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Worst Polish leader Lech Kaczynski or King Stanislaw Poniatowski? [44]
Now, the EU is a mess. How is it possible that the job market in Germany and in other EU countries is closed for some EU nations, and at the same time there is a constant stream of folks from the Thirld World - all those Asiatics, Arabs, anfd the like - entering the EU countries and allowed to settle and work there?
First and the most important thing that needs to be done to reform the EU is locking the gates for the thirldworlders, limiting the EU aid for them, and taking care of EU citizens before any others.
If this is not done, the EU is going to collapse - soon.
What are the ways to cope with such imigration.
I'm sure for that some steps are necessary:
1) Development of low cost house, car and electronics-internet manufacturing. I.e. module sandwich-panel cottages for some Usd 15000-20000 (like Levittown in the USA in 1940-50), cars for USD1500-2500, Usd 50-100 laptops and 100megabytes per second unlimited internet for some USD 10 mounthly. Such low cost requires a great research of billions dollars but it will later revive economies of poor countries and low cost satisfactory living standarts can keep people in poor countries away from imigration. On the other hand such low cost and
module technologies as used within the proper EU will require less labour and less imigrants can arrive.
2) EU agriculture should be less donated. The EU farmers can't use donations without the use of ilegals. And many ilegals leave for the EU because their farms in Africa and Asia can't be in competition with donated EU agriculture despite better climatic and ground conditions and less crop cost. EU politicians seem to be frightened by domestic farmers capable to paralyze all the ways by their tractors. In my opinion EU society should get ready to survive in such protests and to overcome. It should be stated that there are no reasons for fear that poor countries can be united later in food blackmail of EU because there are many producers in competition.
3) EU should establish a strong irregular police service controlling each street, each town. No one can live in EU without being noticed by society. That will permit the strict controle not only over ilegals but also over drug traffic and other challenges such as for example violence in families and infantil crime. People who have more high social position (some 20 % of population) should be involved in such controle. The facts when any of them don't want to notice smth. evident in place of his work or residence should damage his reputation. In the epoch of Internet it is quite easy to stigmatyze his reputation.
At the same time young people if they are out of regular army should spend a year in street commands looking after order in place of their residence, cleaning streets and visiting physically handicapped neigbours. That will permit a good order and complete controle, the impossibility of ilegals' penetration and of course will contribute to the growth of responsability among young people. All the population will feel more security in general.
These are the ways. What is examined in EU? Other good ways? You know them? You are sure they are more efficient?
First and the most important thing that needs to be done to reform the EU is locking the gates for the thirldworlders, limiting the EU aid for them, and taking care of EU citizens before any others.
By the way, Puzzler,
Will you determine more exactly what do you mean by
If we are discussing practical steps not abstract dreams, such term should de described.
First of all because not the EU on the whole but
Poland is going to open way to EU to people outside Eurozone. Poland created not so long ago conditions for construction workers from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia to work without special labour bodies permission.
Today Poland is planing to attract young Ukranians, Belorussians and Russians to Poland. As it is informed, young imigrants will receive a permition for a year and if they manage to find a job, it will be possible to live and work more untill naturalization in some 6 years.
You spoke about the chinese wall against people from Third world but the reality is that precisely Poland is the country ready to the most serious violation of this principle.
One may oppose that we are discussing only Slav imigrants who are similar to EU population. But:
1) Such argument contradicts political correctness. Turkish people may be ofended. You may discuss imigration reduction but without any attention to race or ethnicity.
2) Slavs may be similar to Poles. As to Germans, I'm not sure it is so.
3) Not only Slavs live in East Europe. Millions of people in Caucasus. I'm not sure EU people can feel any difference between them and Arabs or Turkish people. Chechens are already colonizing Poland and have posibilities to live legally and right to naturalization in some years. Only USD 500 average salary in Russia stop many of them from leaving for Poland. As to Poles, they seem to be ready to receive them.
So you are for cease of imigration, but Poland may become the greatest acceptor of imigrants now in the EU.
What is your opinion on that?