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How does Poland imagine other countries see her? [84]
I will also add that my American cousin, who lives now in Las Vegas, has traveled the whole world and has run trade delegations in China and in other places all over the world all of his working life. There are a lot of well educated men in the United States and well traveled people too and to say that they think that the rest of the world lives in huts is really very stupid of you.
I feel like the American public school system is not very advanced, they learn mostly about the United States and there is obviously not a huge emphasis put on global history/culture, even American knowledge of Canada is poor, I would not say that most Americans are well traveled, many yes, but most, no.
Especially by seeing all these American game shows...I could answer some of the questions when I was 8 that some of these grown men and women didn't know the answers to, primarily concerning anything about other parts of the world.