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Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 536
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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31 May 2009
News / The Emperor is naked. Lech Walesa, fool or hero ? [34]

Polish people will be very hurt and angry

bollocks, most of the young people doesn't care about slanders and accusations of the past, especially those based on the communist past, there was a time when people were being intimidated by SB into signing different documents and doing different stuff - it all looks really bad, but only when you can't see the broader picutre. And it's a weapon of political fight and mongering to dig out those situations from somebody's past without pinpointing those importang things.

So whatever will resurface from Walesa's past believe me, nobody will care besides some parochial politicians, foaming at their mouths and spouting nonsense. It doesn't have anything to do with pride or education, the stir around people's "communist" past doesn't concern younger generations and will hopefuly die out with time - because instead of bringing changes to this little country, it only brings another baton to somebody's hands - for less time spent creatively and more time spent on petty squabled.
31 May 2009
News / The Emperor is naked. Lech Walesa, fool or hero ? [34]

When I said 'people' I wasnt referring (...)

Younger generations I'm talking about are people born in the 70' and later so it's a pretty fair amount of people.

Besides I think you are taking this too far, I think there was not, is not, nor will there ever be a question if he was a fraud, there are questions if he had some major lapses in his life but not to the degree you are bringing up.. it's simple, there were to many people around him many more people later, it would have been already in the spotlight. The question is if he had signed any agreements, loyalty documents, and so on, which I think would not be a downfall for him, taking into consideration how SB worked, threatning people that they will beat their kids and rape their wives.

And it ain't a novelty for most intelligent people, and the only way it concerns todays Poland is the thing I've already said, more fuel to the fire between the parties - when they should focus on building highways..

Generations which Walesa represented are dieing out, so I don't know who are you actually talking about. You can't say people and refer to all the people - just because of that - the difference between those who were touched by this very period of time and those were born in between or after, and have no real connections to it - connections which would make them feel offended by the presence of Walesa on the pedestal of this country's heroes - if there were any stains in his biography...

I also think that he was accused so many times, of different things, that it doesn't surprise, his words about leaving the country. You are asking for resons for people to discredit him, well if you're a great, well known person and a president you can't satisfy everyone - one of the golden rules of politics - he had his political decisions and now he's got enemies, simple as that. Especially in right wing parties.
31 May 2009
News / The Emperor is naked. Lech Walesa, fool or hero ? [34]

Kuron, Michnik, Walesa, Mazowiecki

I don't know what did you read exactly, but putting these people - especially Kuron who was imprisoned, badly repressed along with whole his family - in the same bucket along with communists is going over the top. You can create such "matrix"-like alternative history for every country... and every person. In Poland there were years of research and judgement of these times. It's like saying that earth is flat because **** you copernicus..

I guess I can throw it all to the "9/11 was planned by Bush", "area 51 ufo conspiracy" bin after what you said...

Regarding your IQ argument, intelligence != wisdom, and although Walesa is a pretty simple person, he possess a lot of experience, that's why universities are inviting him for lectures, and although he may use colloquial and simple language he still has got a lot of wisdom to pass.
31 May 2009
Travel / Rail Travel From Katowice to Nove Mesto nad Vahom, Slovakia. [3]

Be careful while at the station, at 22:40 there are homeless people and junkies around, and although it is supposedly monitored and there are police patrols it is still dangerous, local thugs might get an interest in people who look lost. The best thing to do is to buy your tickets as early as you can, check from which platform your train departs and then just go to the near Stawowa streets, there are few restaurants and a McDonald from which you can get to the station in around 5 minutes. Have a safe journey!
3 Jun 2009
Feedback / I Really Think You Should Change Polish Forum Checker......... [21]

It would still be nice, if you could be able to disable some threads to appear in the "My threads" or even whole subforums, it's because it doesn't make much sense to have some longer threads in there which you don't want to follow anymore... such as "random thread"... an ignore option or smth..
3 Jun 2009
Feedback / I Really Think You Should Change Polish Forum Checker......... [21]

i never use the checker.

I'm talking about "My Threads" not the checker, on every board I was registered there were more or less expanded "thread ignore" and "subforum ignore" options. I know it's pretty easy to implement it on a phpbb forum, maybe the engine behind this forum is less prone to updates and changes. I don't see any optimization in skimming through same long threads in "My Threads" just because I posted in them once ,long time ago. The same with "latest discussions" window - ignoring subforums could be a nice way to filter out only those messages which are of interest to you..

besides if there's an information about threads you created and posted in, in your profile, then it should be really easy to put a checkbox there and another boolean column in the database with the "ignore" information in it, one loops with if statement while showing the query's result..

anyway, millions of people are probably wrong, so let that stay the way it is ; )
7 Jun 2009
News / How to register in wp.pl email account? [16]

Private mail that I hadnt opened was opened when I signed in again

Is there a possibility that you left the terminal - your own pc, or maybe some other pc with your account still logged in - or you logged off but by mistakes checked the "remember me" option upon logging in ? That's a seldom situation - people have your account data by using a pc which you have previously used..
7 Jun 2009
News / How to register in wp.pl email account? [16]

you may also have a virus or a trojan horse on your computer.. if you do have one, changing your email account won't help, have you thought of such a possbility? There are no mail servers resistant to user-end mistakes. Leaving any important data on your email account, hell, even on your local hard drive isn't the best idea, if you really have to storage stuff like that have a special pen drive, sd card or a dvd..
9 Jun 2009
Life / City heating system, any ideas on how it works? [15]

some strange digital box

These are probably the meters, be careful with them because they usually have some kind of a seal, as a precaution against people tampering with those meters, I have the same thing. And yes, they turn off radiators usually sometime in the Spring.

A common thing, people use drying racks, or put their wet clothes out on the balcony if it's warm outside ; ) I use a tumble drier....
9 Jun 2009
Life / I live in Warsaw and my hot water is brown!!! [32]

The same thing happens in my place every now and then, pipes reconstruction somewhere or roadworks, it usually lasts for a day, few days max, you just need to turn the tap on from time to time to check if the waters is getting less "brown".. ( remember to wait a little bit before turning it off because the browny thing has to wash away first )
9 Jun 2009
Life / Top 3 Most Important Things about which polish dentists will LIE to you bigtime [46]

My mums a dentist, and she's brilliant person, I know plenty of her dentist friends - so I get the information from behind the curtains, and I haven't heard about this debauchery you are talking about. For a filling in emergancy situations you pay around 13,3$ ( national healthcare fund refunds those) in planned cases one filling costs around 38$ ( private visit ), your standpoint is biased because of those dentists you just randomly stumbled upon.
9 Jun 2009
Travel / Where would be good for this long weekend in Poland? [12]

You can always go to Beskidy or Bieszczady for some mountain hiking, check out few mountain hiking trails, and have a few days journey from one mountain lodge to another. A day spent over the map checking the trails, one train ticket and a backpack, not much..
10 Jun 2009
Life / Why do a lot of Polish people stare and why is good personal hygeine shunned? [108]

thats the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard, Diseases from washing hair and being too clean?

well, it's kind of true, it just depends what kind of hair you've got, some types of hair are prone to falling out because of frequent washing some are not, some are getting dry after washing some are not, you can usually help things out with a proper conditioner. But that also doesn't apply to all people... And if I remember correctly there are some Shampoos with labels that say that you shouldn't wash hair with them to frequently. The other thing is that hair of some people get really oily more often that's why they wash their hair more.. maybe that's Cardnos case.

There's this saying: "Częste mycie skraca życie" which translates to
"Frequent washing shortens your life" maybe that's the cause of what you guys are mentioning.. I think that the base for that saying is that while washing you also wash away some natural bacterial flora which is co-existing with you - which might be a cause of an alergy, and actually in many cases is, overusing of different cosmetics and exaggerated hygiene is a known cause of allegries.

Anyway for me the different approach to hygiene is a cultural thing, of course not in the played up manner you are introducing.
10 Jun 2009
Life / Why do a lot of Polish people stare and why is good personal hygeine shunned? [108]

wow, such a battle over the smell of some individual people, and those patriotic vibes here and there... you guys seriously don't know what to do with your free time, both sides are exaggerating and generalizing. I'm actually quite happy because nobody critisized my opinion hence I don't have to become a furious personally offended Pole.. or maybe should I.. not to break the good wide-spread standpoint..
15 Jun 2009
Study / Looking for English Language schools in Katowice [48]


They closed? wow, that's a surprise, I'm at the uni from time to time, and I think I can always see their sign still there. Well, shame, I liked it there. Do you know why did they close?
16 Jun 2009
News / What Poland thinks about China [27]

I think lots of people from Poland, especially from smaller cities and from the countryside, are pretty ignorant about Asians, they don't see any difference between, for instance, Chinese and Japanese culture. On a global/political level they feel reluctant to China for some events such as those that are happening in Tibet. And because there's still a lot of hatred in here towards the communism, we are pretty biased about Chinese goverment, especially when we hear about jailing of some political opponents, or internet restrictions every now and then. Not mentioning the past..

As somebody mentioned above, China is a well known source of cheap copies of western products, also fake ones. Sometimes this sentence " made in China " is used as an insult, when you call your friends goods like that, which you think are of poor quality. There's also slight fear after recent cases of poisoned milk or kitchen tools imported to Poland.

Beside that, Chinese culture connected tightly to Chinese rich history is really admired, if somebody makes the attemp to read something about it, or visit China. In newspapers China is usually praised for its economic strategies that make it an Asian Tiger in these times of economic crisis. It's kind of sad that only Japan found better ways to propagate it's culture through channels such as manga or anime in Poland, China doesn't seem to have these kind of tools at it's disposal.
16 Jun 2009
Language / Już and jeszcze [36]

'wypije jeszcze jednego żywca' sounds better : o
17 Jun 2009
Life / "K*rwa"-why do young Poles find this word so cool ? [67]

Foreigners usually know only one meaning of kurwa, that is, *****. And the most common use of this word isas the "damn" word... I heard about few dangerous situations when a Polish person said "kurwa" and meant "Damn!" and people next to him though he is calling them ******, and started getting rought...
17 Jun 2009
Life / Polish Childrens Songs [22]

you should check "Fasolki", they sings lots of well known Polish children's songs..
18 Jun 2009
Life / Are Polish people civilised or not? My thoughts... [52]

troll, and like most of them he think this is a Polish only forum, and that he's gonna hurt somebody with his bleating.. yeah, get your taxes ready reverend I'm comming to Ireland to milk your country..
22 Jun 2009
Food / Łowicz BEST JAM EVER [23]

You should try "Vortumnus" jam, I dunno if it's of Polish origin, it's in Silesian supermarkets, it's really good.. my personal favourite :) I was always eating Lowicz jams before. Especially the strawberry flavour..yummie
23 Jun 2009
Food / Łowicz BEST JAM EVER [23]

Probably in Lower Silesia

Well.. it's laying on shelfs in shops in my hometown Zabrze, being more precise "Kaufland", that's why I'm not sure if it's a Polish jam.. but I reckon it should be sold in more markets across Silesia then just in here...
23 Jun 2009
Food / Łowicz BEST JAM EVER [23]


Kaufland and pizza? I'd say that's a rare pair.. they only have frozen pizzas and available in any other shop.. I'll take any "da grasso" or "telepizza" over any deep-frozen one , are we talking about the same kaufland, the supermarket?