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Posts by pingwin  

Joined: 2 Feb 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 17 Nov 2008
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 117 / In This Archive: 88
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: spending time with my son

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12 Oct 2009
Language / Your Funniest / Strangest / Sadest Moments with the Polish Language [63]

My son while in kindergarten got in trouble because he was sing Arka Nego song Taki duży taki mały może Świętym być (Such a big one, such a small one can be a saint). The poor boy had to call me and explain to me why he was calling me at work. I had to explain to the director of the school that the word być is the verb to be in Polish and not the degrading word for a woman that all of his classmates knew expect him.
12 Oct 2009
Language / Your Funniest / Strangest / Sadest Moments with the Polish Language [63]

My first days in the US, vistited my aunt in NJ. We went to a supermarket, and at one point I wanted to draw auntie's attention to some product so I called out: ciocia! A few heads turned in what looked like disgust. Well, they were Hispanics and in Spanish slang "chocha" is not such a nice word for vagina.

Your story is so much nicer than mine and it is so much milder.

I learned not to say ciocia at an early age in my community. We have a big Puerto Rican community where I live. All I can say the burn from being slapped by an elderly Puerto Rican lady is still felt today. Just recently I got into an arugement with a lady at Wal-Mart for she heard the word ciocia while I was speaking to my son in Polish. She had to add her two cents stating that I am teaching my son bad words and degrading myself. Ciocia (chocha in Puerto Rican) means p***y. Go figure!
13 Nov 2008
Life / muslim community in poland [430]

hey guess what??am back..having read thru some of the trhreads you know it makes my stomach turn..in earleir threads you people are calling me a paki,muslim terrorist and everything else you can think of and then you are quoting martin luther king(a black man)and gandhi(an indian) you people are such hyprocrites.

Hey ash before you go on tooten your horn read my post again. I am not comparing you to anything. I simply stated that we need to stop this back and forth hate of one another. The men I metioned stood for peace. As for the black man I was speaking about my own personal experience and battle.

My suggestion to you is to take a DEEP breath before you start attacking anyone without reading the posts carefully.
12 Nov 2008
Life / muslim community in poland [430]

If you only knew, nevertheless I was also taught we reap what we sow. I believe the way we treat others and what we do for them will have a direct influence on our everyday life. Right now I could say that I hate every black male on the face of the earth, BUTthat would be a lie. Just because one hurt me does not mean all are evil and will hurt me. I basically had to turn the other cheek and go on. I can't say it was easy.

Mother Teresa said it best.

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
12 Nov 2008
Life / muslim community in poland [430]

I haven't started yet and since there is a freedom of choice, you really don't need to read it, and if you do, you can comment if you want. Or not.

Well said Miranda! I read, but didn't respond. All I can say is I prayed last night and I will pray tonight and every night. My heart aches to see so much hatred among all of us. Here are some qoutes that came to my mind reading all of these hate posts.

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Wherever there are wars, wherever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love. Mahatma Gandhi

Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it. Martin Luther King Jr.

Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Martin Luther King Jr.

Understanding a person does not mean condoning; it only means that one does not accuse him as if one were God or a judge placed above him.Erich Fromm

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King Jr.

Enough said on my part!

11 Nov 2008
Life / muslim community in poland [430]

People should just not go into it with unreal expectations.

So True!!!
11 Nov 2008
Life / muslim community in poland [430]

Her family will probably not accept you...they may be polite at first but in the long run it will not be pleasant. You also have to consider the possibility that she is caught up in you because you are 'different' and 'exotic' and when that wears off she will be done with you. It is extremely common though not always the case.

I hear what you are saying gtd, but that's not always the case. I have very close friend who went through this. Her family did not accept him at first, but now they can't stop raving about him and how he treats her and the family. I guess the only difference is she's here in the states and not in Poland, but her family in Poland has accepted him as well. They both visited their families with their son and I couldn't be more help for the both of them.
11 Nov 2008
Life / muslim community in poland [430]

Checkout the following: polishforums.com/arab_american_polish_friendship-35_29299_0.html

It might help especially what Dawid posted at the end. Just trying to help that's all.
7 Apr 2008
News / Where to find a physical feature map of Poland? [8]

Hello fellow forum members. My son's school is having a Nationality Day and my son picked Poland to represent. He had to write a travel guide brochure on Poland. We are having problems finding a physical feature map of Poland and I figure to come here and ask the wonderful members here on the forum for help. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Pictures of traditional costumes would also help.

My son and I thank you in advance. :) Pingwin
29 Aug 2007
USA, Canada / Farmer's cheese source in Canada? [4]

You can mail order 3 lb. bulk loaf from Amazon.com in the Gourmet Food Beta section and the product may be frozen up to 3 months successfully. Please note that this item is distributed by an independent company on this site, and Friendship does not dictate the cost.

However, Friendship does have a distributor that will mail-order Friendship Farmer Cheese. Please call Chicopee Provisions at 1-800-924-6328 or order online at bluesealkielbasa.com.

I hopes this helps. I really don't know if they do ship to Canada but you could at least try this and if not contact the Friendship dairies themselves to see. friendshipdairies.com/contact/index.php
22 Jul 2007
Love / Which is better? Being single or being in a relationship? [92]

Being single is cool. No worrying about anyone, no obligations and best of all, no heartaches. But you know what? If you will never get your heart broken, you will never learn to love.

It depends on the individual. Some men or women prefer to just date and not get into serious relationships for reasons of their own, but the norm is relationships are better because you are sharing your life with someone and the world can be one lonley place. However, one shouldn't go out hunting for a person to go with, but just let it happen naturally.
19 Mar 2007
Love / Rules for dating Polish girls [189]

Sorry valuepulse2004 please read the post again for ukinpoland didn't write that but was refering to the JERK who did.

Hi, i am a desperate finnish man searching for a suitable polish woman. i have a house, car and good business running perfectly. if you want to contact me, give your email, and i will write back.

i need polish women for my life desperately. i am desperate.

He was basically denfending Polish women!!!

I am sick with seeing people think that Polish women can be bought. They are F'king great and twice as good as most women from around the world so why dont you treat them like it you fools.

1 May 2007
Language / Funny sayings on Polish weddings [14]

Gorzka wódka, gorzka wódka, nie będziemy pili, trzeba żeby państwo młodzi wódkę osłodzili :-

Bitter vodka, bitter vodka, we will not be drinking, it's necessary for the married couple to sweeten the vodka.
23 Apr 2007
Love / Met a polish girl... [27]

Just remember "trzydziestego lutego" when asked....:)
13 Apr 2007
News / Abortion - how is the Polish government going to deal with this issue? [273]

i took that the 'wrong' way first hehehe (sorry :P)

thats cool, may i also recommend tai chi, i think you'll find great energy and a part of you you never knew

MY fault I should be more specific especially on this forum. I pray a lot, although lately I have been neglecting my daily prayers and see how I suffer if I don't get on my knees.

I'll check into it. Thanks!!!
13 Apr 2007
News / Abortion - how is the Polish government going to deal with this issue? [273]

its a touching story

Yes, I gave a lovely speech about myself in college and had everyone crying by the end of Speech class. Abortion is too dear of a topic for me. I don't ever see myself being able to do that because I value life too much. Just my thoughts.

Just like I have an issue with people hating each other. I mean we all bleed the same, cry the same, feel love, joy, and pain the same but are taught to hate each other because of skin color, nationality, looks, etc. What give??? I guess the only time we don't feel the hate is when we are born and when we die because we are truly alone during those moments.
13 Apr 2007
News / Abortion - how is the Polish government going to deal with this issue? [273]

This a very dear topic for me. My mother had a very hard choice to make and I'm thankful she has made the right choice. I thank God everyday for the precious gift I have been given My LIFE. My mother had hyper active thyroid and cervical cancer while she was pregnant with me. All the doctors told her to abort me because it would be too difficult for her and she couldn't go thru theraphies. She went to one very wise doctor who told her "I have seen women who were healthy and gave birth and died and women who were in worse conditions gave birth and lived." "You must decide!" She did and as my father says, "She put me through hell!!!" The strange thing is after she had me the cancer just disappeared but Mom says God was testing her as to what she would do and he liked her decision. Anyway I just wanted to add my two cents worth.
13 Apr 2007
Language / Open Conversation - English/Polish [28]

I'd like to see faces of Poles when they realise that they are speaking to an English guy.
Chciałbym widzieć twarze Polaków kiedy orientują się że rozmawiają z gościem z Anglii

Ja chcę widzieć twoją twarz Bartolome!!
I want to see your face Bartolome.:)
13 Apr 2007
Love / How does Polish men feel towards Asian girls?? [137]

We are but we are also talking about

Quoting: Giles
Oh and by the way if your girlfriend ever asks you how many women you've slept with, lie keep the numbers under 15 and never, repeat never say " I've lost count".

Oh, so it's like that. You think we believe you??? WAKE UP!!!!!!!!