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Posts by Michal2  

Joined: 30 Aug 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 Dec 2008
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Posts: Total: 78 / In This Archive: 71
From: Guildford
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Poland

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30 Aug 2008
Language / 'Could/would' in Polish [12]

Chieć to móc-where there is a will, there is a way comes from this very same verb.
31 Aug 2008
Language / 'Could/would' in Polish [12]

by' is the conditional marker.

By is in fact the Russian conditional marker, later stolen by the Poles and incorporated in to their language.
31 Aug 2008
News / Poland boycotts German goods? [266]

I have a question, whether it's true that the Poles no longer buy German products? My friend told me that it's time to change communism mentality and start thinking. Apparently the Poles c

Rubbish! The Poles love German cars and it is a very important social status symbol to be seen with a large German B.M.W. or Audi.
1 Sep 2008
News / Poland boycotts German goods? [266]

Aren't most Polish words for tools actually German?

Because of Poland.'s geographical location, the language has taken many words from German though most of the Polish Language vocabulary was stolen from Russia over the centuries. In fact, I am not even sure if there is a genuine original Polish word at all.
1 Sep 2008
News / Poland boycotts German goods? [266]

how do you know so much about Polish, if you do not speak the language?

I have spent a few days earlier in June in Warsaw and saw everything for myself.
2 Sep 2008
News / Poland boycotts German goods? [266]

No, this is not true. Poland never had the Russian alphabet. The Russian Language is much older and that partly explains why Russian is much harder than Polish and is less phonetic too. The Czech Language is probably more useful as it is nearer to Russian and you can easily learn Croatian, which is similar. Polish, which copies German patterns of speech is different and further away that other Slavonic languages. The Poles hate the Russians except for when their country is occupied and then it is the same old storey, 'please come and save us but do not stay a moment longer than is necessary'.
3 Sep 2008
Language / 'Could/would' in Polish [12]

No, the Russian Language is much older than Polish, which in fact nearly died out. Hence its very phonetic nature. Russian is much harder than Polish for this very reason. Russian is the root of all Slavonic Languages like it or not Mr. Canada. How is your French coming on? You should spend more time learning French in your new adopted homeland.
4 Sep 2008
Language / 'Could/would' in Polish [12]

Also, to finish, Polish has never been a lingua franca language as t you point out. The aristocracy spoke French at court, certainly not Polish. Polish too has evolved and sounded even funnier hundreds of years ago than it does today!
5 Sep 2008
News / Poland boycotts German goods? [266]

lly I boycott Germans (except BB of course) but not Germanic products.

Yes you are prepared to live on German soil in Szczecin.
5 Sep 2008
News / Poland boycotts German goods? [266]

I am effective, Szczecin is a German town and therefore it was a German product.
6 Sep 2008
News / Poland boycotts German goods? [266]

It simply is... are you so stupid that we have to paint you that... ?

Should read...it is simple....are you so stupid that we have to draw it out for you?

Rather like your example of cartoonish. Mind you, I invent Polish words from time to time too for that matter.
6 Sep 2008
News / Poland boycotts German goods? [266]

needs to be drawn out? water is drawn out of a well, pus is drawn out of a boil.

You draw something out and you pull water from a well. If your English is so bad stop trying to learn Polish. Incidentally, have you learn the language and bought your one way ticket yet? Are you not supposed to be working in a Polish hospital helping people/ Polish Forums is certainly a long way off that dream.

You write about the soil is simple'-is that English ziemia jest prosta-what does that mean? Is it Chinese?
7 Sep 2008
Language / Adjective and adverb comparison [19]

It is also used as an adjective being najwyższy from which the Polish expression najwyższy czas-'its high time to do something' comes to mind.
9 Sep 2008
News / Venezuela is voted happiest place to live ,Poland? [33]

Do Polish smile often?

The answer to this is never. I arrived by train once in Poland and there were lots of people, all of themn Polish looking down from a railways carriage. One of them said, "look, he must be foreign, he looks happy!"
16 Sep 2008
News / Main Polish newspapers in English popular in Poland [13]

Come on, press is press. Show me a national press that projects only the truth and I'll show u the cave where Bin Ladin is playing the latest PS2 game

I think the problem as well is language. The Poles write a text in English from a Polish source and then an English corrector makes it sound more genuine but the Poles are crafty because they will not show the English Corrector the original text. That is why there are so many lies. It is easy for an Englishman to correct and improve a text but he should be allowed to translate from the original not a Poles version of the truth!
16 Sep 2008
Language / Dokonany/Niedokonany - Perfective/Imperfective [46]

sh, I have been told that I have an extremely strong accent. I would like to lose my english accent to make my Polish sound more fluent. Does anyone have any suggestions??

Try speaking Polish after drinking a few wodkas! All you can do is practice but I very much doubt if you will ever be able to loose it completely. I hear Poles in England who have been here for like thousands of years and they still sound really dreadful when they open their mounths and speak in English.
19 Sep 2008
News / Main Polish newspapers in English popular in Poland [13]

using university-educated Brits

There are many uneducated educated Brits who have been to university. Like the new A levels everybody passes and there used to be the old adage 'educated idiots'. Education at university is no guarantee in itself that an English native speaker has a good knowledge of anything. I always remember when at university myself and I met a man studying German. Later I met him in London and we were waiting for an underground train and in conversation, I can not remember now even what we were talking about but he built a sentence including...'that is even worser than what...'even as he said it, it so stuck out and I simply cringed!
20 Sep 2008

In Poland everybody dies young. This is due to the bad air they breath as well as cigarettes and alcohol. The driving is the worst in Europe so many die young on the roads too. I avoid the country like the plague!
20 Sep 2008

Yes, I did, in June as it happens. I dreamt it? Are you not dreaming about this super job in Poland that does not even exist?
22 Sep 2008
Language / Instrumental form in Polish [65]

ajlepszą przeszkodą był Kościoł. How

It can also be najlepszą depending on the context.
22 Sep 2008
Language / Instrumental form in Polish [65]

't. "Najlepszą" means "the best".

Yes, and that might be what was meant.
23 Sep 2008
Language / Instrumental form in Polish [65]

r heard of good and bad obstacles. It just doesn't go together.

Yes it does. In the good old days of Communism, Polish people had to apply for a visa to visit the United Kingdom. That is just one very good example of a 'good obstacle'. I am sure that you too could think of many more should you sit down and think hard and long enough.
25 Sep 2008
Work / praca magisterska (master's degree) - any impact on career in Poland [13]

t achieve their praca magisterska, how (if at all) will this affect their career and life prospects?

None whatsoever. Most Polish qualifications are not recognized in the West except for Kraków University and the Politechnic of Waszawa. In England there are loads of so called educated Poles who are sweeping the streets.
26 Sep 2008
UK, Ireland / What is in Poland that England doesn't have? [142]

I seriously can not understand how anybody could or would prefer life in Poland to that in England. All Poland has that England does not is an abundance of grave yards!
27 Sep 2008
News / Women's average earnings as a percentage of men's. Poland's near top. [50]

In Poland it has to be remembered that most women work in the home and of those working, some may be in private business. The working mentality in Poland is totally different to that of England and so therefore any statistical comparison is basically meaningless.
28 Sep 2008
News / Why the American economy is not going to fail - take a lesson from Poland [48]

large respectable EU world economy. In 20 years Poland developed very fast. There is not way the US will ever come close to the hard times Poland had and even if it did, look at Poland now.

Frankly, these statements are idiotic. America too has had a poor economic time in the 1930's when people really suffered-far more than a few silly Poles under Communism in the 1980's. Poland always has a 'thing' about itself. Only Poland knows hardship and sorrow and yet the fault is never Polands, only other peoples.