Life /
Translation in order:
Every shot we drink is just one more nail in your casket; let's drink so the coffin may be solid.
Vodka is your enemy {so down the hatch} (lej ją w mordę - here we have a play on the phrase, it also means; let's beat her up) but you don't stand a chance, she will throw you against the wall and lay you down on the floor.
Come; drown your sorrows in the depths of the bottle.
Men is not a camel, he has to drink.
So, we can meet under the table.
I'm surprised no one mentioned these:
£ykniem bo odwykniem
(Drink up otherwise we'll dry-out)
Pijmy bo pełnych butelek nie skupują.
(Let's drink; they don't buy back full bottles.)
czas życia krótki - kropnijmy wódki !
(Life's too short - let's have a drink!)
Słonko świeci, ptaszek kwili, może byśmy coś wypili !!
(Sun is shining, bird is singing, we should be drinking!)
Alkohol zabija powoli, ale nam się nigdzie nie spieszy !!
(Alcohol kills you slowly, but we're not in a hurry!!)
Jak to mawiają genetycy - Do DNA!
(How do the geneticist say it - (do DNA) [play on the word, "do DNA" in Polish is bottoms up.]
Napijmy się ! Lepiej być znanym pijakiem, niż anonimowym alkoholikiem !
(Let's drink! It's better to be a famous drunk, then to be an anonymous alcoholic!)