I have come up with plans to change Poland for a better country.
- Co ty, dziecko, ku@#$ wiesz o zabijaniu!?
You know what Poland needs?
- We need all jews out of media and politcs. They dont belong here and never did.
Pay them to give up their Polish passports forever.
- We need a full de-comunization - anyone that served any type of public service role out and away from politics forever.
- We need to toughen up the laws. PiS tried to do it but of course the initiative was destroyed by the crooked political opponents, namely PO and other pink-coomie, criminal loonies in media...
- Poland needs control so called "foreign investments" so they dont confilict with Polish companies, sorry but seeing all those crooks like Tesco, coming here, paying no taxes and killing all of the local, small buisneses is an outrage.
- And hold off on acceptance of Euro - sorry but are not ready and wont be ready for a while...European central bank will have different perogatives than Polish wimpy economy.
- Stop trying to suck up to America or other big "brothers", get our solders back from Afganistan and wherever they are and start communicating well with our direct neighbours: Russia,Germany.