot, not exact numbers. These kids also get UK child benefit too.

Its a crazy EU rule, but if your entitled to it, why is it so wrong to take it?
7 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / Why are we paying child benefit in Poland? [63]

EU law and the British obey without question, all EU laws/regulations[/b] ( they are the only country to do so), it still applies to this day.

That is wrong. The Germans pay "Kindergeld" for UK children too.
7 Dec 2009
Travel / The best place to be lost in Poland [5]


I just really like going to the city as

1) I know my way around the one way system.

2) Manufaktura looks better than any UK shopping centre ive been to.

3) The clubs are great.

4) Its in the centre of Poland so I can travel to any city easier.

And the biggest reason is Aga lives there :))
2 Dec 2009
Food / Eating Healthy in Poland [18]

They are all round and fat. Eventually it catches up to them!!

My gf's mum is still thin, she cooks healthy food, not just meat and potato's. She is a great cook, I can't wait for my next meal :) Roll on Friday.
2 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / What is the british obsession with Polish workers [39]

People make a fuss about Polish workers because they are an easy target. They are caucasians just like us.

If you complain about Pakistani and Indian and African migrant workers you are called a racist.

I have no problem with Poles working in the UK.
30 Nov 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

Its a valid point yes. It was just the location that they settled. England was lucky it was on an Island and thus was not successfully invaded since 1066.

Blinkered views of a persons own countries history just winds me up.

Before anyone comments, I am not blinkered with English history. For example, I can see why the Catholics in Northern Ireland fought British rule. I don't agree with their methods but I see what England did wrong.

Read around a subject, not just 1 book or 1 internet article.
29 Nov 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

Who divided Poland up for 200 years?
Who gives a f*ck? You could as well ask who took the land of the Teutonic Order centuries before that. Doesn't make much sense either. There were always imperialistic countries which expanded on the expense of their neighbors. What happened to Poland (the partitions) is nothing out of the ordinary.

You took that completely out of context, it was in reply to someone else's post.

He said most of Poland is historically German. I was showing historically the Germanic people have constantly invaded Poland.
29 Nov 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

You know Steve...studying the threads here on PF would open your eyes about some truths, misconceptions and facts.
Would you do all of us the favour and read them first?

You don't get truths on a forum. Part time historians, haha, I will stick to real history books and libraries. You stay with the internet and peoples hobbies.

Winston Churchill tried to get Poland exactly the same borders as they had at the start of the war but Britain only had a bit part at the end of the war. In 1945 Britain could do nothing. The 2 superpowers started in 1945 at the Yalta Conference, Britain has been a lapdog since 1941.

WW2 ruined us.
29 Nov 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]


Herr 1 sided wakes up.

Im not going to write a 10000 word essay to explain Central European history to you.

Advice, Read non German history books
29 Nov 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

No, I'm not repeating all these discussions for you and with you....use the search function of the forum and that should give you an idea or two

Copernicus is German. Haha I read all your Bollxxxs about him being prussian.

Remind me when Prussians became German? They were from the Baltic states before the Teutonic nights went into prussia, at the invitation of a Polish King.

Teutonic nights invited into Polish territory.

as the history of the Germans in what is what now Poland goes back many centuries and didn't start with any invasions.

The Germans did not settle in the main part of where Poland is today, they were scared off by the Turkic nomads. The Western Slaves settled and there were no ethnic Germans in the main Polish lands until the Teutonic nights went rouge and overstepped their invitation.

That sounds like an invasion to me.

reading your threads I learnt you don't have a clue about German history.

I see that Poland is still Ignored by Germany, I think it counts to people from the UK.
29 Nov 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

I'm concentrating on the german part of the history as here nobody else does.

I'm concentrating on the unbiased part of history.

I'm not Polish, I'm not German I just have an interest in the history of the Area. How do you think I got interested in Poland in the first place?

I like Central and Eastern European history more than western history and their versions.

Don't worry, I try to correct the Polish when they stray to 1 sided History.
29 Nov 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

It is not small talk, I was wondering as I've lived in this country for a few years. I read your history books a few years ago and I read Russian history and then Polish history.

Funny that its all interlinked isn't it.

Open your eyes to more than 1 side of a story FFS.
29 Nov 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

That Steinbach is a Nazi? That I claim all the lands till Moscow for Germany? That the history of the Germans in Poland starts with WWII?
I have a good guess that you know NOTHING about the Germans in what is now Poland, the millennia of history, the old towns, the famous heads, the rich history between Poles and Germans which were not always only about war?

I cant see where all that came from, I never said she was a Nazi, I never said it started with WW2 (I mention WW1 for a start) I know about the Prussians and Teutonic Knights. I know the Baltic states used to have a German INFLUENCE too. I've read the history right back to before the Romans you fool.

I see where your version of history comes from, you read what you want to see.