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Posts by George8600  

Joined: 19 Feb 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 31 Oct 2012
Threads: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 4
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20 Feb 2009

Sigh I wish they wouldn't. WHy? They're the nicest people. If only I was there before they did it to stop them. Show them someone cares, give them care (even money if I could)....sigh.
20 Feb 2009
Life / How to deal with rude rich Polish people? [65]

Hmmm, I think this is a case of money vs. philosophy. Sort of what many economists call new wealth. Point is, Money plays a factor in how it comes. Was it hard worked for? Inheritted? Illegally made? Chances are if it wasn't rightfully made then the philosophical aspect of that person falls and arrogance comes about. But if that wealth exists for good reasons it probably came from good will, intelligence, morals, ethics, life philosophy. Yes Poland is a country that's "entering" the wealth phase. So time is also a factor that deals with one's philosophy upon wealth. It's sort of like the two are sisters, one can't live without the other. It's not just in application to Poland, but rather in any other global economy. As far as them not being materially rich and working dreadful work, then tehy are probablt just fresh on wealth, rich is a different concept. ^_^
20 Feb 2009
Life / How to deal with rude rich Polish people? [65]

Yes, but it's important to realize it's not just in Polish people. I say this from alternate experience, economic knowledge, and widespread experience. Let me explain. I have met a good amount of wealthy Polish people (some whom were even poor immigrants into the US-now a bit wealthy from all their hard-work) and they're still the nicest people you could meet just like the day I met them. Economically, your applying something in macroeconomics (Poland now being introduced to high-income and wealth) to something microeconomic (an individuals wealth, how they made it, and how they treat/act upon it), The fact that they're arrogant and rude has nothing to do with the fact that they're under the Polish economy but rather personality. I highly doubt Poland's increase in GDP per Captia affects the entire nation in this matter, as the as*holes will always be as*holes and they exist in every country and every culture, the economic factor was just a gateway for them to show it. Thirdy, my widespread experience. I've been to France, Italy, Greece, Germany, Russia, Japan, and live in the U.S. point is these "rude rich" people are in all of them, in fact even in my family (ever since my uncle got a really good promotion in Europe - a greek who lives in Poland/Germany) we've stopped talking because he's too arrogant (and it became much worse that your situation RockyMason). Point is a good upper class and a wretched one exist everywhere. It's rather something personality-wise rather than culture, country, and the economics behind it.
20 Feb 2009
News / What does Poland mean to you? [66]

Economy department, or economics of apartments? lol sorry I'm a bit confused. As for me, well this is a dull question. THERES SO MUCH to put into this country I would have to write you a massive book to tell you. But nontheless it's all for good. ^_^
20 Feb 2009
News / Poles Ranks First in Computer Coding [47]

Okay I've read through this thread and I am a bit confused. We go from Computer Science to hacking to bridge to poker to military forces lol. Yes Poland is rich in computer science. And I have a few friends who attend the tech institute at Wroclaw (very smart), but from what I've seen, being a computer nerd myself, such "official" claims don't exist and same claims are SO widespread. Such as semiconductors and related programming, there are over a dozen countries (from Japan to Israel to Germany to US.etc etc) who claim to rank the ebst in all this. Truth is such intelligence comes from the individual and how they apply it to the world of technology. Such excess advacement exists in Poland but like in many countires it isn't credited, sure talk can fuel but try finding actual statstics, you have all these countries who can't put a stone on anything in such a massive world in computer science. And I say this for all countries not just Poland. As for the school rankings (were those for computer science or simply overall rankings)?
28 Feb 2009
Love / How Many Dates Before Sex in Poland? [86]

Great, lets use one Polish woman to stereotype the 19.5 million! From all I know all the Polish women I have seen are very conserved. In other words, they have high ethics, morals, self-respect, manners, intelligence, and are very nice. They also give something very rare - true love - not the slutty love your bragging about. Now I know country is irrelevant, but this is my personal experience.
23 Mar 2009
News / The most useless things in Poland [140]

Hmmmm.....I can't think of anything......oh...wait.......THE BLOODY POSTAL SYSTEM THAT RETURNS 75% OF MY MAIL I SEND!!!!!
23 Mar 2009
News / Poland has the highest shopping IQ [46]

Um, is impulsive buying a good thing? Doesn't that just amount to materialism and a mount of debt? Not any of the poles I know.....
23 Mar 2009
News / World's Next Great Cities - Forbes. Warsaw 8. [22]

Forbes sucks! Notice how they rank Chile and Mexico city higher, and even some industrial Chinese town. I've been to Mexico City :-(, trust me, Warsaw is a 1000x times better.
23 Mar 2009
News / Poles are coming home [35]

They are going to drive down the wages... go away...

aahhahahahahahah true.
26 Mar 2009
Life / 800 thousand Polish women are victims of domestic abuse yearly [180]

Depends on what "Domestic Abuse" really is. I really feel for these women, however in some places women lie about this to get revenge or target their husbands. Also many might report it for a single slap as compared to a full beating. (Both fully wrong, however that might be the reason the number is so high). This is true not only in Poland but in many places.
27 Mar 2009
Work / My daughter goes to study in Poland [13]

Poland has some of the greatest Universities in Europe, and yes having spent some time there as a student studying it is indeed addictive for a young mind and a great place to study. It definitely beats my university here that's in a crowded city.
1 Apr 2009
News / Japanese red maples in Poland [15]

I can tell you for one that it's near impossible to grow those beautiful Japanese Cherry Blossoms in Poland; or for that matter anywhere in Europe. :-(
1 Apr 2009
News / Poland growth rate [34]

According to the U.N. statistics the Polish population isn't decreasing or increasing. I think this is perfect. Poland's popualtion seems to be at a good rate now. Besides Poland has few mortalities in birth. With good hospitals (compared to other places), good birth ethics (common for one, two or mostly three children, and not more like in other areas), and more responsiblities with sex (they don't tend to have as many accidents).
1 Apr 2009
Life / A Brit living in Poland (update) [14]

Yes when in Rome, do as the Romans do. However I live in poland for over a year and travelled around the country. I absolutley loved it, never found any problems. However I like confronting the new and adapting. ^_^
1 Apr 2009
News / Poland growth rate [34]

I use the U.N. Much more accurate, they update their stuff every year, CIA can become outdated for some sources.
1 Apr 2009
News / Japanese red maples in Poland [15]

Yea Randal, Chicago climate is very similar to Polish. However I did take this botany class claiming that soils are different, winds, nutrients, microorganisms in the dirt, ecosystem for botanic animals. Owell. In Japan though, they're climate is immensely different. The springs are warm as are the autumns, the summer has a heavy rain/storm portion to it within the spring as well. And the winters snow a lot but aren't miserably cold.
10 May 2009
Love / My Polish guy won't tell me his feelings about me - is it usual? [15]

the Turks were more friendly than Greek people but then again

I'm sorry but I doubt that, seeing as how our Greece has one of the highest tourist rates in Europe and with various nationalities coming in with work and study visa's. We are very tolerant and nice to anyone. There mean and nice people wherever you go, just because you probably ran into an ******* whom was having a bad day in Greece (like I have many times) it doesn't mean all are. Also please regard the 80,000+ Poles living in Greece today. ^_^
2 Jun 2009
Life / 5 cool things about being Polish dude/dudess? [39]

(5 Points on each since I don't have much time to type this)

Polish women:
1. Beautiful
2. Smart and open-minded
3. Very moral and ethical
4. Respect happiness, prospering, meaning of life and well-being for what it is and don't need to be materialized to dillusioned like some women.
5. Very nice and kind.

Polish men:
1. Hard working
2. Good manners and very nice and kind.
3. Many are smart and open-minded as well.
4. Are true family men that can respect and don't have many of the western values.
5. Know when to separate partying and having fun from responsibility in life, career, and family.
2 Jun 2009
Life / IKEA in Warsaw [30]

Is IKEA popular in Poland?

lol, IKEA is cheap, people don't go there for sightseeing. That doesn't mean it's cheap quality, I love IKEA and depending on how much money you invest depends on the quality you get. The cheap stuff is usually made in China from cheap materials and the expensive stuff is usually made in Scandinavia with expensive materials.
2 Jun 2009
Love / In your opinion, are most Polish women 'Easy'? [243]

There are girls with meaning and girls whom are sluts in every country. But I have to say Polish girls fall without doubt fall mostly into category A. Most of them are well brought up with good morals and ethics, they are smart and well mannered, family-valued, and they know the "meaning" of love, unlike some English girls that find it on their backs on bed or bent over. No offense, but the generalization stands that Polish girls are not "easy".
2 Jun 2009
Study / United States Education vs. Polish Education [19]


Gdansk - good tech univs with very good IT (but not easy ones - you will cry a lot) and good mechanical(?) department. Warsaw is probably even better.

Polish Universities are now among the best in IT around the world.

You mean Jan Madey, Coach
Filip Wolski, Contestant
Marcin Pilipczuk, Contestant
Marek Cygan, Contestant
Krzysztof Diks, Co-Coach the only people who competed are the best at IT? Yes, Warsaw University is known for IT work, but I would rather regard the students than these PhD's professors who competed.

And yes, it takes 7 - 9 years to complete a PhD in Poland for the total amount of time. But why does this come as a surprise to you? It's the same in Italy, Greece, France, Germany, Sweden, England, and in many areas in the US. I'm sure it's the same in many other areas too.
8 Jun 2009
Life / Would I be accepted as a Pole (being half-Greek, half-Polish)? [16]

Apparently I am half Greek and half Polish, but a sketchy online family tree I did shows I'm half Greek, and 25% French, and 25% Polish. I know the language. But I am doing a study abroad program at the University of Warsaw this summer. Truth is, would I be accepted as a Pole or recognized as one, or would I be some foreigner fellow to them?

I mean I have seen many Poles, however I have a tad bit hair on the arms and legs, black hair, brown eyes, and my skin is on the bright palish side, however it can ger dark quickly when in the sun.
8 Jun 2009
Life / Would I be accepted as a Pole (being half-Greek, half-Polish)? [16]

an outsider.
Well, he'll prolly be an outsider kinda anyway because he's not in his native land. He won't feel quite so isolated with a few friends so he might have fun if he can manage enough Polish to do that.

I admit, that this is the first time I am actually going to Poland to stay for a long period of time unlike those short vacations in the past. But I embrace my European culture, I'm not one of thos "americanized" fellows. I speak Polish from my mother, it was taught to me as a first language along with Greek and then I mastered English when I began going to school as a youngster. My Polish is good, but for a commoner, not for an educated Pole that would be able to tell complex words and rich language in Polish. This is because I have done all of my advanced education in English, and only speak Polish with the family and some Polish friends in the neighborhood and school. I'm in Chicago btw.
9 Jun 2009
Study / Study ROCK MUSIC in Poland [10]

Oh no what have you done! Dear Chopin is rolling over in his grave! :-O

9 Jun 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [428]

I count it! Great beautiful country, nice well brought up cultured people, history rich, oh and did I mention the great culture. They have everything it means to be European!