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Posts by JulietEcho  

Joined: 14 Jul 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 100 / In This Archive: 73
From: Atlanta GA, US
Speaks Polish?: YES
Interests: Skiing, flying, readin'

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14 Nov 2008
News / Poland Needs to Shape up [43]

Most important thing is that Polish money should go to poles. If you ever see how JEWS work here in the USA is that they don't give NOT 1 PENNY to ANYONE except another Jew.

- That part plus Polish alcoholism is very true. Sadly Poles (and Im one of them) are to dumb to realize it.
22 Nov 2008
History / UPA barbarian murders on Polish and Jewish neighbors during WW2 [150]


Very interesting web site about ukraininan "friends". It is an outrage those ordinary murders and animals are still considered heroes in ukraine. Our president The Potato head in the name of political correctness keeps quiet and joins the ukaininan hunger recollection when his own nation's killers still unjustly walk around the globe impertinently asking Poland to condemn the "Wisla act"...

Please read. Every Pole should know about it.
23 Nov 2008
History / UPA barbarian murders on Polish and Jewish neighbors during WW2 [150]

I am of both Polish and Ukrainian descent, Christian, born in the USA, and yet, am I responsible for the many bloody wars and conflict that took place between Poland and Ukraine? Absolutely not. I think a partial solution is constructive and honest dialogue between people and nations.

- Agreed. Victims on both sides cannot be forgotten. The political tone of dialogue between Poland and Ukraine right now seems to be: don’t bring up anything that will **** the Ukrainians off. I strongly disagree with such ideology, which only targets Russian destabilization. Many of those bestial killers are still alive, treated in Ukraine like the pure blood patriots and that is intolerable. If we can cooperate on the same level without forgetting anyone, that is fair, otherwise it’s another unhealthy relationship that will not work in the long run…
23 Nov 2008
History / UPA barbarian murders on Polish and Jewish neighbors during WW2 [150]

Do you think holding up old grievances is good for long term relationships?

So, you think we should just forget about it?
Its ok to falsify history only so you don’t offended someone? Maybe someone did not grow up to participate in an open dialogue?
Besides, try explaining your theories to the Jewish that run around Krakow with their eyes washed up, referring to everyone as The Goy pigs and occasionally having Mosad illegally attacking Polish bystanders.

Kaczynski indeed went to Ukraine to celebrate the anniversary the Holod in 1932-33.

The Duck popularity by now pretty much equals to zero or is negative, so just keep him in ukraine...Im sure he will fit in well with your citizens; of course he might make an easy target for your heroes one night, as all the Polish by now are gone and your country still isnt getting any better.
24 Nov 2008
History / UPA barbarian murders on Polish and Jewish neighbors during WW2 [150]

agree, it is all about timing. Juliet is in the US, so she is not really concerned since she will not be feeling the outcomes of Polish foreign politics.

- I spend more time in Poland than in the USA each year, quite frankly I believe our relations with numerous countries across should be improved before ukraine, thanks to the maniacal potato head again those ties have been either destroyed or significantly weakened. Our politicians on numerous occasions in ukraine condemned the Wisla act, which in my opinion was a only a scaled and civilized response to what your people did. Up to this point Poland has not seen an official act of compassion and remembrance for this ethnic cleansing from ukraine side. Instead they have some bogus demands.... like creating ukrainian combatant circles in Przemysl. For now, our relations should be no more important than with a Republic of Congo, maybe when you outgrow to finally step up apologize and offer how to help survivors we shall talk about the future.
26 Nov 2008
History / UPA barbarian murders on Polish and Jewish neighbors during WW2 [150]

hatred and bigotry in Europe

-" Poland is being mixed race of slavic and jewish "- has to be the most idiotic statement I have ever heard, but again cretins are an overwhelming majority of every society...

- As for Polish reputation... If you make such statement as described above, better start worrying about your own reputation.

- Guys I merely wanted to highlight the fact that such a cruelty acts existed because up to this point even Polish don’t know much about it... And even more sadly that many of those murderers are still alive!

Today’s Polish government is blinded by US interests towards the ukraine, forgetting its own citizens.
These victims regardless if Jewish or Polish (the former ones were the citizens of Poland...) have to be remembered!
26 Nov 2008
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

- Poehler is also jewish... jews openly and often publicly attack Poland/Poles and that doesn't classify as prejudice - according the inventors of the political correctness. But since they control Hollywood and they even been able to crucify such stars as Mel Gibson after his drunk outburst...they can change the classification. Anyway, you have your answer, by the way read some Talmud - its sort of like Hitlers: Mein Kampf, except the enemies are different.
27 Nov 2008
News / What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]

If that's the case, could someone point me to what Poland got (ie benefit, or simply commensurate consideration) out of the many wars and struggles that Poland participated in for the benefit of others?

- If you consider that the 2 most agressive nations in the world: Germany and Russia border with us... And most of the times they end up going against one another.

Where do you think the Liberator bombers that supplied Warsaw during the uprising came from?

- Just to set a record straight: Poles ( and some volunteers from other nations) were piloting those Liberators, England gave up on supporting Warsaw uprising right before it actually started.
5 Dec 2008
News / What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]

There's nothing funny about Poles because so many of you are lying little sh!ts who complain that there are not enough graves in a British cemetery.

One tiny point: Poles love to boast about how 'their' squadron 303 saved the UK during the battle of Britain. Please explain how the deaths of seven Poles is enough but the presence of 70 times more graves in a single British cemetery in Poland is not enough.

Where exactly have you seen this British cementary in Poland?
5 Dec 2008
News / What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]

The question is, why would we by dying for the Polish...?

Because your whiskey soaked, backstabber promised so before the Polish went there to help, but as usual the british honor and a word is as good as the toilet paper.

Have you ever heard of why, so crucially, he tried to mask Katyn massacre when Germans widely tried to publicize the soviet regime mass murder and why General Sikorski was killed?

Ill answer it for you: because if Katyn massacre came to light, Polish would stop fighting on your side and quite probably would start fighting against the soviets...

5 Dec 2008
News / What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]


- I said BRITISH not Romanian!
We're on the topic of: brits dying in combat on the Polish soil during WW2; and there weren't any, exactly proving my point.

Quite frankly I believe Poland fought on the wrong side...
5 Dec 2008
News / What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]

a) Poland was attacked by Germans and Russians, whom you later decided to fall in love (against all reason), betraying your earlier commitments to help Poland re-gaining its independence. Further you had a chance to air support the Warsaw uprising and you couldn't even do that much because your british bunch of flying bi$#$S was too scared, knowing the fact that luftwaffe was at that point almost non-existent.

b) My claim that no brits died in Poland in combat during WW2 is valid and the link you provided lists some WW1 graves and unspecified POWs, so show me THE FACTS you arrogant pompom, not links you cant even read and understand.
5 Dec 2008
News / What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]

You ever wondered why pretty much every nation in Europe has either invaded or betrayed Poland? You want to know why? Go look in the mirror.

- France never betrayed Poland. Show me one nation that you have dealt with and not screwed/betrayed/sold or back stabbed.
5 Dec 2008
News / What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]

Nobody likes you and there are damn good reasons for that.

Well then, its just like being british then!!!!!!!!
Enough. You have taught me nothing that I already dont know, you cant even prove that the lame statements you make about WW2 british troops are true; its time to stop feeding the troll. Go hide in your hole.
5 Dec 2008
News / What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]

Read what you copy and paste... And use that bottle on your empty, stubborn melon.
No British died on Polish soil in combat during WW2... It lists some british prisoners of war that were relocated from Germany.
5 Dec 2008
News / What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]

So, if Britain did, yet France did not betray Poland at the start of the war, how can this discrepancy be explained?

- Churchill promised to fight for Polish independence if Polish troops would unite and help fighting against Germans. Thats ONE
- French did not try to mask Katyn massacre like Churchill did - that would entirely change the face of enemy for Polish troops. TWO
- French did not kill Sikorski. THREE
- French did not sell us out in Yalta.

Lesson learned.
7 Dec 2008
News / What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others? [1108]

I've got a bottle you can break and use.

- First of all you referred to my family members that fought for your slimy island with disrespect...
Second you haven’t proved a jack s$%##$, again Australian are not English. So let me re-phrase for your little scummy fuzzy pompon ass: No English graves that died in combat on Polish soil during WW2. The first grave you will (miraculously) find I will drive to and plant flowers and light some candles, and unlike your gay ass I stand behind my words.

France never betrayed Poland... France did what though?

-Believed fighting against such a force is pointless (Germany)... No lies, no gimmicks just a straight up answer!
18 Dec 2008
News / What you think about the Polish President, Kaczynski? [53]

why polish president didn't being to english lessons ?

- It looks like you need some lessons yourself Bubba... But seriuosly, I dont care if he speaks any other language or not, he should be a true Patriot, representing Polish interests and lets leave it there.
22 Dec 2008
News / Poland will take half a century to catch up with the West [240]

According to the latest data published by Eurostat, Poland will need 55 years to catch up with the standard of living in Germany.

- I don't believe Poles will ever catch up with Germany. They lack of solidarity, discipline, protectionism and respect of their own culture, that behavior is very uncommon in western European nations. Poles collectively can do nothing; what are the famous polish trade marks? Dill pickles? In 17 years they cant even pick anyone sensible to their government, the same reruns are swapping back and forth. Tv shows them a corrupted politician from PO party and what happens a day later? PO party wins smashingly the election... If you don't believe me look at Czech republic - they are light years ahead of Poland.

23 Jan 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

WELL NO MORE TALK...ITS OFFICIAL...OBAMA...is now president of the free world....Poland when are we gonna make history? i wanna listen to his speech..pls do not disturb

- History of what? Of USA demise? Look at Africa, ever since whites stopped governing and local morons type of Robert Mugabe, came to power those countries and their economies are truly ruined. Read about downfall of Rhodesia, since the blacks killed or forced the white farmers to run away from their farms; blacks cant even feed themselves. And just for the record: ask an average French/German/Austrian what he or she thinks about multicultural society: you'll be sent to hell.
25 Jan 2009
History / Pan-Slavic dreams of Polish/Russian cooperation. [12]

We are brothers in arms too !

Tell it to the KATYN families.

The Poles are working ever more closely with the Ukrainians too.

- An average Pole wants to have as much to do with Ukraininas as with a black plague... if you read a little in many circles Kaczynski is viewed as a traitor for following a path directed by Washington. Path of forgetting historical facts just to destabilize russia in the form of ukraininan so called "friendship" and “democracy” spreading.

The dreams of a Pan-Slavic unity are noble and worth pursuing

Explain my WHY?! Why is it worth pursuing? Historically russians brought nothing noble, worth mentioning to our culture. To name a few: Communism, poverty, propaganda, mass murder and cleansings,enslavement, corruption... Live and let live, don’t try to imperiate others claiming that you know what they need. We don’t need YOU and part I already know!

That doesn’t mean we should be jumping to each others throats. Business partners and good neighbors? Yes, but nothing above that.
25 Jan 2009
History / Polish Anti-semitism - origins? [186]

- Who told you you're not welcome?! Come, settle, live and work!!!!!!!!!! Just beacause some hick idiot posted one add, doesnt mean everyone feels that way... Maybe what he meant is that an average Irish might not be satisfied with a pay scale?
30 Jan 2009
News / Polish-American Edward Moskal [6]

I had a pleasure of meeting him in person... He was an outspoken and in many cases controversial person, what I can say is that during his cadence the PNA was vibrant, strong and active. At some point he received a kiss of death from zionists, for standing up. The new breed of so called polish decent americans that leads PNA should really take the Polish part out...
30 Jan 2009
News / Israeli youths misbehave in Poland ceremony score [47]

Why the double standards?

Nothing new, the new breed of jew that grows up believing that Goy is a Goy... and they have their USA colony to support in case anyone stands up. Meanwhile, majority of European mass media is corrupted by zionists that strictly control who gets attention and why... When an average European is finally going to wake up?!
30 Jan 2009
News / Israeli youths misbehave in Poland ceremony score [47]

European? How about the American? We're about to be flat busted by these fools. Look at Bernie Madoff. Steals 50 billion and goes home to his townhouse every night. A goy would have been drawn and quartered.

- As my favorite British columinst, Jeremy Clarkson once wrote: "...American middle class is as complicated as fire wood...".