12 Oct 2009
Language / Your Funniest / Strangest / Sadest Moments with the Polish Language [63]
My son while in kindergarten got in trouble because he was sing Arka Nego song Taki duży taki mały może Świętym być (Such a big one, such a small one can be a saint). The poor boy had to call me and explain to me why he was calling me at work. I had to explain to the director of the school that the word być is the verb to be in Polish and not the degrading word for a woman that all of his classmates knew expect him.
My son while in kindergarten got in trouble because he was sing Arka Nego song Taki duży taki mały może Świętym być (Such a big one, such a small one can be a saint). The poor boy had to call me and explain to me why he was calling me at work. I had to explain to the director of the school that the word być is the verb to be in Polish and not the degrading word for a woman that all of his classmates knew expect him.